Thursday, May 14, 2015

I don't know what it is with this guy!

So Pope Francis has decided that in the midst of the problems in the Middle East with Muslim terrorists beheading Christians and throwing refugees into the ocean he should recognize the Palestinian state. That's right. Make nice with terrorists and the people who are aligned with ISIS and the Muslim extremists who want to destroy the Church and all that it stands for. Instead of fighting tooth and nail and leading the forces of Christendom against those that would cut off our heads. He his budding up with the likes of the PLO and Hamas.

This Pope seems to be very left wing. A follower of liberation theology. He seems to sign on to all of the left wing talking points. Climate change. Income Redistribution. The Palestinian State. What's next? Gay marriage and Abortion?

He has taken his first tentative steps to changing the teaching of the Church over abortion. He has decided to send "Missionaries of Mercy" to go and forgive those who Catholics who got an abortion. Why did he need to do that? Are they some kind of special sinners? Special murderers because they killed their babies instead of a stranger? Forgiveness and reconciliation was always available to them. Just as it would be to any murderer. They would have to go to confession and sincerely repent their sins. Of course they would have to sincerely repent and do their penance. Not wear a "I got an abortion T-shirt" and laugh it off like it was a nose job or something. Why is the Pope facilitating abortion? Is he going to ease the consciences of those who provide abortions and the politicians who support it? Is he normalizing it for Catholics?

What's going on here?

I guess if he can cuddle up with the people who like to kill Jews it is no big deal to cuddle up with the people who like to kill babies.

I keep asking. Is this Pope Catholic? Youse guys keep telling me he is. I don't see it.


windbag said...

When I was in college a professor who made the point that, from a historical viewpoint, one of the reasons Christianity endured and even flourished was its intolerance. We have non-negotiable tenets to our faith, and that's the way it should be. Afterall, we're claiming to be God's people. Intolerance is a good thing. Discrimination is a good thing. Otherwise, we'd allow someone to serve us a hot dog, claiming it's filet mignon. We wouldn't tolerate that, and woe to those who couldn't tell the difference.

Aridog said...

I became a Catholic in 2012, at age 69...if this guy keeps up with this nonsense, and even now, this might be the "last call", I will revert to my former a godless f'ing heathen, it is a higher calling based upon this Argentinian idiot's nonsense. The man is nuts or corrupt, take your pick. He now joins only one other "state" in recognizing the PLO as a "state"...and gives not a damn that it is specially the PLO who refused a two state solution multiple times (because it did not eliminate Israel). He's now one short step from being (Godwin alert) flippin' Nazi.

His concern for Christians, including Catholics, being slaughtered is laughable given this latest foolishness. What's next, an embassy for the PLO/Hamas in the Vatican?

He talks peace but he's full of shit...he coddles the killers, not the victims. Period. The word "hypocrite" was devised just for him it seems.

Aridog said...

I'd suggest this fool travel to ISIS territory and see if he can return home with his head still attached to his body.

Looks to me like the Vatican now appoints pontiffs like we elect politicians here in the USA...f' him, he does not represent me in any way, ever.


Trooper York said...

I just don't understand buddying up with the Palestinians. What's that about?

ricpic said...

Can a Pope be impeached? Or whatever the Catholic term is for de-Poping. I'm serious. This guy clearly is a non-believer. Hey, don't believe me, believe Ann Barnhardt.

MamaM said...

There were those who didn't think much of Jesus of Nazareth as a leader or a Messiah and they killed him for hobnobbing with the wrong people, changing the rules, stirring up political trouble and talking about a kingdom that didn't match their ideals.

Does this Pope that you heartily disagree with, to the point of wondering if he is Catholic, receive the very same body and blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ when he partakes of the Holy Eucharist, along with the "innumerable, precious graces" that come through the reception of Holy Communion.

If so, then you may have more in common that you think.

Hah! You know what the reCAPTCHA delivered? 10 pictures out of which I was to select those that looked like pizza.

Maybe this Catholic Pope is different version of Catholic the way pizza is pizza with some forms being more pleasing, tasty or closer to the original than others, while still qualifying as pizza.

TrooperYork said...

That might be true MamaM. He might be a version of Catholic that a lot of conservative Catholics don't recognize.

I just know that when you abandon the Jews and shrug your shoulders at their destruction you are doing the Devil's work. Not Jesus.

virgil xenophon said...

Look, this Pope is a "Liberation Theology type--a specialty of S. & Cent American priests whose high water mark was the 70s & 80s. Seems he is trying real hard to revive the movement. And sportsfans, you DO know, don't you, that this theology was devised by the KGB and introduced as a way to undermine the US in the Southern Hemisphere? Be not deceived, this Pope is a dyed-in-the-wool Marxist at minimum with strong Communist leanings--absorbed, I would argue, mainly as it were by osmosis.

Michael Haz said...

The Church'e theology hasn't changed. Indeed, the theology is nearly impossible to change, a change requires study and debate and consensus by the College of Cardinals. It doesn't happen often.

The current Pope is prone to doing odd stuff, not the least of which is his recognition of the Palestinians. I don't get that at all, but it's not theological, it's just a public act of one sort or another.

I'm there for the theology, not for the human at the top of the org chart. And I will be ever stronger in my defense of the faith in the face of increasingly strong and vile efforts by leftists to defile the faith, to intimidate those of faith, and to impose the dictates of government onto religious freedoms.

Tell me, who is the greater enemy - the Pope who does an odd thing once in a while, or Hillary Clinton who said this week that "Deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs, and structural biases have to be changed"?

Eyes on the prize, y'all. The purpose of this life is to get to the next life. Don't be easily distracted by minor things the Poe does, or the media wishes that he'd do. There is a greater enemy at work.

Aridog said...

As I've indicated, I am not a long time conservative Catholic. It is all relatively new to me. I deal with what is put in front of me, and this "announcement" makes me again wonder if there is any value in adopting faith when the leader of the one I chose proves to be a weak kneed idiot and less true to his faith than most of his congregation.

As anyone who has read my comments here and elsewhere knows, I don't hold prejudice toward any group, in fact I am intrigued...and where I can I try to be a good example of what difference my viewpoint can make for those who hate each other. Then this fool goes and does the opposite....choosing sides is not a solution, only amelioration works.

Let's ask, if we could, one of those beheaded Coptics, or the Iraqi Catholics now fleeing Ramadi as they did Mosul not long ago, how they perceive his oversight so far?

As I said, he represents nothing to me now. I'll remain in the faith only because I now need "faith", just not his kind of political bullshit. If his name is invoked in any service I attend, I will simply walk out.

MamaM said...

Aridog, thanks for the news on Evan. I found it on the Blackwell thread.

Trooper York said...

The Pope is the greater enemy. Because he is supposed to be one of us. Our leader. The Defender of our faith.

Hillary and venal politicians have always been our enemies ever since Pontus Pilate. They can come and go. But nobody does as much damage as a terrible Pope. In these days when we are so vulnerable it is very troubling that we have his hand on the tiller.

Aridog said...

I must be a very poor Catholic, because as of this recent event, that man has no hand on any tiller in my life. Trooper is right, he is dangerous because he can congregate fools. Just not this one.

Aridog said...

MamaM ... I answered your comment on the Blackwell thread. Thanks for noticing.

Methadras said...

He's a marxist, that's all you need to know about this guy.