Saturday, May 2, 2015

Freddy's Dead.....Who done dat!

Here's  the way I see it.

Freddie Grey is a skell with multiple arrests and a history of being an informer. He would sell out the other corner boys and get a little rhythm on his misdeeds. But he also had a history of acting out and trying to capitalize on false claims of injury. An all around pain in the ass.

Now when they pick up a dude who will drop a dime they like to make the arrest look "good" by bouncing him around so it doesn't look like he is going voluntarily to snitch out. Well this time Freddie was pretty high. He had marijuana and heroin in his bloodstream. So maybe he acted out a little too much and the cops didn't like it. 

According to a couple of doctors quoted in places like Legal Insurrection these injuries don't sound consistent with being bounced around by a "rough ride." Is sounds much more likely that in one of the stops the van made that one of the cops tuned him up. Most likely the driver. A black guy. He proabally dealt with this mutt many times and decided that he wasn't going to put up with his bullshit. It just went really wrong.

Of course since the driver was a brother the States Attorney had to go after a bunch of cops to put some white faces in the mix. But as Legal Insurrection pointed out the spring loaded knife was illegal and since this mutt was on parole any concealed weapon violated him and means it is perfectly justified to put the bracelets on him.

So you have a drug addled victim acting out....a black cop who was disgusted and most likely ashamed of the vermin he swept each day....who like most black guys didn't take well to being disrespected.....and an incompetent politicized prosecutor.

This is a perfect storm right there.

(Originally a comment at Lem's Levity)

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