Thursday, December 12, 2013

So I would like to make a report.....

But I think it would be boring. I mean I know I like to complain a lot so many of my posts are just a rant of complaints. I am very grateful that I made it out in one piece so I should stick with that.

A brief replay. You know that they postponed it from Monday to Tuesday. The doctor was stuck doing emergencies so I was put on the back burner. I had to stay over night which really sucked and had to wait around to the middle of the next day to get it done. Then they made me stay over because they wanted to monitor me and the incision. So I had to stay over and it sucked even worse. They guy who shared the room with me the second day was a real piece of work. He peed all over the toilet and coughed and farted and yawned at the top of his longs all night. Lisa asked me how I could stand it the next day. She wanted to smother him with a pillow but we managed to get out of Dodge without any problems.

I feel kind of tired and my heart occasionally beats right out of my chest. Well the pacemaker actually. It seems that my heart was beating so fast that I didn't really notice it. Now it beats with the pacemaker bump a bump a bump. Which is reassuring but scary all in one. I am walking and talking slowly and trying not to strain. I have to take it easy for two weeks and then gradually get back into the swing of things.

Thanks for all the best wishes and good words youse guys. It really helped and I really appreciate it. I am very lucky and very grateful that it all turned out all right!


Chip S. said...

Looks like a still from the little-known 1950s series "Ben Hogan's Heroes".

They later reworked the Herr Doktor Schultz character and shifted the story line from campy interns to internment camps and...presto!

The Dude said...

Just so long as your thing still goes bump in the night you are good.

And by thing, I mean heart.

Shut up!

rcocean said...

Welcome back Trooper - we missed you believe it or not. At least you've proven you really do have a heart.

MamaM said...

At least you've proven you really do have a heart

Or that he now marches to a different drummer.

blake said...

Heart stuff scares me.

My heart has been known to palpitate. It's never amounted to anything. Just a wiring issue.


MamaM said...

Hearts aren't easy to control. It's scary stuff when they go wacky.

Is that an "after" picture?

KCFleming said...

When a man's an empty kettle
He should be on his mettle
And yet I'm torn apart
Just because I'm presumin'
That I could be a human
If I only had a heart

I'd be tender, I'd be gentle
And awful sentimental
Regarding love and art
I'd be friends with the sparrows
And the boy that shoots the arrows
If I only had a heart

Picture me a balcony
Above a voice sings low

(Snow White)
Wherefore art thou, Romeo?

(Tin Man)
I hear a beat, how sweet!

Michael Haz said...

Good news, Trooper. Having to take things slowly will speed your recovery. Glad to hear that you're on the mend.

ndspinelli said...

You got another 30 years on that ticker now.