Tuesday, July 5, 2011

They are back!

They already filmed one episode of 'What Not to Wear" two weeks ago at the store and they are doing another this week. I think. The new production staff is not up to par so we shall see what we shall see.

It makes for a very busy time.


ricpic said...

Could you give us an idea of what using Lee Lee's in an episode of What Not To Wear means? Are you closed to normal business for a day, half-a-day, less? Or is it business as usual and they maneuver their equipment around customers who are not part of the show?

chickelit said...

Do the the cameras follow women into the dressing rooms?

Trooper York said...

Well they don't stop us from having customers while they film. They often film in big department stores but we generally close down until they are done. They are usually done by three but Stacy and Clinton might hang around to work with the subject and help her pick out stuff. And that is generally when we get the wierdo's coming in. Sometimes it can be a homeless person or a star fucker who is stalking them or even once you won't believe this once I even had a couple of drunken professors in the shop.

They kinda scared Clinton.

chickelit said...

Nostalgic old Althouse thread you link to there. Bissage was so respectful of you then.
And "Chet"! (Palladian outed Chet as Maxine one night IIRC).

blake said...

Ah, the days of cruel neutrality.

Trooper York said...

They never go into the dressing room. What they do is film them when they come out in our big mirror. They have an all new crew and I don't know if they know what they are doing. We have been on about twenty one times and kinda know how it should go. But every once in a while a director wants to reinvent the wheel. Let's hope that doesn't happen.

Titus said...

The guy looks really gay.

I guess if a guy is a host of What Not To Wear chances are he is a big mo.

Trooper York said...

Not that there's anything wrong with that Titus.

deborah said...

I think they're filming Project Runway about now. Love that show.