Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Grease - You're The One That I Want

A mere bag of shells!

We are perfectly fine and thank all you for your best wishes.

The problem with this storm was the high winds and the flooding because of the combination of a full moon and rising tides. Most of the coastal areas were hit hard. Red Hook which is pretty close got some flooding. What is funny is that the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel got most of the run off from Red Hook.

Carroll Gardens is much higher ground than most of the rest of Brooklyn. In fact during the Battle of Brooklyn, General Washington set  up his army here on the higher ground as he prepared to meet the British. So when they told people to go to higher ground they mean to come to where we are.

We spent the day cleaning the house. Mopping. Dusting. Vacuuming. It was hell.

Just as I had finished making dinner and we sat in front of the TV.....the cable went out. As did the Internet which just came on this morning. So I am able to get back on the net.

Most of the family did just great. The mother in law lost power on Long Island but that is because most of the Island has the power lines above ground so that happens all the time. Lisa's sister on Staten Island lost power too for the same reason. Her brother has a big estate in Jersey and all of his trees blew down but he only lost power and he is fine. One of her cousins lost their house on Breezy Point but nobody was there thank God.

And the Seatuck House is just fine. I was worried about it as it is right on the water and when we were there a couple of weeks ago the winds were crazy. But that house is a tank. They had some flooding in the basement just a few inches. But they did fine.

So now we have to dig out and repair the damages. We were going to be closed on Halloween anyway so we weren't going to be making any money this week anyway. No subways will mean that business will be really, really slow. Or you never know. Sometimes when you least expect it is when people come in. There is still the on-line store which I hope does some business. Of course I don't know when UPS will start up again. So we are taking a couple of days off.

Oh shit. She is waving the mop at me again.

Sandy Duncan Show

Sandy Duncan's 5 Minute Sexual Tension Workout


Friday, October 26, 2012

The Dubious Case of the Disappearing Douche Bag

My dear Holmes,

It is your most humble petitioner, Inspector Lestrade. It has been some time since I have stopped requesting you assistance in the troubling matter of the disappearance of Lord Douchebag which you might not recall as it happened several years ago. As I had previously noted in one of  my prior missives, I or my agents had at one time or another have attended many of the salons of the noted conversationalist and dilettante Lady Chatterley where Lord Douchebag was a frequent and much valued guest. In fact it has been told to me that the Lady in question has often referred to him as wonderful. It appears that some not so wonderful things have commenced at this soirée of insalubrious sycophants.

As I had previously intimated Inspector Gregson reports that the salon of Lady Chatterley has utterly changed character in the recent months. There is an entirely new group of lickspittles and toadies as well as several women of dubious character. One  brazen harpy in particular has proven to be a thorn in the side of most of the other more genteel denizens of this group of lonely and dim conversationalists. She constantly  turns the conversation back to herself and her concerns while trying to start contretemps  and controversies that would have various groups bicker and joust while she sits back with a Cheshire grim gloating on her trouble-making skull like visage. She continually displays her buttocks both literally and metaphorically. Although her skeletal countenance would serve to gag one of the rotund epicurean's maggots she deems it the object of desire of all as though she was a red bottomed baboon in the jungles of Uganda. Every topic must refer back to this bony bon vivant  as she has an insatiable appetite for attention and an unerring path to victim-hood and drama. It seems that she has assumed the role of Douchebag without the benefit of the sobriquet.

It is past understanding why Lady Chatterley does not protest thus usurpation as this is her own recognized modus operandi and you cannot have two actors performing the same role. Since she is presumed to be the locus of all drama in her demented salon it is past understanding why this rival attention seeking succubus is tolerated. Perhaps the Dear Lady's attention has been draw to other quarters or she may finally have fallen into the dementia which lurks so close to the surface in all of her attempts at social intercourse.

It now seems that this shrill and demented harpy has taken over the salon along with a rotund fancier of rotted maggot infested meat found in the thoroughfare and other like-minded miscreants whose existence walking in the light of day is a mystery to all and sundry. I am quite worried about poor Gregson as this salon has evolved into a Darwinian morass that would shock the most hardened natural scientist. I can only hope his fragile psyche can endure the damage until we root out this noxious coven of caterwauling menaces to our civil society.
With your permission I will endeavor to keep you informed. Your keen insights into this demented behavior would be most appreciated. In return if the Yard can be of help in your current case of the Hottentot who has disappeared in the disguise of an empty chair I will of course be at your service.

I hope all is well with you and Doctor Watson. Please inform Doctor Watson that his recent habit of dressing like an Oriental woman while accompanying you on cases has come to our attention and we have managed to head off the inquires of the press. I would suggest he would limit such activities to privacy of your rooms.

In any event give him my regards.

I remain as always,
Your obedient servant,
Inspector G. Lestrade
Scotland Yard
October 19, 1899

Deep thoughts.....By Titus

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

I want to eat you.
You have a large
but no tits, sad.
Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl
owl who is

Where are your tits?
Bang the Gong, Bang the Gong!!!!
Release The Horses!!!

snowy owl do you ever get cold?
snowy owl do you ever get hungry?
snowy owl can you provide for baby snowy owl?
snowy owl do you get horny?

dont think of pecking me
because I will decking you.
Snowy Owl
I want to pluck you
but not fuck you.
Snowy Owl.

thank you.


Finale to the Summer.....

With the so called hurricane heading towards Long Island my thoughts turn to my friends at Seatuck Cove House. I am sure they will batten down the hatches and be covered even though they are pretty exposed right there on the water.

Every time we leave we take a couple of farewell photo's on the porch. Somehow I often seem to be wearing the same freaking shirt but what are you gonna do?

At least this one has pumpkins.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sophie's Choice of Ferret

We did a lot of errands while we were in Seatuck. Since we don't drive we tagged along with Colleen while she had to do stuff. One of the things she had to do is go get lots of dog food for her two huge Labs. So we went to Petco Discount and while she was shopping we wandered around looking at the pets they had for sale. This was a giant pet food store in a mall and had a bunch of stuff for sale.

They had a whole tropical fish department with all kinds of stuff. Reptiles. Snakes. Turtles. Birds. And a ferret Aushwitz.

They had this big tank filled with ferrets. There must of been twenty of them. They were all asleep and laying on top of each other. It looked like one of those movies you saw about concentration camps. It was pretty disgusting.

Who wants to buy a dead ferret.

Well except for Garage Mahal.

Night if falling

And it can't get up.

Right about now we would be sitting on the porch in Seatuck having a cocktail and waiting to go for dinner. We cooked a few times and went out a few times. It was very relaxing.

I miss it.

It is all a blur. So to speak.

Remembrance of Things Pabst

So we went to a couple of different restuarants when we were at Seatuck last week and I wanted to talk a little about them.

The wife made friends with the innkeeper who is a buddy of ours now. She has been to our house in Brooklyn and shopped in the store. So we hung out a lot because we were the only ones in the B&B here in the fall. She also brought her boyfriend along so we had a pretty fun time.

We went to a couple of winery's and a place that specialized in sparking wine of which I will talk about later. But after the trip to the Glenn Point winery we decided to go to this restaurant on the beach called "The Elbow Room."

There are three elbow rooms out east and this was the latest one in Jamesport. It had the vibe of a local place especially since it was off season and it was empty on a Tuesday night. A couple of local fisherman were hoisting beers at the bar and it had my favorite touch: a football pool behind the bar. That tells you that they have locals and that it is my kind of joint.

Well Coleen and Doc went to town on the seafood. They started with a dozen oysters and then went on to a big bowl of steamers dipping them in broth and then butter. Lisa and I had the fried platter which was deep fried zuchinnii, mushrooms and califlower. It was great.

Then we went for a salad dish which was deliscious as it was all local greens and veggies right from the farm.

Finally Lisa and Doc opted for the filet mignon which looked really tasty. Colleen and I both went for the meatloaf. It is pretty funny but the two people who cook went for the meat loaf platter. It was great with garlic mashed potatoes and broccoli.

We had a bottle of Sparkling wine from the Sparkling Pointe vineyard where we had been doing a tasting menu. The 2007 Blanc de Blancs was very tasty and went well with the seafood. Not so much with the red meat but waddayagonnado? I mean I always order red wine when we go out and everyone goes along with me so I can return the favor. What was cool was that we drank the whole bottle but were still eating and the waitress went and got us all another round on the arm. So they knew how to do it. Of course Doc and I looked like we knew our way around a bar so she wasn't worried. When we split the bill right down the middle she did just great.

All in all it was a surprisingly regular guy experience in the midst of the tony Hamptons.

The Duck Song....... revisited.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

He's not Ike

I'm like Nixon
I love the beach.
I'm like Nixon
I walk in wingtips.

I'm like Nixon
Because I like him.

He's not Ike
But what's not to like.

Who goes with Fergus?

Who will go drive with Fergus now, 
And pierce the deep wood's woven shade, 
And dance upon the level shore?
Young man, lift up your russet brow, 
And lift your tender eyelids, maid, 
And brood on hopes and fear no more. 

And no more turn aside and brood
Upon love's bitter mystery;
For Fergus rules the brazen cars, 
And rules the shadows of the wood, 
And the white breast of the dim sea
And all dishevelled wandering stars.

Some People

some people never go crazy.
me, sometimes I'll lie down behind the couch
for 3 or 4 days.
they'll find me there.
it's Cherub, they'll say, and
they pour wine down my throat
rub my chest
sprinkle me with oils.

Then I am ready to party.

Tampons with ee cummings

red-rag and pink-flag
blackshirt and brown
strut-mince and stink-brag
have all come to town

some like it shot
and some like it hung
and some like it in the twot
nine months young

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sunday, October 21, 2012


We saw a lot of wildlife while we were in Seatuck. Bunnie rabbits. Deer. Squirrels. And a couple of nasty old Swans.

We pulled up at this lake to take photo's and these two swans were all the way across the lake. When they saw us they swam all the way across the lake and walked right up to us. They must be used to people feeding them. I told Lisa to be careful since they will attack people. In fact we had seen them attack some kids on the sandbar across from the house in the summer. But these two were in the 47% because they just wanted to beg.

We took a bunch of photos and this was the only one where they made a "heart."

Of course the pixels on the I-phone sucks but what are you gonna do? At least they come out great on Insta-gram.

That kid is good....

It was a close one today and I just want to say that the Redskins quarterback is the real deal. RG3 is one of the most talented guys I have seen since.....err....Eli Manning.

This was an exciting well played game and I really enjoyed it. Eli did what he does best. Win the game at the end of the game. Nobody has done that as much since Roger Staubach.

We have to keep an eye on the Redskins. They are a great up and coming team.

Now if the Packers and Jets get creamed it would be a perfect Football Sunday!

Whose that girl?

Not only does she like to show a little boob but she likes when a real boob tries to pick her up!

She might be responsible for a really good thing.....we just have to see.

Whose that girl?

Friday, October 19, 2012

How about that!

Youse guys were commenting like crazy while I was away and then when I post a whole bunch of stuff you are all busy with your own lives!


I have to go to the new improved Marco Polo which is now open.

See you tomorrow.

Fall in the Hamptons

We had a great time. We did a lot of fun stuff. Went to wineries (more on that later). Went to a Haunted House. Went to some decent restaurants and a local pub that was a lot of fun.

But it was autumn. We had to put away our floats and our noodles and our bathing suits. We couldn't lay out in the sun. No barbecue on the lawn. We really missed our friends who vacation with us. But we still had a blast.

So we might make it an annual thing.

Autumn can be lost of fun.

Some people have no class.

There are people starving in India and you are making fun of food.

My parents all told me about them. You know the starving people in India.

Well you know what? Fuck them. If they can't get a job at Dell customer service then they deserve to die.

Can't I just go back to my zucchini?


One of the best things about Long Island is all of the vegetable stands that sell lots of fresh stuff. We went to one that was a huge operation that had everything. A corn maze where you could walk in and get lost. Horse rides for the kids. A petting zoo. A pumpkin patch.

And fresh hot roasted corn. Smothered in hot butter. Nothing better on a chilly afternoon.

Daniel Boone was a man....A Big Man...but the bear was bigger...

So we went on this long nature walk for about a mile to get to the beach. It is one of the reasons why the beach is always pretty deserted. Mostly people who are walking their dogs or who need the excercise go there.

Now we are city mice so the great outdoors are a little foreign to us. Or at least to the wife. She hates it. But she was a good sport and walked along but was a little leery of it. I mean she makes Caroline Manzo look like Daniel Boone.

The dogs kept frolicking around us as they found cool things to smell or chase around till they were whistled back to the trail. The walk was pretty long. It was kind of cold at first but the longer we walked the quicker we warmed up. It was a lot of fun.

I like the outdoors as I am kind of familiar with it. I mean it has been years but I used to go camping all the time. I was able to point out the poison ivy which made the wife run screaming up the trail. For Lisa camping is staying in a hotel without room service. But she was a good sport and had some fun.

I would love to do it in the summer with the reward of jumping in the water at the end of the trail.

Who let the Dogs Out?

Nobody. They made all of us sit in the back while we were driving to the Nature trail. All we could do is pant and let our tongues hang out and scratch our balls.

So when we got to the parking lot we all jumped out of the car and ran around in a circle and found a place to pee.

If nobody hears it......

Maybe it didn't really fall.

I didn't get to watch the last game of the Yankees getting swept.

So maybe it just didn't happen.

It was all a bad dream.

Like the last four years of this failed Presidency.

If only it were so.

On the beach.....

One of the best things about the Hamptons when the summer people like us aren't around is that the beaches are so great. We went to a hide-away one which was off the beaten path.

The inn keeper has two great Labs that she takes on walks along this long nature trail to a beautiful beach. We had a day where we got to walk and then watch the dogs as they jumped in the water and went crazy.

If we couldn't enjoy the water at least they could.

Although they tried to help as they shook all of the cold water on us as they came out and dried to dry off.

They love to share.

I will be seeing you......

So it was so cold that some of the time we hung out on the second floor in the nice sitting room with the telescope. It has very comfortable couches and a great view.

We were the only guests in the house for the whole week which was great. We didn't even have to get up for breakfast. Lisa has become great friends with the inn keeper so we would just jump in the car and go places. So we could sleep a little later and hit a brunch spot in the Hamptons. Since the season is over we could have gone to any of the fancy places but we preferred to hit the regular joints where the working people go.
Great food at great prices. It was mainly Moms who dropped their kids off at school, construction workers, and fisherman who were waiting for the tides before they went back out.

While we were packing we opened all the windows because the A/C wasn't on and it got a little humid. I even opened the doors to the balcony in both rooms to get more air circulating. I was wandering around naked as I got read for my shower and the wife asked me "What if the people across the water have a telescope like we have here on the balcony." I replied "Hey I am ok as long as they don't have a microscope. Don't sweat it I'm Irish."

She didn't give me an argument.

That is not optimal.

Summer is over officially!

When we planned the trip for our Anniversary week we were all excited that we could get into the pool. You see it was heated and we figured some of these warm days would be warm enough to jump in and swim around for a while. It would be like going to a Spa in Russia or something.

But unfortunately it rained on Monday and the wind whipping off the water was so strong that there was no way we could get into the pool.

They closed the pool and covered it for the winter on Thursday morning so we were shit out of luck.

The worst thing about it was that I couldn't blame the shrinkage on the cold water.

Life sucks sometimes.

While you were sleeping.......

A lot of stuff happened.

I was enjoying a week out at Seatuck Cove House and so much was happening in the real world.

My Yankees got swept by a superior Detroit Tigers team. Kudo's to Cousin Ron and Darcy and all of you Tiger's fans out there. The drunken drowned ghost of Norm Cash is surely partying up in Heaven for all it's worth. Well done. Stay thirsty my friends.

It seems like the Jug Eared Jesus has imploded. "Not optimal." When I heard that on the radio I couldn't believe it. The polls seem to indicate a blowout of the Mitt Man but I don't want to jinx it or get over conifident.

Titus is up to his old tricks. I just want to thank him for turning his tricks here instead of TOP as he is consistently entertaining no matter how deep we get in the doo doo.

I especially thank youse guys for stopping by while I am lazing around and relaxing. I really appreciate you keeping the conversation going while I am off enjoying myself. Well Done dudes and dudettes.

Monday, October 15, 2012

You win some you lose some....

It was a very tough sports viewing day this past Sunday. The Giants and the Yankees were playing at the same time and one was winning a big game and the other was blowing it big time.

The Giants dominated the "great" San Franssico 49er's with relative ease. And the Yanks got skunked by Ron's Tigers.

No excuses. The Yankees have enough on the field to win even without the Captain. They had to step up. So far they really haven't.

The Giants seem to step up big time.

You know what the differance is?


Problems of a Shopkeeper

So I have this problem at the shop.

Stuff has been going missing. As in stolen. In all the years we are open we have not had this problem. Even when we were filming it was not an issue. Now a whole size run of a dress is missing. Several skirts. And now to break the camel's back a whole bag of jewelry.

We had put the jewelry in a bin to be priced. It is expensive costume jewelry so it is not like it was worth a million bucks. But retail it is about a grand. So nothing to sneeze at. We have reviewed our camera's and it is inconclusive. We saw where it was put and we are trying to find out who took it from there. Now you have to look at the tapes in real time. If you fast forward you might miss something. So we have to do the tedious job of looking at each minute of tape from different angles to see if we can catch someone on tape.

Now I have three employees. One of them is a kid and she doesn't have the balls to take this stuff. There is now way. One of them is a hippy type who bikes to work every day. She never has a bag on the bike so I doubt she could take stuff out of the store without us noticing it. Also she is not the type and doesn't seem hard up for money. Sometimes she doesn't cash her check for a week or two.

Now my third employee is another whole kettle of fish. She is always money hungry. She asks me to get her check a day early so she can cash her check at the check cashing because they are closed on Sunday. She asked for fewer hours because she was sick and then complained about not having enough hours. She is a tattle-tale always ratting out the other employees so she will look like she is loyal and to cover up her mistakes. She starts shit by telling one employee that another one doesn't like them.

I am pretty sure that she is the one that is stealing. But I have no proof.

I didn't fire her because we were going on vacation and I didn't want to rock the boat until we got back. We are reviewing the tapes and we will come to a conclusion.  I know what I want to do.

I just don't have any proof.


Remembrance of things Pabst.

So we went to Fraunces Tavern to celebrate our anniversary last Friday. It was very tough.

You see they had changed everything. An Irish Brewery has bought it and turned it into a beer hall. They are catering to the Wall Street Crowd and have dumbed down everything. The old American style menu is no more and you are forced to get bangers and mash and Shepard's pie. The wine list is horrible and the food is just greasy slop.

The beautiful woodwork has been painted over and "distressed" so as to look like an old school pub in Ireland. We are standing in front of a mural that was painted in the 1800"s. It is much the worse for wear. We are standing right at the spot where our table was in the wedding party. So you can imagine how we felt.

Fraunces Tavern is a lot like America. When we weren't paying attention it was taken over by foreigners and foreign attitudes and trashed. I guess we didn't care enough to pay attention. So now it has come to this.

We had a few drinks and some appetizers and the bar closed at midnight.

We want to keep the tradition alive of going there every year but I don't know if we can face it for another year.

It's time to step up...

Cousin Ron emailed me to ask why I wasn't doing playoff commentary. It is a combination of reasons.

It was my wedding anniversary this past Friday and as you can imagine Lisa wanted a whole big extravaganza. We went to Fraunces Tavern on the actual date and we are now at Seatuck for a few days to relax and regroup. So I have been off the grid for awhile.

The Yankees have being having a lot of trouble. They pulled out the Baltimore series even though their bats are deader than nd spinelli's cock. The only people hitting are the Jap and Ibanez.  And Jeter. Who is out for the rest of the post season. He was doing his job. Leading from the front. Taking the brunt. Now he is out of action and the rest of the team has to step and prove that they are "True Yankees." With the heart of Thurman Munson. The passion of Paul O"Niell. The fire of Billy Martin. The swagger of the Babe or Mickey.

They have to show us what they are made of.

Not just A-Rod. If he wants redemption it is all there in front of him. He can make New York his town. If he leads New York to the Series and wins he will be a hero. Jeter isn't there anymore. He has the chance to be a leader. To take the team on his back and take it over the finish line.

He will never do it in a million years.

The other stars will not be let off the hook. Doncha Know Robbie Cano better grab on to his balls and get the job done. The other high priced guys like Swisher and Mark and Grandison better look to their contracts as they are all coming up soon. Well three out of the four anyway. If they want to keep getting the big bucks now is the time to show us what they are made of.

It's time to step up.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A True Yankee....

Not everybody who plays on the Yankees can be a "True Yankee." They can be pretty good players and good guys and a big part of the team but they don't make it to that mythic state of "True Yankee."

I mean look at Mark Teixeria. Good player. Great glove. Decent hitter. But mainly a bust in the post season. He is like a lot of guys who had decent years as a Yankee but who aren't really core guys. Guys like Tino Martinez. JIm Spencer. Scott Brocius. Danny Cater. A-Rod. These are guys who had great years with other teams and are not "True Yankees."

Other guys might only be here for a little while but remain Yankee hero's because of the way they played in the big games. Fred Chicken Stanly. Horace Clarke. Paul O'Niell. Mickey Rivers. Roger Maris. Bobby Richardson. Billy Martin. Jorge Posada. Derek Jeter.

You know them when you see them.

Whose that girl?

I don't want to be a joker but this is not who you think it is. You don't stand a candle in the wind if you make the obvious guess.

She is a neighbor of mine actually and I run into her every so often in the neighborhood. Not that I say hello or anything. I don't talk to broads I don't know.

I bet you don't know her either.

Whose that girl?

A-Rod must go.

I hate A-Rod and everything he has anything to do with. And now he is infecting my favorite shows.

His old cum bucket Kate Hudson has a new gig on Glee. It is now a tradition that "used up" "movie stars" will take a guest slot on Glee. Last year it was Gynnie Paltrow. This year it is Goldie's demon spawn.

The really funny part is that she can't sing or dance for shit. I mean when they have real Broadway talents like Idina Menzel or that little twat Kristin Chenoweth but to put a no-talent whore like this twat is taking it too far.

Her whole dance segment was just a joke. She was twirling her hair so you couldn't see her face or had her back to the camera the whole freaking time. I told the wife "You know who that is?" "No who is that?" "That's James Arness in the last couple of seasons of Gunsmoke. He couldn't do any of his fucking stunts either so they had to have a stand in do all the work. At least he had the excuse of a shattered knee from Anzio what's this bitch's excuse.

I blame fucking A-Rod. Even his ex-girlfriends are nasty fake bitches. Jeez.

GET OFF OF MY TV SCREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too tough for him,
I say, stay in there, I'm not going
to let anybody see
there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I pour whiskey on him and inhale
cigarette smoke
and the whores and the bartenders
and the grocery clerks
never know that
in there.

there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too tough for him,
I say,
stay down, do you want to mess
me up?
you want to screw up the
you want to blow my book sales in
there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too clever, I only let him out
at night sometimes
when everybody's asleep.
I say, I know that you're there,
so don't be
then I put him back,
but he's singing a little
in there, I haven't quite let him
and we sleep together like
with our
secret pact
and it's nice enough to
make a man
weep, but I don't
weep, do

Garage Mahal's Roadkill Korner

Garage Mahal is starting to get worried. I mean he is a big Obama supporter and things aren't looking good for him after this last debate. And the Libya thing is blowing up. And he is down in all the polls.

I mean the guy is looking like roadkill.

Just sayn'

Marilyn's Diary

It was very tough for Aunt Lily when Uncle Herman left us to marry his new slut Carol Herman. She would wander around the Munster Mansion and talk to herself.

She started to get very sexually frustrated. She would lie around naked all day and play with herself. She would oil herself up and roll around in dust and cobwebs and dirt like she was back in the grave. It is tough for the undead to relax. Since she was a vampire she couldn't lay out in the sun. She had to lay out in the moonlight and get greener.

It was tough to deal with.

Rampant vampire sexuality pushed into your face all day long.

It was like watching HBO 24-7.

That is why I had to move out.

Deep Thoughts....By Titus

Titus said...

I wouldn't eat it all the time spinelli. But every now and again it would be nice.

I actually don't really even eat that much.

Yogurt for breaky, salad for lunchy and veggies and chicky something or another takey wakey out for dindin.

Packing shit, that is awful, how crude and mean.

That is why I don't live in Green Bay. That is where they pack the shit. They even named the team after it.

Although my Mom is a big fan.

What is a girl to do?


A-Rod must go!

Joe Girardi has big ones!

Everyone knows that A-Rod has sucked dead dogs in the post season. He does have Hall of Fame stats and might end up with the All-time home run record but he still sucks in the clutch and has really never produced when we needed it. He was one of the main reasons that the Yankees have not won more World Series. He reminds me of Dave Winfield. Lots of natural talent. Great stats. Personable with a great line of bullshit. But when the game is on the line you are better off with a scrub. Because that guy at least have a chance to come through for you. A-Rod will never do it.

I remember one year when we were playing the Mariners when A-Rod was on the that team and they won 116 games. He hit a couple of home runs in the first couple of games and then Clemens buzzed him at one at bat and that was that. He never recovered. Not just in that series. But in the rest of his career.

Girardi did what he had to do to keep his job. We needed this win badly. We couldn't go down 2-1 in our own house. He made one of the gutsiest moves I have ever seen a manager make in the play-offs. He has big balls.

Oh and one more thing.

A-Rod must go!