Friday, October 5, 2012

Commentor Memories Number 160 Cousin Ron builds his dreamhouse....

He calls it Joan Hologram.

He keeps his little fella inside there.

As much as he can.


Ron said...

5 % of the business! Somebody got screwed all right...

chickelit said...

Careful not to build more house than you can afford, Ron. Not that you don't deserve her--it's just that things can get over leveraged and quickly go upside down.

Ron said...

upside down, sideways, ass-over-teakettle....I'll take it any which way I can get it!

ndspinelli said...

Ron, What kind of martini and what brand of gin? I'm extra dry Beefeater w/ olives..anchovie olives if available. I was in an restaurant in Bayfield. The bartender suggested I allow her to just give my glass a very short spray of vermouth she had in a perfume like bottle. Very nice.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Hey, I am smart, look at my glasses...

The Dude said...

Is the opposite "empty figured"?

Too bad hers is full of silicone.

Ron said...

ndspinelli, I prefer a vodka martini...but if gin, I use Bombay Sapphire! Olives, yes, 2 or even 3! Pimentos, or mozzarella stuffed. Perhaps even roasted red pepper w prosciutto!