Friday, October 5, 2012

Deep Thoughts.....By Titus

Titus said...
I don't tweet or blog.

I do yelp though.

But only if I am getting the strange.



Trooper York said...

He likes it from a coon.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Titus said...

I admit I can be a dinge queen every now and then.

Dinge Queen-what an awful term.

When I was in DC this week I was surrounded by dinge and got a little hungry-even going on line to see where to find it...but I stopped and went to bed. I even did mapquest to see how far from my hotel I could find dinge.

And when I say dinge in DC I mean total nig. Really fucking black. Like you can only see the whites of their eyes black.


chickelit said...

Titus sometimes shocks with the lingo.

Chip S. said...

I dropped a deuce tonight that Titus would kill for.

MamaM said...

Who was that masked hog?

The most important sense for the raccoon is its sense of touch. The "hyper sensitive" front paws are protected by a thin horny layer which becomes pliable when wet... Copulation, including foreplay, can last over an hour and is repeated over several nights.

chickelit said...

I haven't dropped a deuce in a coon's age. It's usually a daily monolog. Ace in the hole.

windbag said...

Went coon hunting one time. We drove to the top of a mountain, then chased after the dogs for what seemed forever. They finally treed the thing in a hollow tree. Game over. When we met up with the truck, I found out that we had ran to Georgia. Never went again.

One of the hunting party was an old guy named Chicken. Of course, someone asked him why he was called Chicken. "Cause I got a million dollar pecker, that's why!!"

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I thought of Andrew Sullivan when I saw that beagle getting it. Titus, do you run into Sully on your forays in Massachusetts?

chickelit said...

@Troop: Did you see the story Drudge ran about NYC and Brooklyn getting overrun by coons?

This reminded me of the story Althouse ran a while back about Madison being invaded by bears.