Friday, March 13, 2015

I may have violated the civility rule.....

When I post a photo of Ron Jeremy dressed as Super Mario and said that was what Turley looked like when he wasn't wearing a Brook Brooks Suit.

I think I might get deleted. Hee.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

If you are going to get banned, you have to make it hilarious.

Trooper York said...

I think it might happen at previously TV. I am posting some of Marilyn's Dairy at the Munster thread I asked them to put up. I don't think anyone has read it yet so far so good.

But one of those tight asses will read it and the shit will hit the fan.

Aridog said...

You only violate the civility rule at Turley's if Inga-dinga complains via email.

MamaM said...

Looks like you didn't get deleted after all.

Plus, the hunky picture of JT in his hiking gear, standing at the edge of a precipice where angels dwell, sort of took the puff out of the glove.

Trooper York said...

I am having fun posting some of Marilyn's Diary at Previously TV which a TV site that has comment threads about various TV shows. I got them to set up a Munsters thread but I don't think anyone has gone to that thread yet. I know the moderators haven't or I would have heard from them.

I strategically toned them down a little. A very little because it is a lot rougher than anything they have posted.

It's like a time bomb.