Saturday, October 18, 2014

"One of us.....Gobble Gobble!'

I just want to thank all of youse guys who comment here. I am very humble and grateful for all of you who participate here. Commenting or lurking you are a class act.

I must admit that I have to laugh that every other comment at a couple of prestigious blogs is made by an out and out lunatic. Every other comment on the Evil Blogger Ladies joint is by the racially insane Crack Emcee and every other comment on Turley's blog is by the execrable Inga in one of her many guises. It is pretty freaking funny.

The new store has kept me really, really busy and I  haven't been able to keep up the posts the way I would like to the last few weeks. We are doing a big photo shoot on Monday to put all of our stuff on our new website and another e-commerce site that we have signed up with to promote our stuff. So we have been going non-stop. So much so that we are now opened six days a week with only one day off to get everything done. It is hard because we get exhausted. We are both sick and not as strong as we used to be so at times we drag ass. When we get home I am just not up to posting and being creative. So I just have to hit it when I can.

Thank you for your patience but most of all thank you for your participation.

You are one of us. Gobble, Gobble.


ndspinelli said...

No 'splainin' needed, Lucy. Take care of yourself. You're no good to anyone if you don't take care of yourself.

Trooper York said...

I am going for a land/speed record for being banned at Turley's.

ndspinelli said...

At the Bonneville Salt Flats? Turley spends a lotta time in Utah defending the Sister Wives.

chickelit said...

Please finish that North Dakota love story and I'll front page it at Lem's. I'll even paste the old entries into one whole read.

There's always room for new characters.

Chip S. said...

I was at a party recently where one of the guests said she used to live next door to George Brett. She disliked him cuz he was "too Republican".

To which I said, "Go Royals!"

gobble gobble

ndspinelli said...

ChipS, Ironic. In 1980 Carter came to KC campaigning when Brett was hitting .401. There were campaign stickers all over town from July on, "Brett for President." Carter conned Brett into appearing @ a rally w/ him. Carter came out carrying a Brett for Prez bumper sticker and Brett gave him a hug on stage. Brett got a lotta shit for that.

Brett is an asshole. He had a domineering prick old man. Most athletes are Republican, mostly for tax reasons.

We just got back from seeing Nick Offerman. Funny, but he has about 45 minutes of material for a 90 minute show.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

What is it they say? You ain't got nuthin if you don't have your health.


Ron said...

You're a good egg, Trooper!