Saturday, May 23, 2015

I know how TLC this is no surprise

The latest scandal about reality TV is all over the place and the SJW's and gay mafia are e static. It seems that the oldest son of the Duggar family has admitted to "molesting" some girls when he was a young teenager. Including some of his siblings.

Now this is the exact same thing that Lena Dunham proudly put in her autobiography last year. She was lionized by the same people who are calling for the Duggars heads. They are off TLC and it looks like they have lost their show.

Now the Duggars are very conservative and are active in a bunch of conservative causes. So of course all of the liberals are delighting in attacking them and demanding that they be punished. The Duggar son was unlucky that he is a heterosexual. If he were gay he would have a bunch of defenders  who would minimize what he did and demand that he suffer no penalty. Especially if he came out as a gay to demonize his family.

I don't know what he did. The police seemed to have investigated and decided not to prosecute. Like most people I abhor child molesting but it seems that he was a very young teenager. We don't know any of the facts. How old was he? How old was the siblings he molested? What did he do exactly? I guess the facts will come out. Or they won't. It is just unseemly the glee evidenced by those who celebrate every perversion in the book. Especially if it is gay.

TLC has always exploited people for their reality shows. It is a very gay network and most of the people  who work there are gay. They look down on ridicule people like the Duggars, Honey Boo Boo, the little people and some dumb Italians in Brooklyn. They think they can make money off you and they do for a while. So you sell your soul for money but in the end they will be happy to stab you in the back.

I don't expect them to stand by the Duggars. I don't expect them to wait until they have all the facts. I don't expect them to act decently. They never do.

I have seen this show before. I hope the Duggars saved their money.


rcocean said...

Great point. I didn't know about the family too recently. Its one oddest sex scandals ever. In 2002, A family friend writes down the accusations, & puts its in a Family owned book. In 2006 someone loans the book to someone in the church, the letter is discovered. A "61 y/o female" then contacts an Oprah producer, and Oprah contacts child services and the police are brought in.

Now, 9 years later, the police report comes out.

Trooper York said...

It is a set up all the way.

Lena Dunham admitted to exactly the same thing and I didn't see any feminazi's and liberals demanding she lose her job.

TLC was just waiting for an excuse.

rcocean said...

Didn't TLC used to stand for "The Learning channel"?

I guess the lesson here is don't trust a Gay man with a TV contract.

chickelit said...

Althouse covered this story and gave her favorite gay advocate, Dan Savage, some video face time to rant about religion. She loves those gays when they twist the knife in the Church.

rcocean said...

Per Wikipeddia:

"In 1991, Savage was living in Madison, Wisconsin, and working as a manager at a local video store that specialized in independent film titles'

There could be a personal connection.

rcocean said...

I loved this bit:

"Savage has written about his interest in political matters. His political leanings are primarily liberal, with pronounced contrarian and libertarian streaks."

For some reason, Liberals Gays like Sullivan and Savage always love to pretend they're special snowflakes instead of standard Liberal Democrats who take the occasional conservative/moderate position.

Trooper York said...

TLC is like most of the entertainment industry. They regular Christian or conservative people and mock them at every turn.

It was only when I worked with them that I realized how absolutely evil they can be.

rcocean said...

"They regular Christian or conservative people and mock them at every turn."

I didn't realize how bad they were behind the scenes, but the anti-Christian bias certainly leaks into their programming. Putting out some Pro-Christian TV shows would actually make them a lot of $$$, but evidently they'd rather forgo all that money.

Trooper York said...

I meant to say they hate Christians. So much so that the crew had to hide the fact that they were observant Catholics.

You have no idea how bad it is. Now the want to bring this attitude to the entire country. The thought police will be out their enforcing it. Resist at you peril.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

The hypocrisy is incredible.

Young Duggar liked to "touch" his sisters when they were sleeping, so about as much molesting as Lena Dunham was doing to her sister.

Troubling and significant? Sure. I would not leave kids in his care (sorry but I wouldn't) and the same goes double with Dunham. You nailed how the same folks going after Duggar gave Dunham a complete pass (and actually defended her).