Sunday, March 22, 2015

What if literary Masterpieces were written by different people.

What if Godzilla had been written by Anthony Trollope?


ricpic said...

I'd use the same photo if Godzilla had been written by Jane Austen. Which illustrates how little I've retained from the time I could have told you the difference between Trollope and Austen. All gone now. just came to me...if Godzilla had been written by Jane Austen Godzilla would be wearing a Royal Navy uniform...and the umbrella would stay.

ricpic said...

Or maybe a Royal Japanese Navy uniform.

ndspinelli said...

I'm not as well read in fiction as some of you urbane folks.

ndspinelli said...

My bride is very well read.

Methadras said...

Godzilla written by Truman Capote.