Monday, December 2, 2013

Everybody's is Waiting!


Chip S. said...

I never noticed before the similarity b/w Santa and Obama, but they both take credit for giving people stuff that somebody else actually paid for.

OTOH, Santa actually meets his deadline, every single time.

And he stays the fuck away for most of the year.

So, really, hardly any similarity at all.

chickelit said...

What do Santa Claus, La Befana, and Bronco Bama have in common?

An El Pollo blog post for every occasion.

Michael Haz said...

@Chip - And with rare exception, people want what Santa brings.

rcocean said...

Don't disrespect Santa. He gives away his own toys. Toys that he and his elves work hard all year to build.

Obama just steals from one group to give to another.

The Dude said...

Santa didn't build that!

ricpic said...

Two Christmases this year: December 9th and December 25th. Two new births. Well, a rebirth and a new birth. Each under a blanket of snow. Stille nacht, heilige nacht, alles schlaft, einsem wacht....

windbag said...

I never noticed before the similarity b/w Santa and Obama...

Santa Claus wears a red suit. He's a Communist.

MamaM said...

Two Christmases? One with the gift of a heart restart? Or is there something else happening the 9th that I don't know about? Google is no help here.

The most unusual I could find was this:

1872 – In Louisiana, P. B. S. Pinchback becomes the first serving African-American governor of a U.S. state.

Nicholas Lemann, in "Redemption: The Last Battle of the Civil War", described Pinchback as "an outsized figure: newspaper publisher, gambler, orator, speculator, dandy, mountebank – served for a few months as the state's Governor...

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

He always kept Christmas in his heart...

ricpic said...

You got it, MamaM. December 9th will be the Christmas "with the gift of a heart restart." Or a heart rebirth. Don't worry, I'm not gonna go all schmaltzy, but what could be more appropriate to the spirit of Christmas?

Palladian said...

...what could be more appropriate to the spirit of Christmas?

A virgin birth?

blake said...

We don't believe in you-know-who
But we don't let the kids know it
We're parents
We're grownups
There's a line, we have to toe it

Michael Haz said...

By the way, Trooper, Brett Favre will be in a championship football game this week.

ricpic said...

Ah Nuts

I read somewhere that nuts are great,
That nut eaters go on forever.
So I started eating nuts
With dried fruit thrown in
To break the monotony.
But they went through me like a roto-rooter.
So I guess I'm gonna meet the lord sooner
Than forever.

blake said...


Sounds Bukowski-ish.

MamaM said...

Sounds Bukowski-ish.

With TY poetic contributions, I know to look for the something more that has been added to what already exists.

With ricpic's, origin itself is a mystery.

MamaM said...

I'm not gonna go all schmaltzy...

Well, there you go, it's all about sound and fury for me. I find the word schmaltz to be much more appealing sounding than schvartz, so it must boil down to the three letters in the middle and intent.

I'm gearing up for some schmaltz, looking for anything beside baseball, which mirrors those back and forth and around the diamond motions recently presented in illustration of male brain activity as it differs from female.

Michael Haz said...

Stay away from the chicken fat.

chickelit said...

I'm gearing up for some schmaltz, looking for anything beside baseball, which mirrors those back and forth and around the diamond motions recently presented in illustration of male brain activity as it differs from female.

That's why Troop has those "Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend" posts -- to record all those memorable conversations.