Friday, May 8, 2015

Blue State Policing!

Officer Brian Moore was laid to rest today. With nary a mention from Turley's blog or any of its most rabid commenters.

Officer Moore acted in the model of blue state progressive law enforcement. He rolled up on a known criminal. A known bad actor. A Michael Brown. A Freddie Grey. A Lateef Dickerson. A Demetrius Blackwell. The events of the last few months must have weighed heavy in his mind.

He did not jump out of the car with his gun drawn and throw Mr. Blackwell against the wall. He did not “disrespect” a young man by stopping and frisking him. He did not force him to lay down on the ground and “humiliate” him by having him put his hands behind his head. He did not put his knee on his back. He did not kick him in the head. Officer Moore rolled up and gently asked Mr. Blackwell what he had in his waistband.

Demetrius Blackwell pulled out a gun and shot Officer Moore in the face. Killing him.
Five police officers were shot in five months in New York. Three of them died.
There will be more to come in the long hot summer.

I don’t know if the current campaign by armchair elitists and progressive ideologues influenced Officer Moore. Maybe he was just careless and made a mistake. His record doesn’t indicate that but anything is possible. Maybe he thought he would get jammed up if he did aggressively confront a career criminal. Maybe he would be on the news. Maybe there would be a riot. Maybe the Mayor and the Commissioner and the public would throw him to the wolves. Maybe they would have said he should have just let Demetrius Blackwell go. Let him go to give him room to destroy. So maybe he hesitated. Maybe he was uncertain. Maybe he was slow. He gave Demetrius Blackwell the chance that you demand for him and other skells in post after post and comment after comment. The chance to destroy.

To destroy the community. The city. The country. Bit by bit. Stop by stop.

That is the model of blue state policing being pushed by the federalization of law enforcement under Al Sharpton and Eric Holder and Barack Obama.

(I was originally going to post this as a comment on Turley's blog but I thought it might be disrespectful to Officer Moore. So I will only post it here)


chickelit said...

What does Mrs deBlosio wear to officer funerals these days? Does she bother going?

Trooper York said...

She was there. They learned from their mistake. The volume is much lower. But the damage has been done.

Five cops shot on five months. Three dead.

Michael Haz said...

And now two more in Mississippi. Horrible.

windbag said...

The two in Miss were black, gunned down by blacks, apparently. Since the MSM can't really put a racial spin to it (other than the black cops were working for The Man) I expect it to be largely ignored. Obama, Sharpton, and the other racist race hustlers don't care. Only old, white conservatives seem to care about black on black crime.

Michael Haz said...

The Mississippi police officers were one black and one white, per their photos in news stories.

windbag said...

My bad. I missed the photo of the white cop in the article I read this morning.

Aridog said...

It should be obvious to all of us that the "skin color" isn't the issue ... it is the uniform and the badge. I am not anxious for that day coming soon when police officers say F' it and just don't do anything.

My amusement will be all the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the liberal anarchists when they discover there is no one left to protect them from themselves.

Been through one big riot here abouts, and can endure another if necessary.

windbag said...

It should be obvious to all of us that the "skin color" isn't the issue ... it is the uniform and the badge.

Absolutely. Aristotle listed six points in the political cycle. Monarchy, Dictator, Aristocracy, Oligarchy, Democracy, Anarchy. Each gave way to the next. We're dropping into anarchy, and the lefties are delighted. They think they can control the beast that they're trying to unleash.

The race card, worn out as it is, is just one of the tools in their bag, to rattle the cage and get things riled up. It's mind-boggling that people still fall for it. Why wouldn't they keep playing it?

rcocean said...

"It should be obvious to all of us that the "skin color" isn't the issue .."

However, the Skin color of the cop killers & victims of police brutality seems to an issue. The color of the cops? Not so much. Although the NYT tried to make the Baltimore White Lt. the chief culprit in the Freddie Gray incident. If 3 black police officers did something wrong, you can be sure a White man is to blame.