Thursday, July 10, 2008

Blogging heads is stupid man.

I wanted to comment on blogging heads today because of the stupidity of the video, but the sign up is so fucking complicated and the way you comment is moronic. I mean they really don't make it easy which just discourages comments. I think that's what they want.


I'm Full of Soup said...

I have never gotten blogginheads myself. Seems a little egotistical and most times the two heads are in agreement.

So you have never seen the need to delete a comment? Me neither cause I have to get one first before I can delete it.

rcocean said...


Don't post there - its a snake pit. Well, a well educated, polite snake pit.

Bob Wright launched a vicious attack on me. Good thing Mrs. RC was here to blow my nose and wipe away the tears.

reader_iam said...

That was vicious, rcocean? Clearly, you've spent almost no time with church ladies and other upstanding paragons in various other IRL arenas (including those having nothing to do with religion). I, on the other hand, have.

It seems to me that you need some real-life, run-for-your-life-EXCEPT-you-can't experience. That is, only if you truly consider the BHTV comment section a snakepit.

(And, of course, I freely concede that I have zero knowledge as to your IRL, and can't.

Even so, some general principles may still apply.)

Trooper York said...

Hey AJ I comment on your blog all the time.

rcocean said...


Sorry, I forgot to add a smiley face or "Ha Ha". Jests, Kidding, Irony and sarcasm are hard to write as opposed to speak. You can write the words but not the tone.

But Bob Wright does remind of the "Church Lady". I could see him saying 'Isn't that special?'.

Trooper York said...

I don't mind mixing it up but those dudes are a bunch of nerdy pussies. I mean you got to be kidding.

blake said...

Hey, Troop, you're right. They need to mix it up with boxing.

Debate for three minutes, box for three minutes, debate...etc. Last man (or woman) standing wins!

Trooper York said...

Well I would like to punch a few of those guys in the snoot. And a couple of the broads too. If I was the kind of guy who would hit a girl. Which I am not. But I would mock her and make her cry. Now thats entertainment.