Friday, October 5, 2012



a girlfriend came in
built me a bed
scrubbed and waxed the kitchen floor
scrubbed the walls
cleaned the toilet
the bathtub
scrubbed the bathroom floor
and cut my toenails and
my hair.
all on the same day
the plumber came and fixed the kitchen faucet
and the toilet
and the gas man fixed the heater
and the phone man fixed the phone.
noe I sit in all this perfection.
it is quiet.
I have broken off with all 3 of my girlfriends.
I felt better when everything was in
it will take me some months to get back to normal:
I can't even find a roach to commune with.
I have lost my rythm.
I can't sleep.
I can't eat.
I have been robbed of
my filth.


ricpic said...

Filth is overrated.

The Dude said...

The first lesson of sales is to be sincere. Once you learn to fake that you have it made.

Titus said...

Where do you get these pics?

Some of them are really fucked up.


ndspinelli said...

ChipS just pimp slapped the EBL @ TOP on a baseball post. She had the temerity to debate people who know baseball.

windbag said...

Inter-racial is okay, but that inter-species thing is way over the line in my book.

windbag said...

Hey, nd, if you're such the macho macho man you pretend to be, why not post that shit at TOP, in the open, instead of sneaking off and doing it in private? Anyone interested in TOP is over there and saw it anyway. You're not very bright, are you?

ndspinelli said...

windbag, Have you ever read the stuff I say to the Queen and King over there. Chrissake, just read what I said on the thread. I would battle you but I was taught to never punch down.

windbag said...

nd, like I said, you're not too bright. I don't read Althouse, so, no, I don't sift through the shit and see what droppings you leave over there. I thought that was apparent. Oh yeah, you are obtuse, so I'll use small words and enumerate (that means put numbers in front of the each point). Pay attention (that means listen up), now, nicky, here are the things to remember:

1. I do not read TOP;
2. I do not like TOP;
3. If I want to follow the drama at TOP, I will begin to read TOP;
4. If no one pays attention to you at TOP, chances are people over here are not interested either.

I'm going to make a guess, nd. Either you're a big bully who is accustomed to intimidating people in public, so you're frustrated when that doesn't work in cyberspace or you're a dwarf with a Napoleon complex. Either way, you're laughable.

ndspinelli said...

windbag, Did I videotape you scamming an insurance company or have you put in prison from my criminal days. You seem to have a real hard on about me. It seems personal. I'm 5'11' 220 lbs. Is that Napoleonish?

windbag said...

nd, here are some of the problems with you:

1. you're annoying;
2. you're arrogant;
3. you pretend to read minds;
4. you pretend to know what's best for others.

Let's address them one at a time.

1. Annoying. Most of us are...or can you get a pass on that. I just thought I'd point it out.

2. Arrogance. Examples: You inquire as to whether I'm some sort of criminal whom you helped bring to justice. Right, others are automatically assumed to be inferior to you.

Another example. The other day, when I first pointed out your annoying personality. Now, DBQ didn't take issue with you, and I'm not trying to stir up that up, but what you said is another example of what I'm talking about here.

Someone expressed a sentiment and you contradicted the validity of that sentiment. Who are you to question what someone thinks or feels about a subject? That is arrogant and condescending, in that you essentially are dictating what others' feelings and thoughts are acceptable or not.

3. Clairvoyance. The examples in the previous point are largely facilitated by your stunning insights into human nature at large and people's personal whose names you don't even know on the Internet...right...

The fact is, you probably don't know enough about anyone on-line to make the judgment calls that you are. There may be exceptions to that. Perhaps you have interacted enough with people who have revealed enough to make a call like that. But, in most cases, probably not. Pretending you can is silly.

4. See the second point again. It's all tied together.


The biggie in this is the "you don't have a right to think/feel that" attitude of yours. It's a shitty world view and I have next to zero tolerance for fools who exhibit it, so there's your explanation for why it's so personal. When an anonymous asshole, who is little more than electronic blips on the screen, dictates to others what they should and shouldn't think and feel, it's time to ignore the fool. I've mostly done that with you, but you caught me on a bad day.

ndspinelli said...

windbag, I'm not anonymous, I use my real name and certainly give identifying info on myself. Is "windbag" your first or last name? You're projecting again. I'm Nick Spinelli, everyone here knows that. They know I'm a retired PI who lives in the Madison area. In the words of the Who.."Who the fuck are you?" I surmise you're someone searching for his first comment on a lame ass blog. Good luck, loser.

windbag said...

nd, thanks for confirming the points I made. And you're still having problems with reading comprehension, stupid. I didn't say that you were anonymous...duh. I said that you didn't know the names of the other people on line. Sheesh, you are dumb.

Trooper York said...


Titus said...

I am watching the South Carolina/Georgia game and the cheerleaders from South Carolina actually hold up signs saying, "Goooooo Cocks!".

I am not fucking bullshitting either.

Goooooooo Cocks!

Chip S. said...

Yeah, that's The Other USC. The Real USC is (are?) the Trojans--the Cocks rarely break through their defense.

ndspinelli said...

Gamecocks, tit boy..Gamecocks, fighting chickens. But, it is nice to see young women saying "cocks", I agree on that. PETA hates the mascot.

ndspinelli said...

ChipS, There is a problem when an offense cuts holes in the Trojan defense. The results appear 9 months later.

Titus said...

Now they are yelling, "Go Cocks Go"

Some of the cheerleaders just have signs that say "Cocks".

All this in South Carolina too.

South Carolina scares me. They hate people like me.


Titus said...

When "Bruno" went to the Alabama game and was practically killed I was vewy vewy scared.

windbag said...

Titus, there is a South Carolina bumper sticker that reads "You can't lick our cocks." I see why you say you hate the South.

Titus said...

I think about fags in Mississippi and Alabama and South Carolina and Idaho and start to feel bad for them.

But then I think, get out fag, it's your own fault if you stay there and are a queer and get beat up, dragged by a truck with a confederate flag and get tied to a fence.

Fags, in general, in those places are the weirdest of the fag population and there are many weird fags as we all now.

Titus said...

Windbag I guess I don't really hate the South.

I am just really afraid of it.

Fear can produce hate.

windbag said...

FWIW, the local gays are left alone around here. Sort of a don't ask, don't tell approach. Your Beemer with Massachusetts tags would earn more distrust and derision from locals than your preference for hog.

TTBurnett said...

You know, I'm a beta tester for Rhino OS X, the version of the well-known 3-D modeler, "Rhino." Rhino OS X seems to have been in beta longer than any other known piece of software. It's easy to become a beta tester for Rhino, however. All you need to do is sign up. I come to 3-D modelers like Rhino from a traditional drafting background through AutoCAD, to Pro-Engineer (what a tangle), to SolidWorks, which, IMHO, is pretty cool design software for what I do.

I wanted to master Rhino for three reasons:
1. It's a LOT cheaper than other high-end modelers, even if I end up buying it.
2. I can, in theory, get a free copy of the Mac version if I'm a beta tester.
3. I won't, then, have to be dependent on the largesse of my current employer for access to a decent 3-D modeler.

Used, as I am, to SolidWorks, Rhino drives me nuts. In one case, you're essentially working with what used to be called "primitives," such as planes, cylinders, and spheres that you modify and join, and in the other, the loosey-goosey NURBS world of dragging surfaces around until you've got what you want. Two different approaches to 3-D CAD. Having learned what I've learned, I'd really like to make some contributions to the developer discussions on the Rhino site in order to justify my beta tester existence.

So I really, REALLY need to spend more time on my computer with Rhino, and much less with social media.

And the above thread is another example, as if I needed any more, of why I should be doing so. A total black hole of energy and good will.

Have fun, guys.

The Dude said...

I have been using Rhino for close to 10 years - I take the output to VisualMill and thence to my CNC. That set of tools allows me to create products that are unlike my competition.

I used CimLinc back in the '80s and kind of preferred some of their approaches to solids modeling, but what are you going to do, am I right?

windbag said...

Ok, so a rhino, a gamecock, and a panda walk into a bar. The rhino says, "I'm horny." The rooster says, "I'm cocky." The panda sighs and says, "You guys are unbearable."

That was lame.

windbag said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TTBurnett said...

Sounds like a good approach, Sixty. VisualMill is another bargain for what you get. We take the long way 'round of exporting parasolid files to MasterCam from SolidWorks. Of course, we have to have minimum $8K/seat software for every step, even if the integration sucks. The machine operators prefer MasterCam, so we wouldn't want to make them learn something new, or actually write or edit G-code manually, would we?

The problem is that there are some things, such as the surfaces of flute lip plates and piccolo headjoints, that have complex shapes, perfect for Rhino. But we also do a lot of pretty straightforward machining of parts that are perfect to be designed in SolidWorks. I'm trying to understand how to model these parts efficiently in Rhino and to get it to work with MasterCam.

As I say, I need to spend a lot more time, in a good mood, with my computer, OFFLINE. Hanging around threads like this is not the way to do it.

Titus said...

I just watched Alaskan State Troopers and I all I could think about is Sarah. Lots of snow, dismal, cold, and drugs and alcohol .

Alaska is like the unknown tundra.


ndspinelli said...

Titus, I've been to Alaska twice. We had friends who worked for the FBI in Anchorage. Unlike most folks who see Alaska via a cruise, we didn't cruise. The first trip we flew to Anchorage and drove to Denali and Seward..just breathtaking. The second time we flew to Juneau and took the ferry to Skagway. Our son worked @ a resort hotel there for the summer. The positives of the state are many from a variety of sights inland[we saw grizzlies @ Denali just 50 feet away] to ocean[many whales]. I love seafood and it doesn't get any better than Alaska. Halibut is my favorite and I ate it almost every day. The downside is what you see on Alaska State Troopers. The sunless winters and midnight sun summers fuck w/ peoples circadian rhythms. Alcohol is a HUGE problem as are drugs. Virtually every stop sign you see is riddled w/ bullet holes. I didn't see many of the gays.

Titus said...

You know what would be an amazing reality show?

Trooper in Alaska. I would love to see Troop in Nome or some other Alaskan village.

That would be incredible.

It would be a ratings hit.


Titus said...

Alaska has one of the highest suicide rates and addiction rates in the entire world.

I am learning so much from Alaska Troopers.


rcommal said...

Honestly, I think Troop would be a fish out of water, in a long-term context, anywhere other than Brooklyn. He's dug in, quintessentially part of the neighborhood in which he's spent his entire life. It's hard to imagine him anywhere else, isn't it, for most of you? This is not a bad thing, not at all, it just seems to be *the* thing, from my POV anyway.

MamaM said...

I would love to see Troop in Nome or some other Alaskan village.

What would be the point?

I don't need to "see" C.S. Lewis in Hawaii or Bolivia to appreciate his work or his giftings.

To read of him surviving, thriving, interacting and and making a difference in the area and era he was born into, makes his story that much richer to me.

MamaM said...

That said, without leaving the city Trooper appears to be ahead of Drudge with his picture postings:

Frustrated Residents: Raccoons Slowly Taking Over New York City
Some Who Live In Brooklyn Are Literally Having Their Lives Altered By Critters

ricpic said...

I want Titus to go straight so he can have kids.

Troop & Brooklyn. Like ham & eggs. Even though he is a dyed in the wool Yankee fan. Which is unforgivable.

Well, those are my two big thoughts on the eve of a Yankee bashing by the mighty O's. Go boids!

Ya hear me, Titus? Don't end up childless like me.

ricpic said...

How d'ya like that? "The city won't respond until a raccoon is potentially rabid." There's no such thing as a raccoon that ISN'T potentially rabid.

The Dude said...

We recently had stories here (rants, really) about the adventures our favorite Brooklynite experienced when traveling to the exotic climes of Boston. I think it would be cruel to send him any farther afield - do not unnecessarily provoke the bear - nothing good would come from it, save for some more epic rants, I suppose.

windbag said...

I want Titus to go straight so he can have kids.

And here's just the gal for him.

Titus said...

Love that pic windbag.

Ricpic I have a dog, he is my kid.

Mamam reads Drudge? Is Mamam a wingnut who hates the gays?

Oh well.


Titus said...

Mamam you know Drudge is a big fudge packer don't you? And not a very pretty one.


Titus said...

Mamam you interest me.

Can I ask what you did for a living when you were employed, if you were ever employed?

I like to know what people do for a living. Also, I like to know where people went to college.

Windbag and Ricpic what did you do for a living?

Just curious.


and as always


chickelit said...

Mamam reads Drudge? Is Mamam a wingnut who hates the gays?

Titus reads Sullivan. Does Titus hate kids and flyover people?

rcocean said...

Why doesn't Titus have his own blog? I mean, he's so popular!


windbag said...


I used to own a restaurant to make my living. Obama turned my thriving business into a hobby. Hopefully, beginning in November, I'll begin to make a living feeding the hungry masses again. I'm light years away from retirement, which I seriously doubt I'll ever reach. Too many other ideas to pursue.

Trooper York said...

If I lived in Alaska I would open an Italian restaurant.

Moose meatballs.

Trooper York said...

I intend to retire to Hawaii.

I love Hawaii.

chickelit said...

The rainbow license plates?

MamaM said...

Metamorphosis is the name of the post. Who knows what might be possible?

A revitalized business for windbag?

TY marketing moose meatballs or trading Brooklyn for Hawaii?

A sudden interest in others by Titus, leading to considerations of a child and questions about a blog?

Meanwhile, back in the bamboo patch, the curious and confounded black and white pandas wonder, "What's next?"


The giant slugs I encountered on the sidewalk of the groomed resort we were staying at on Kauai, made me wonder what other other wildlife I was missing.

ndspinelli said...

He loves Hawaii because that's the birthplace of his favorite prez.

The Dude said...

Hawaii is in Kenya now?

Chip S. said...

Hawaii is in Kenya now?

I think so.

Rumor has it that U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) was so worried that building the Obama Library might cause Oahu to tip over that he lobbied to have the Corps of Engineers move all the Hawaiian islands to a safe inland location.

Kenya was the logical place to put Oahu. I think the rest of the islands got shipped to China as debt service.

To make up the territorial loss, I believe we're working on a deal in which we get Rhodes and Corfu in exchange for the Federal Reserve buying a bunch of Greek sovereign debt.

chickelit said...

Even Mark Twain believed the Hawaiin Islands were afloat:

The loveliest fleet of islands that lies anchored in any ocean

Titus said...

I don't hate kids chick. I have a beautiful niece, age 8, adopted from Russia, that I love.

Although, her mother, my sister, told me today she is starting to lie all the time.

And I am from flyover country and do love it. Hello, give me a supper club before any fancy restaurant in Boston. I love looking at deer at dusk too. And snowmobiling on my dad's ski doo is awesome. I also think Northern Wisconsin is awesome-in the summer.


chickelit said...

I'm just saying you can't impute things about people from what they read, Titus. Playboy used to have a lot of great articles.

Titus said...

My fave part of the Wisconsin Supper Club is the relish tray which cheese that you dip breadsticks in.

Owl's Nest Cheese Spread-divine.

Titus said...

OK, chick, you are right.

I am sorry Mamam when I wrote you hate fags.


Titus said...

I do think it is ok if people do hate fags though.

I can understand.

Fags can be awful and gross. Some fags. Some straighties can also be gross.

I know I am not a gross fag though because I don't talk about it......except in here. In my professional career I never mention my faggotry-even when people I meet and work with talk about their "gay friend"-sorry not going to bite.


rcocean said...

"I intend to retire to Hawaii."

I'd love to, but Mrs. Rc worries about "Island fever". So, maybe we'll retire to Hawaii with a 2nd place in Alaska.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I stole Troop's pic for the Brooklyn raccoon story, and then there was Excitable Andrew getting a bit excited...

So I stole it again.

MamaM said...

Mamam reads Drudge? Is Mamam a wingnut who hates the gays?..Mamam you know Drudge is a big fudge packer don't you? And not a very pretty one...I am sorry Mamam when I wrote you hate fags.

What's the deal, Titus? This stuff sounds like a variation of the Alinsky Rule #13 you were dismissing on a previous thread. Confound the MamaM with allegations she can't possibly prove? When someone over at TOP tonight mentioned over-the-top hysteria that plays both to and against stereotype, I thought of you and this latest load.

The behavior I most intensely dislike in humans is lying and prevarication. What an adult privately does on their own time for sexual expression or fulfillment doesn't concern me much, unless it involves children or abusive behavior that is against another's will.

rcommal said...

Wow. Thanks for the hint. Shoot me now, I say [again].

What a...

...never mind.

chickelit said...

Hang down your head, Titus. link

chickelit said...

This one is more upbeat and actually reminds me more of Titus: link

Kendall Square Station?

ricpic said...

In answer to your question about how I put food on the table, Titus, the answer, I'm ashamed to say, is that I've been clipping coupons for over a decade. I'm ashamed but on the other hand it beats working.

I've never been to Hawaii. No real urge at this stage in the game. Ditto Europe. I mean I've been to Europe but when I think of all that schlepping around tired old cities to do what? go to a museum? eat an overrated French meal? look at the tired old Mediterranean with garbage washing ashore? Pass.

The Dude said...

It was called the M.T.A. when I lived there, but clearly that was too many letters for the denizens of Boston, so now it is called the T.

Nice. Now if they could see about finding all the "r"s they are missing, that would be swell.

Hang down your head Tom Dewey, you ol' RINO son of a gun...

Michael Haz said...

Conservatives need to learn how to talk to moderates and liberals, and they especially need to learn how to not feel repulsive and toxic to us.

She is fucking delusional.

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MamaM said...

Handed in his dime, but needed, "One more nickel!

The K trio had crazy energy!
Feelings 101: The one experiencing the feeling owns the feeling.

Inviting another to share what feels toxic and repellent can certainly open up a conversation, but telling others they need to learn how to not make "us" feel is more of that "oops" stuff, as in "Oops, she did it again."

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

When I was in Boston last year I was amused by the "CharlieCard." Wikipedia confirms the origin of the term: link

Chip S. said...

Now if they could see about finding all the "r"s they are missing, that would be swell

I'm not sure they're missing. I think you can find them in places they don't appear anywhere else in the English-speaking world. Such as...

"Morden," meaning up-to-date.

"Spar," meaning a place for a mud bath and massage.

"Sherbert" meaning an iced-fruit type of dessert.

And, of course, "Cuber," that pesky island 90 miles from Miami.

chickelit said...

Don't forget Pillor Fluffa, Chip--meant to donote someone who pumps election columns.

chickelit said...

Say Oops, up side your head!

I didn't realize this was a cover. I missed it the first time.

Chip S. said...

In their perviest r-reallocation, Bostonians take a slang term for knob-polishing and turn it into their unique word for a milkshake.

ndspinelli said...

The wordsmiths are holding court.

The Dude said...


MamaM said...

Sanker -the name of de-caf (30 years ago)

VanEller, often served with hot fudge.

MamaM said...

Bostonians take a slang term for knob-polishing

I'm lost, and UrbanD is no help.

Does it involve spigots and the jerking" action the server would use to swing back and forth the soda fountain handle???

I was stuck on "shoot me now" until the U.D. helped out with "Well, bobcat my nuts" which made the whole thing more fuzzy and sharp at the same time

Titus said...

"packy store".

Scott Brown has a r in his name, but only if he was living in the Northeast. Otherwise, he would be a huge D. Same with any other republican rep here, but Romney changed just a little.

After I lived here for over 20 years I decided that I was a real Bostonian.

I had garlic today. You know what that means. Killer loaves.


chickelit said...

@MamaM: Here's a clue: link. Frappe =/= milkshake

chickelit said...

Both Titus and Tim are experts in Bostonian vernacular.

So it seems

Titus said...

I learned the term hog from Boston.

As well as meat curtains.

And I never heard of Crab Shacks or Deep Fried Clams until I got here-try to find them in Wisconsin.

And italian to me was pizza and spaghetti.

Gravy for tomato sauce or any sauce on pasta.

Revere Header is another term I learned here. I love Revere. Some of my best friends live there-with their parents on the third floor of triple deckers. We in the midwest left immediately. Out here the italians stick close to mama and don't miss sunday "dinner"-which is really lunch.


Titus said...

You lived in Boston Sixty?

ricpic said...

Garlic means killer loaves? Not in my experience. Turns out I've just begun deliberately adding garlic to the one substantial meal a day I eat and killer loaves have not ensued. But perhaps in the fullness of time...

TTBurnett said...

When my wife was livin' in Sumhvuh, she went down t'th coanah Spa foah some caadboad bwaxes. She was movin' to fancy-schmancy Malden. Anyways, she asks the guy behind th' countah if they had any boxes she could have. He says "Shuah. Aah twahnic bwaxes okay?" She says (comin' from California) "I don't want torn up boxes. I'd like them to be good enough to put stuff in. I'm moving!" He says, "Theah twahnic bwaxes, y'know, like Pepsi an' gingah ale. Twahnic!"

My wife says then and there she really regretted returning from Paris, because in France she could at least understand the language.

Next up: I invite Meery from Southie over for dinner, and we fail to communicate.

TTBurnett said...

An' if you like a frappe, you'll love a cabinet. Same thing in Rhodislandese.

MamaM said...

Thanks for the list, chickelit. I lived and worked near Worcester for a year, and forgot about it being called "Wisstah/Woostah".

IMO, Garlic tends to add aroma or pungency to loaves and gas. The Helter Skelter Bowls with prolonged farting Titus describes sound more like an allergy response.

TTBurnett said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TTBurnett said...

Also, "coffee, regulah" means coffee with cream and sugar. Unfortunately, with all the newcomers, and especially in Cambridge, where everyone is Not From Here, you have to say, "cream and sugar, please" far too often.

Chip S. said...

Oh yeah, the last time I was there I thoughtlessly ordered "regular coffee" (by which I meant, "not a latte, my barista friend") at a Dunkin Donuts and got something that looked like a cup of hot milk.

Realizing I was from Somewhere Else, the counter gal was nice enough to replace it with a cuppa black joe.

Titus said...

Mama you lived in Woostah.

It's kind of a dump.

I think it one of the only places in Mass I have never spent any time. I think of it as the least fab place in Mass, which the exception of Lowell and Lawrence and Haverhill and Methuen and Leominster and Dartmouth and Weymouth.

Newburyport and Rockport and Marshfield and Plymouth are kind of fab.


TTBurnett said...

People say they can instantly tell Scott Brown is from Quincy (pronounced "Quinzee," just as John Quincy Adams did), because he sounds like a South Shore guy. I confess to being more attuned to northwest suburban patois, so our Senator (may he be re-elected) sounds to me like a normal guy from Eastern Massachusetts. But, again, being Not From Here, I miss the subtleties.

Chip S. said...

MamaM brings the fab w/her wherever she goes, Titus.

Titus said...

One of my first experiences in Mass was having sex with a guy and he said he is "getting wicked hard". I was immediately in love with the area. So exotic and foreign to Wisconsin where they would say "alrighty then I am about to ejaculate-totally not hot.

I also remember coming here to college in 1990 and going to this huge fag club across from Fenway and it was playing Madonna's Vogue and all I thought was, these guys are really fags?

It is kind of weird that the state is liberal though because it is also totally tough and Martin S movieish. I have had great sex at the L Street Gym on the beach in Southie too with straighties, that's hot.


Titus said...

Doesn't Scott Brown say he is from Wrentham in his ads?

Chip S. said...

I think Sudbury is pretty fab, even tho I've never been there. I mean, it's got this for sale.

Trooper oughta buy it w/his newfound wealth.

Titus said...

I love his ads though. He is very pro choice, loves gays and gay marriage and is surrounded by women, and supports so many democratic plans. Party doesn't matter to him.

Remember when he was going to be the next president?


TTBurnett said...

Ah, but Titus, Mechanics' Hall in Worcester is one of the best small concert/lecture halls in the country. I've heard some amazing concerts there. Musicians tell me they love playing it.

And there's WPI, one of the best little engineering schools around, much better for actual engineering than MIT. Worcester has its charms, but I agree, overall it is a dump.

Titus said...

Sudbury is very fab.

So is Medfield where Curt Schilling and previously Drew Bledsoe's home is for sale.

Poor Curt Schilling...not really.

Cambridge is really really fab too, although no yards.

Northampton is fab too but you can't swing a cat without hitting a dyke-dyke capital of the world.

MamaM said...

READ MY LIPS TITUS!! ALL of them. OUTSIDE of Wistah is not Wistah!

The gay guests who stayed at the inn where I worked thought it was FAB. In some ways it was.

TTBurnett said...

You're right, Titus, he's from Wrentham, on the western side of Norfolk County, not the Irish Riviera. You have to go through charming places like Canton to get to Scott Brown's native territory. But the point is that my South Shore friends can immediately tell he's a landsman, and not some Guido from the North Shore, or, God forbid, a snotty swell from Concord or Sudbury.

Chip S. said...

A little research tells an interesting tale of Worcester, which is also home to Clark University, which apparently played a key role in the development of American higher education:

Williams College professor of history, Frederick Rudolph (The American College and University: A History, 1962) wrote, "No episode was more important in shaping the outlook and expectations of American higher education ... than the founding of the University of Chicago, one of those events in American history that brought into focus the spirit of an age." Harper was outspoken and scorned tradition. His belief that sectarianism was an enemy of education played a major role in the formation of Chicago's program. Seizing an opportunity generated by academic unrest at another institution, he visited Clark University and recruited two-thirds of the faculty and half of the graduate students, generating a solid core upon which build his University, but devestating that institution. Clark president and pioneering psychologist, G. Stanley Hall, was rightfully outraged and never forgave him, viewing "Harper's raid" as an unethical act.

Mr. Hall learned too late to be wary of guys from Chicago. "Nice little university you got there...."

ricpic said...

So "alrighty then" is a midwesternism? I always wondered where the not all that funny Jim Carrey got that annoying phrase. Although he always puts a "well" in front.

ricpic said...

I beg to differ, Titus. Dyke capitol of the world is Seneca Falls, NY, thirty miles north of where I'm at. That's where it's at.

TTBurnett said...

Sudbury is creepy. I had that definite vibe when I worked there for five years one year. It wasn't just me. Locals all say the same thing, especially if they're from Lincoln. But it IS creepy. The schools have the bare minimum of services for anyone but the bright and normal. And they expect the bright and normal to go off to prep school anyway, so, while they do make a show of Lincoln-Sudbury High School, the Sudbury kids are weirdos. It's a very wealthy town that people wish were a gated community.

ricpic said...

Oops. Capital.

Chip S. said...

the Sudbury kids are weirdos. It's a very wealthy town that people wish were a gated community.

Is it the people inside Sudbury or outside it that wish it were fenced in?

TTBurnett said...

Chip S., Worcester seems to have had an amazing past. It's the present that's a little shaky.

MamaM said...

In Worcester, Massachusetts sewer connection charges were based on street frontage, so builders favored houses with as little frontage as possible, This is one reason why three-deckers are often situated on narrow lots and are in rectangular shape, with the smaller sides at the front and the rear.

Titus said...

I love looking at menus. I am a menu whore and have been one ever since I was like 4.

My parents took me to Perkins and they had "sample menus" and I studied them ferociously.

What I am fascinated by now is small towns in the middle of nowhere that have big city menus and prices, specifically in Wisconsin.

I was just reading menus in some town in Colombo Wisconsin, population 461 and was enthralled.

My hog got wicked hard.


TTBurnett said...

Both, Chip, both.

MamaM said...

First trip out to Boston, I flew NW, and found a picture in their in-flight magazine of "The Forest Has Eyes" by Bev Doolittle. Later that week, we went hiking in Purgatory Chasm, a state park near Sutton, located in a 70' deep granite chasm filled with boulders. Purgatory Chasm is a bold and unique landscape,” proclaims the sign, which describes the park’s “slippery and deceiving rocks.”
I'd not seen something like it before (or since) but what made it special bordering on fab were all the faces we found in the rocks. Wouldn't have thought to look, if I hadn't first seen the picture.

ndspinelli said...

Steak tips on Wednesday @ any restaurant on Route 1. Not just fried clams, fried whole belly clams..unless you're a reeetawd. Going to The Cape. Celtics @ the Gaaden. The Combat Zone. Hampton Beach for the weekend[very blue collar and hetero Titus, unless the blue collar gays have invaded]. Peebuddy, Quinzy, Evrett, Awlington. Go to the packy faw some 'Gansett. Tonic[for any soda]. I may be dated on a few.

ndspinelli said...

TY is absent and Boston takes over. Coincidence, I think not

windbag said...

@ricpic, do the dykes still have a house or farm or commune...whatever...going up there? We used to pass by it. I learned to play euchre in Waterloo. Changed my life. I majored in euchre in college. My dad lives on the south end of Seneca Lake. Some of the prettiest country is the Finger Lakes.


ndspinelli said...

Lot o' dykes in Madison.

Chip S. said...

Maybe one of you Boston experts can answer the question that's bothered me since my first visit to the Union Oyster House:

Why is the milk-based soup w/ oysters called a stew, while the milk-based soup w/clams is called a chowder?

Can it really be the potatoes? Doesn't seem right, since beef stew has potatoes.


ricpic said...

windbag, I live about 5 miles north of Ithaca, just up the hill from the west side of Lake Cayuga. Of my ten nearest neighbors I'd say that four are lesbo couples. The nearest couple has a picturebook house hidden away in the woods and over the years they raised first chickens, then added pigs and have slowly expanded their vegetable garden to the point it's almost a truck farm. Well, exaggerating but it's big. I estimate they've got about ten acres.

Yes, the Finger Lakes are beautiful. Wish I'd known the cloud cover here is almost as bad as the Pacific Northwest before I moved here.

ricpic said...

Is euchre anything like bridge? I made a stab at bridge for awhile but was quickly disabused of the idea that I had the intellect to play it at the top level. Blood sport at the level of the first rate players.

TTBurnett said...

nd: You've got it, but a couple of things have changed.

First, and for the better, there's no Combat Zone any more. Kevin White shrunk it, and Ray Flynn presided over its final demise. Just a blah part of the city these days.

Second, in the mixed blessing dept., the old Boston Garden is long gone, replaced in the '90's by the new Garden. It's had several names of banks attached to it, the last one being TD BankNorth. Officially it's known as the "TD Garden," but everyone just calls it "the Garden," with or without the "r" and two "a's." The old Garden was seriously deteriorated (and I could tell you stories), but it was more gnarly and had more history in your face than any other professional sports venue I've ever seen. The new one is nice, has great sight lines, but nothing like the amazingly intimate, funky, somewhat inspiring atmosphere of the old Gaaden.

chickelit said...

ricpic said...
Is euchre anything like bridge?

I've heard that comparison before, by a "rated" or professional bridge player I knew from Iceland.

Euchre is declasse, fast-moving, and lots of fun to play. Hands go quickly and there's lots of room for banter. We invented Tourette's Euchre: link

windbag said...

Never played bridge, so I'm not sure on that. Chick's description is spot on.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I like the card game Hearts, (cutthroat or partner). Also Spades. Haven't played cards in years though.

Re: Chowder vs Stew. I've always wondered that too. If you are ever in Reno don't miss the Combination Pan Roast at the Nugget. To die for. Oysters, Crab, Shrimp, Scallops in a creamy tomato-y slightly spicy bisque.

chickelit said...

I've heard that pinochle is to the east coast what euchre is to upper Midwest, that is the same sorts of people play them but it different geographical regions.

Whoever named pinochle must have named euchre as well.

ndspinelli said...

chickelit, You are correct regarding pinochle. A game called setback or pitch, depending on what east coast state you reside, is also big. It's akin to euchre. Of course then there's the great game cribbage, which I think is big everywhere except maybe out west? My old man and his buddy were cribbage aces, they travelled New England playing in tournaments.

Tim, Thanks for the update on the Combat Zone. I assume steak tips are still big w/ the meat eaters. Been to the old Gawden for Bruins and Celtics. Haven't been to the new one. Your lament about new v old is the same for me. The worst situation is Comiskey. The old stadium was better except for the toilets. You realize the one group of people who don't tend to be nostalgic for old parks are women..bigger bathrooms in new parks. Except there are still lines! They need a ballpark catheter concession for women, just empty that bag on the way out

ndspinelli said...

Tim, Old Chicago Stadium[which still stands right next to the United Center was equal to the Boston Garden. A huge pipe organ, a fog horn when goals were scored. Visiting basketball and hockey stadiums all said the acoustics made it the loudest venue anywhere. I have been to hockey games there where you could scream to the guy sitting next to you and hear nothing.

windbag said...

We played pitch, euchre, spades, and hearts. Pinnocle only a little. Euchre lends itself to tournaments much more easily. Dorm-wide and campus-wide euchre tourneys back in the day.

ndspinelli said...

Hearts! I forgot about hearts..don't get stuck w/ that Queen bitch.

The Dude said...

"...don't get stuck w/ that Queen bitch."

That is advice applicable to many situations beyond card playing.

Titus said...

We don't have Culvers or Jack In The Box or Bob Evans or Long John Silvers or A&W or Country Kitchen or White Castle or Waffle House which makes me sad.

We don't have much in the way of fast food.

When I go to other parts of the country I see tons more fast food.

I went to Kentucky a few years ago and it has every fucking fast food place imaginable. I fucking love Bob Evans.


MamaM said...

We don't have much in the way of fast food.

Dunkin Donuts holes are big out East.

Titus said...

People for the most part go there for the coffee Mamam, plus I am talking dindin.

How they hanging girl?


ndspinelli said...

Not having fast food is GOOD. Wisconsin is fast food heaven. Now, there are some good fast food. Culvers and In and Out Burger come to mind. Supper Clubs and fast food, no wonder you're so obsessed w/ shit, Titus. You eat it as well as pack it.

Titus said...

I wouldn't eat it all the time spinelli. But every now and again it would be nice.

I actually don't really even eat that much.

Yogurt for breaky, salad for lunchy and veggies and chicky something or another takey wakey out for dindin.

Packing shit, that is awful, how crude and mean.


Titus said...

Do you guys have any fun appies on your ipod, ipad, macbook and iphone?

I have all that shit but I don't even really use them, and there are starving kids in India, oh well.


MamaM said...

How they hanging girl?

Sagging, Titus, like I told you before, but not by much, since I grew up in the pre-hormones-in-the cow's-milk days.

I've an anorexic mother. They didn't call it that back in her era, but her version includes the fact that she was "tooth pick thin" all through high school, no period until she graduated.

The interesting thing about those with eating disorders on the thin side of the spectrum is the fact that they tend to obsess about and "do food" subconsciously. With my mom, it involves recipes. Thousands of clipped recipes neatly filed away, and a huge collection of recipe books. Food consumes her thoughts, while she remains fabulously thin. Poop is also a big deal to her. In fact, in an odd way she reminds me of Titus. At 91, she still receives compliments from the old guys, because she has flair and style, even though her tits have all but disappeared.

windbag said...

I was bad for trying to run it in hearts and only taking 25. Too aggressive.

windbag said...

MamaM said...

Still drives too, Windbag! I asked the state to review her license last year and she passed the damn test. Told my sister she'd "stop eating" if anyone took her car away.

I sometimes wonder if all the grit and sometimes blind determination that generation employs is the result of living through the depression and war.

windbag said...

...the result of living through the depression and war.

Or maybe that is the reason she outlived the depression and war.

Titus said...

I fast Mamam in order to keep my girlish figure.

Fasting is good.

I still have a 30 inch waist and for that I am grateful.

Cleansing is equally important.

Being thin is so important.

All my talk of fast food joints and supper clubs I know how to moderate and STOP shoveling crap in my mouth.


MamaM said...

I know how to moderate and STOP shoveling crap in my mouth.

It's the stuff that comes out that appears less controllable.

Titus said...

mamam, did you write that your 91 year old mother has no tits?

That is completely inappropriate and disgusting.

You need to take that back.

How come she is older than you but yours sag and hers don't? I don't understand.

My mothers and sisters have all had pretty big racks. One of them even had a titecdimy-where she got some they choppped down a little because she was also called named in high school like "two ton titties" and "headlight Harriet" and "Betsy Bosoms". I believe she had them clip off about a pound on each tit and a quarter pound on the sides while shaving a little of the underbelling and gutting out some of the inner tit.

But I digress. My mom's tits, at the age of 75 are still quite impressive, she is very tiny but the rack has maintatined through the years. My dad always comments about them too and likes to rest his head on them-isn't that cute?

If she ever spills food on them my dad says, "I hope you aren't trying to feed them because they are plenty big already"-isn't that cute?

MamaM said...

I know how to moderate and STOP shoveling crap...

Oh, really?

rcommal said...


Well, all I can say is: I know how to moderate, and even how to become ever more vanishing, but I sure as hell don't know how to stop sag. Or sagging.

rcommal said...

; )

Anonymous said...

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