Sunday, May 3, 2015

Remembrance of things Pabst

You get to know you neighbors really well when you run a shop on a commercial street. You patronize them and they patronize you. You don't patronize them in the hipster sense where they think buying meatball hero is quaint and ironic. You buy stuff. Everyday. And they buy stuff from you.

The only people who make out at the street fair are the food places that set up a table outside their joints to catch whatever business they can. So Esposito's pork store sets up a big barbeque and makes sausage and peppers and lots of grilled meats and pork. Amy at Nine D puts out spring rolls and a bunch of Thai food. You see they have to take the spot in front of their store or that fuck Buddy Scotto will put a food vendor right in front to steal all their business.

Now I have been going to Monteleone's bakery for about fifty years. It had the same owner for forty years. Then about forty owners in a year. Finally about five years ago Antonio and Maria bought it. They are immigrant Italians who work like dogs. They have three children who also help out at the store.

Today they put out some special stuff. A couple of then normal pastries. Some breads. Some pizza and calzones that Antiono made special for the day.

We decided to cheat on our diets and have the pizza and calzones you see in the photo. I took a couple of photos with my Iphone and I got usual response:

Nobody wants their photo on the blog. We went right back to work and it was a steady day. Not overwhelming but steady. I had to throw a couple of people out for coming in with food but not too many.

I popped out and got some of the Sicilian pie that was at end of the table. It was great.

The only good thing about the street fair.


rcocean said...

I don't have a business and I hate street fairs because they shut down our Downtown so a big bozos can buy crappy art stuff and eat food. Meanwhile, I can't get to the places I need to get to and there's too much traffic.

And get off my lawn, dammit!

rcocean said...

And food looks great.

Aridog said...

Thanks a pant-load for the photos, especially those of Italian food. I think I gained about 10 lbs just looking at them. One thing it reminded me of, however, is that my very favorite thing about NYC has always been the place on earth has better IMO.