Friday, December 4, 2009

It's all there in black and white.

"Excuse me but you are not Selina. It is time for her session."
"Oh you must be Doctor Trey. Selina said I could take her session. My name is Emma. Emma Peel. She said you should examine me. I think I need to be looked at."
"Well this is most irregular but I guess it is all right."
"Oh splendid. I hate it when it is irregular. I like it when it fits properly. With a tight fit. You know it slides in so easily against you velvety soft skin....errr.....Doctor Trey....why are you turning so red?"
"Hamana hamana hamana uuuurrrrppphhhh!."


Penny said...

Russian agent dossiers...

Steed: Dangerous, handle with care

Mrs. Peel: Very dangerous. Do not handle at all

TMink said...

Wow, I can agree with the dangerous part, but I would certainly like to handle.



Trooper York said...

I thought you would like that Trey.