Thursday, May 7, 2015

President Obama’s most trusted and preferred advisor on Police/Community Relations the Reverend Al Sharpton has called for the federal government to take over local law enforcement.

In a press conference regarding the events in Baltimore the Reverend Sharpton said: “We need the Justice Department to step in and take over policing in this country. In the 20th century, they had to fight states’ rights to get the right to vote. We’re going to have to fight states’ rights in terms of closing down police cases. Police must be held accountable.”

President Obama has in his “21st Century Policing” pilot program has begun the process of federalizing local law enforcement. Called the COPS program there has already been a move to federalize policing in six cities. The cities chosen for the COPS pilot program are Minneapolis, Fort Worth, Pittsburgh, Stockton, Birmingham and Gary, IN.  As mentioned by Obama’s 21st Century Policing Task Force, the founding premise for this federal takeover is supposedly the rampant racism of the American police, who victimize poor, innocent populations for no other reason than that of their race. This program offers federal funds in return for control of the policing function. Standards and practices will be dictated by the federal government and not the locality. It is Common Core for Cops.

This comes after a long period of social unrest exacerbated by lies pushed in the Michael Brown case. The actions and words of people like the Reverend Al Sharpton, President Obama and Mayor De Blasio led directly to a mentally unstable individual murdering two New York City Police officers by way of obtaining revenge. You can see the effect of this on some of the mentally unstable posters on blogs like Turley. Day after day and post after post they whip themselves into a frenzy of denouncing the police while ignoring the criminals who at the very least bear a mention once in a while. Instead of seeking a balanced approach they pushed the false narrative that the population was more in danger from the police than the thugs and criminals who victimize their community each and every day. It is part of their agenda.

To continue the daily drumbeat of anti- police posts feeds into the frenzy that will empower people like Al Sharpton and Eric Holder and their successors to have control over your local police department. It is clear that is what most who post here desire. They have no concept of the unintended consequences of this idiocy.

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