Sunday, October 12, 2014

Memories of Colombus Day's Past!

I remember Columbus Day's past. When everyone in the neighborhood want to the City to a big rally to celebrate our Italian Heritage. Where they had traditional Italian pursuits to recognize the achievements of the Italians in America. There were zeppolle stands and sausage and pepper carts and guys selling those little bull horns on a chain. And other tradtional pursuits.

Memories! Misty water colored memories of the way we were!


ndspinelli said...

We were in Genoa last December. He's a BIG deal there.

chickelit said...

Did you go see his house in Genova?

ndspinelli said...

Chip, No. I wanted to but time constraints prevented it.

ndspinelli said...

Trooper, I was watching an episode of a short lived HBO comedy, Bored to Death, set in Brooklyn. A character said Park Slope is a mecca for lesbians. True?

Trooper York said...

Yes. Birkenstock central.

Chip S. said...

KC can't lose this series now, right? I mean, what kind of choketastic baseball team would ever blow a 3-games-to-none lead in the LCS?