Sunday, December 6, 2009

Fran: [about Max's childhood nanny, who is visiting] Meanwhile, she's scaring Gracie to death with those stories about that fat bear who can't even get through the door every time he has a decent meal.
Max: Are you talking about Winnie The Pooh?
Fran: Yeah, him. And who in his right mind would call a boy Winnie, let alone The Pooh?
Max: Most children love those stories!
Fran: Far be it for me to poo-poo the Pooh.
Max: Well Miss Fine I think it would be wise for you to mind your place.
Fran: Mind my place. MIND MY PLACE! Who do you think you are talkin to you limey poofter?
I will have you know that Tiger has been texting me. He has a thing for nannies.Max: A Tiger? Who Mickey Lolich. I am not very worried. He is quite rotund as I recall.
Fran: No Tiger Woods you big english dummy. He said he wants to give me a golf lesson. He has a driver with an extra long shaft.
Max: I bet he does. I also seem to recall that he has a wife.Fran: That's what Ambien are for.

1 comment:

Jason (the commenter) said...

I'm afraid this is a case where reality is stranger than any fiction Trooper York can think up.