Thursday, May 14, 2015

I throw my leg in and that's it!

I am enjoying posting at Previously TV. Especially the Real Housewives threads. This weeks show of the New York Housewives was really entertaining. The bimbos all take a limo down to Atlantic City. It was as low rent an excursion as that seems.

Atlantic City has really changed in the last few years. A bunch of  casinos have folded. It used to be that gambling was only available in Vegas or Atlantic City. Well legal gambling. There were always games in the city that you could get into and I got into a few back in the day. I also loved to go to Atlantic City. There were a dozen big casinos and a bunch of restaurants and joints to drink. There was an Irish Pub right off the boardwalk that was one of the best bars I was ever drunk in.

But that is all over. Every freaking little town and village has a casino now. The city has them at the old racetracks at Aqueduct and Yonkers. So you don't have to travel. Most of the bigger casinos have folded. Now it is a real low rent experience.

Anyway these broads get all tarted up in their expensive slutty clothes standing next to guys in shorts and Metallica t-shirts. It is hilarious. They decide to go to a club and it is a shit storm. Sonja Morgan who is the all star slutty drunk is out of control. She tries to make out with the Countess Luann and is all sloppy drunk. She tries to get up on the stage with the dancers and she falls and flashes her cooch at the camera. Luann is standing in front of her trying to block the camera and goes "What am I the snatch guard?"


So that called for a bunch of comments at Previously TV to determine what exactly is a snatch guard?

Does a snatch guard keep you from sneezing on it?

Do the British Snatch Guards wear those big Beaver hats?

Does a snatch guard sit in a tall chair wearing a whistle next to Sonja's bed in case someone falls in?

Sonja likes to name drop but is it true that David Hasselhoff was her snatch guard in the 1990's?

Do you have to wear your snatch guard when you go to sleep in the same way you that you wear a night guard when you have TMJ? You know to stop your vagina from grinding in your sleep.

I'm telling you. The mind boggles!

1 comment:

ricpic said...

The worst part is that all these low rent experiences cost a small fortune. Luckily I like to eat in and one drink is enough to give me a buzz. Or at least take away that tension where the neck bone meets the back bone.