Friday, October 24, 2014

It has been a crazy week!

This past Monday we set up a photo shoot in the store. We needed to get some live models in our clothing to spice up our website. Also we need content for facebook and instagram and twitter to let people know about the new pieces that are coming in for fall and winter.

It is not easy to organize a shoot when you don't want to spend a bunch of money. So we had to work hard and use people who are just starting out and want the experience and the credits for their resume and their "book." That includes the models, photographers and the hair and makeup people.

We ended up using two aspiring models and a customer and one of our employees. This let Lisa plan out the shots and critique because she was not the model. So that worked out well.

We had to start at 8AM which is crazy for us because we are on a night time schedule and were up until 3AM the night before finalizing the details. There is so much that goes into a shoot. Matching the clothing to the models. Picking what to feature. Planning the logistics. A bunch of stuff.

You also have to make the photos fun. To make people want to buy your goods. We are going on another ecommerce site called Shoptiques which supposedly has a big international following. So these photo's were vital to giving that a fair shot. In the end we had a nice cross section of our customer base. Young. Old. Black. White. We hit all the bases. I hope that it will work.

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