Sunday, March 1, 2015

Some times you just have to laugh..........

Today it was crazy bitch day on the Internets. Well pretty much every day is that day for these two dumb broads but the last couple of days they really out did themselves.

The Evil Blogger Lady had to honor Leonard Nimoy by putting up a post about his book of photos of plus sized ladies. She had blogged about it before but took the opportunity to get in a few shots. She is all over the comments making remarks. The old Trooper would jump in to smack her around. The new Trooper read it and moved on to Previously TV's forum on the Real Housewives. I wouldn't have seen it but the link was emailed to me again. She just repeats her nonsense.

Then our old friend Inga is having an ongoing blog war about her parents on Turley's blog that Nick has alerted us to in the comments on another post. Some dude is tying her in knots as she lies and dodges and comes up with excuse after excuse. I posted a photo of Schulz and left it at that.

You can't deal with crazy. It can infect you. Like herpes. Just sayn'


Dust Bunny Queen said...

Well...I just chimed in with this cartoon


Trooper York said...

Nice. That about sums it up.

ndspinelli said...

As I said, w/ those 2, it is Asshole v Super Asshole. Of all the flailing, what is so revealing is the crazy ladies incredulity that a liberal would question her. We all had questions about her Sound of Music story. It got ripped a new asshole the last 24 hours.

ricpic said...

Lem posted a Nimoy quote which I've already forgotten and is on the level of that life's a box of chocolates dude.

MamaM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MamaM said...

Back in the day, we had a 78rpm record of a recording of Carl Sandburg reading a story he'd written called, The Five Marvelous Pretzels.

Now I don't know what type of pretzel he was referring to, but the twisted knotted type is what came to mind then, and now as I think about what needs to happen in order for four children to survive life with a parent with personality disorder and come out as perfect, successful and balanced as they've been described. Doing so would require some serious bending and twisting. No one has perfect children. I would, however, be willing to believe the full story involves Five Marvelous Pretzels.

TTBurnett said...

I'm with DBQ. Who cares what goes on in old blogs these days? I don't even have a link these days. And I really don't want to know what anyone who wasn't there thinks of die Barone mit Familie. What I want to know is the meaning of Pegasus.

ndspinelli said...

Mama, Once in awhile my bride and I would hear from one of our kids about this "perfect family." We would tell them ALL families have issues, the "perfect" ones often have many.

Think was a cross to bear she is on those kids. She NEVER talks about friends, just the kids. Why would anyone ridicule those kids, they are obviously saints.

ndspinelli said...

Tim, How's the cabin fever?

TTBurnett said...

Fine, nd. It's just that i am so fucking sick of anything to do with Althouse. Has nothing to do with shoveling snow, just my dislike of shoveling shit.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Well....whether Inga's family were Nazis or whatever is immaterial. They probably were. So? She is still an unhinged loon and ruins any attempt at a decent dialogue.

Here is a real WWII story. My aunt by marriage is German. During the war her father was a Brown Shirt or something official in the Nazi Party. She was very young then and doesn't remember much about the actual war. Sometime towards the end of the war, he disappeared and never turned up again.

After the war, during the occupation, she and her mother lived in Frankfurt. The were alone and very poor and struggling to just keep alive. The only thing of any value that they had was a bicycle that the could ride to the store and get a few groceries. Because the bike was valuable and precious, my aunt would go with her mother so that she could be chained to the bike while her mother shopped. People would steal the bike....NO one wanted a kid.

Later when she was 16 (or so) my uncle met her in Germany and they got married. Our family is in the printing trade and he was in the Army working at the Stars and Stripes at the time. He also was very young and didn't participate in WWII. I think he was 19 yrs old at the time. They returned to the states in the mid 50's.

My mother wanted to greet her in real American style and made her special fried chicken, gravy, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob southern dinner. My aunt was in tears because in Germany corn was only fed to the hogs. She thought she was being insulted until my uncle explained it was a treat and not an insult. A whole lot of confusion and drama. I think I was about 7 at the time.

So her father was a Nazi. Who the Hell cares?

Michael Haz said...

I stopped commenting at Turley's blog because no matter the topic, every thread became about Annie Inga Whatever. It became, to me at least, a waste of time, and I couldn't find any reason why it should be let into my life.

Michael Haz said...

Rumor has it that she's dating a local weather forecaster.

Aridog said...

Haz....On Turley's blog, I ignore the bomb tossers and idiots like Inga et al. I manage to pick through the rubble and find threads that don't involve her.

Tim ... best way to not let TOP hack you off is to not go there. Simple.

Trooper York said...

It is all Inga all the time. I spoke directly to Turley about it but he is giving her free reign so it will stay that way.

She is well on her way to sabotaging and destroying another blog. Plus she has collaborators in all of the people who left that blog in a purge similar to what happened at Althouse. The difference is that most of the people who dropped Althouse did not go back.

It is interesting how both blogs are on a parallel track.

ndspinelli said...

There certainly are similarities in pathology, although the bloggers are quite different. BTW, my bride is pissed yours didn't give a spoiler alert on the Downton Abbey comment she made.

Aridog said...

Honestly, I am surprised at how many of the originals went back to TOP.

I suspect something similar is happening at Turley's I see more names pop up. Are they returnees from Flowers for Socrates?

At least Turley doesn't bait his commenters with personal items then jump in to the conversation on one side or the other. The EBL @ TOP cannot resist doing that...she relishes it. Haven't seen her toad at Lem's lately, so there's that... :-)

ndspinelli said...

DBQ, You have self esteem. So, "who the hell cares" is the normal response. When someone has a personality disorder, and no true self esteem, it ALL matters.

ndspinelli said...

Ari, Some are old timers under new names. Wade Williams is one. He has been under several aliases and hates me. I NEVER mention the name of people like him and Inga. And, I never respond or comment directly. If I want to point out something a shitbird like them mention, I will refer to "the comment @ 4:53p." Mespo has disappeared since he pissed on his leg on the woman on death row thread. It's happened previously. He fucks up and lays low for awhile. But, always comes back fill of shit and vinegar.

MamaM said...

It is interesting how both blogs are on a parallel track.

That parallel track is the track of life.

Three choices:

-Decide whatever the issue is doesn't matter, hold meaning for you, effect your life adversely or go beyond what you can tolerate or accept. Then let it go. Detach. This position is about accepting what is, which is different than silent treatment and involves giving up side snark on the subject.

-Decide to express yourself. Be honest and open about your thoughts and feelings, where you stand, what you believe, what matters to you, and let the chips fall where they may. This position involves vulnerability, without using hostility and anger to guard the gate. Humor as disarmament falls into this category. It's the most powerful position a human can assume, and Christians of all walks hang their faith on this belief.

-Decide to hold on to the issue, but go outwardly silent. Remain inwardly annoyed, allow the issue to stay alive inside and let blame, fear and resentment chip away until a leak develops and the offensive behavior despised in others eventually spills out as one's own.

This blog and Lem's both function without Inga's undo influence because of choices made by the owners, contributors and commenters who decided what mattered and spoke out.

Inga and Althouse don't annoy every person who reads their words or engages with them. The annoyance I feel about about what they say and do is the result of a personal reaction and response on my part which touches on something important to me, usually a value I hold that they don't. People with personality disorder rarely change, so it's up to others to figure out what matters most and decided how involved they need or want to be in contributing to the overall good of a group or community

MamaM said...

Inga is shame driven. Shame is what she endlessly projects onto others and it's a powerful activator. It hooks people at a primal level and prompts a defense, which sets up the Drama Triangle, where she engages in all three roles, as Victim, Perpetrator, and Rescuer. That's home territory to an unhinged loon.

MamaM said...

Great story about corn, DBQ! Feeding the troops one more time.

By the way, the recaptcha had me selecting pictures of bread out of a set of 9 (12?) food items shown in order to post.

Had it been corn, I'd have been creeped out for sure.

ndspinelli said...

DBQ, I coached an exchange student from Finland. She was a horrible softball player, but a great kid. I learned that she had never been to a MLB game. So, prior to returning to Finland, we took her to a Brewer/Reds game and did the whole tailgating thing w/ the whole team. I asked what she wanted on the menu. She said, "I'm easy, but I do want LOTS of corn on the cob!" The girl fell in love w/ corn in the US.

ndspinelli said...

Mama, You are a superb profiler. Just superb.

ndspinelli said...

After a traumatic weekend the Frau is non confrontational today. Pogo and I took some obtuse digs. She ignored them and even was sorta nice to Pogo. PaulS took a direct swipe @ her w/ a bedpan comment. Again, docile.

ricpic said...

Speaking of Inga, I just finished reading a book by the late James T. Farrell, famous for the Studs Lonigan trilogy but the author of many many more books as well, Anyway, the book I just read is The Death of Nora Ryan, a barely fictionalized account of the death of Farrell's own mother. To get to the point, there's a character in the book, Jennie Dunne, his mother's sister, who is such an attention whore, that even at his mother's death bed this Jennie is jealous of the fact that the dying woman is getting more attention than she is and creates all kinds of foolish drama merely to put the spotlight back on her. Inga's MO.

If you have the time and the inclination give Farrell a read. He's completely out of favor now and mainly out of print. I find his brick by brick building of a story, no histrionics, to have great cumulative power.

TTBurnett said...

Great story, DBQ. I've heard similar things about corn from German immigrants, including my old boss's wife. Names are disguised or omitted against Google search.

My old boss was a Baltic Baron. He was the scion of a Junker family whose ancestral lands were mostly in present-day Latvia. His father, Baron A. von H. g. H., was just young enough to have escaped WWI. His family was of the military caste, but they seemed to have been high-minded sorts, adapted to public service. Young Baron A. thus headed to Paris and the Sorbonne to develop international experience to fit him to serve the new Republic's diplomatic corps

In 1920's Paris he met a young American lass of Connecticut Yankee persuasion. They married and headed back to Germany, where Baron A. finished a doctorate at one of the major German universities. With newly-minted academic credentials, he signed on with the now-fraying Republic's Foreign Office. It didn't last long, as You-Know-Who showed up, much to the horror of the German aristocracy. They wanted the Kaiser back, not a populist usurper. Baron A. then retired to a farm near Berlin, where my boss was born in 1930, and enjoyed an idyllic boyhood until 1939. Baron A., like most of his Junker brethren, was "recruited" into the S.S. He briefly ran a prison camp in Belgium until he couldn't stand it, and requested active duty with the regular army. Sure enough, they gave him a grey uniform, made him a captain of artillery, and sent him to the Russian front, where he was last heard from somewhere near Stalingrad.

The Russians then approaching, Mama von H. and brood hightailed it to the American lines, where, with dual German/American citizenship, she managed to get herself and the now 4 kids to Maine, where her family owned some property, including a small island. My boss, who at age 15 was drafted into the German Navy, got to see V2 launches, wondering, with everyone else, whether that would save Germany. It didn't, but he wound up at Bowdoin College, and then the U.S. Air Force Band in Washington, D.C. After that, he married his old childhood sweetheart, who in the meantime had come to America. They moved to Boston, where he had a graduate fellowship to study music at Harvard. His wife then had twins, and they discovered it was hard to raise a family on a graduate fellowship. So, my boss got a job with Famous Unnamed Boston Flute Maker, where he was my predecessor by 30 years or so. I worked for my old boss for about 5 years before moving to Famous Unnamed Boston Flutemaker, doing pretty much his same job until I retired last year. (I hope, after my head clears of 30-odd years of putting up with other people's crap, to make a few instruments of my own before kicking some inevitable bucket.)

My old boss's wife was a bit of an unrepentant Nazi. I was told by an old professor from Vienna that a lot of teenage girls in the German orbit regarded Hitler as a rock star--a misunderstood artist who was about saving Germany. My boss's wife used to get tanked up on sweet white wine at lunch, and out would come some very strange things. "Ooh! Ze Fuehrer war so schoen!" about sums them up. Think "The Producers" meets flute-making in Boston. I am not making this up.

End of Nazi story, more-or-less. I won't tell you her theories about the Holocaust just yet, as this has gone on too long, and it's sounding too much like "The Producers" anyway. And I will not tell you her name, for fear of this sounding completely made-up.

Trooper York said...


We all know her name is Inga.

TTBurnett said...

Well, she wasn't a nurse. I can tell you that.

TTBurnett said...

I should also tell you my old boss was one of Nature's gentlemen, a truly creative artist and a fine man. I learned much of what I know about instrument making from him, as have several others. But he was not a Nazi sympathizer in any way. He was something of a romantic German nationalist, as befits his aristocratic background. I came to appreciate his representing an older German tradition of "Dichter und Kunstler," rather than its unfortunate early 20th century history, and subsequent rebirth as the technological and economic powerhouse of Europe. There's a lot more to Deutsche Kultur that it merely being a kind of European U.S-done-right, and I've been privileged to know someone who represented that.

ndspinelli said...

Great story, Tim.

ndspinelli said...

ricpic, I will pass on the book suggestion to my bride, thanks.

chickelit said...

My aunt was in tears because in Germany corn was only fed to the hogs. She thought she was being insulted until my uncle explained it was a treat and not an insult.

I learned about the European disdain for corn as a corn-fed Wisconsin boy.

My mother's younger brother served in the Air Force in France in the 1960s. He wasn't a flyboy but rather some sort a communications engineer (h's dead now). After his discharge, he worked for IBM over there and eventually stateside in Chicago. He met a gorgeous young Parisienne from a wealthy family over there and wound up engaged to her. For some reason, they decided to marry in the States. Now that I think about, I wonder if he ran into the same bigotry that I encountered over there regarding marrying European women). Anyways, he asked my mother to help arrange a wedding. My mom responded by offering the living room of our tiny house. She hired the minister from our church to officiate.

Now this was 1968 and I was eight. I wasn't privy to everything that was going on (nor did I care), but I do remember meeting his bride's family from Paris (they spoke no English) and were probably lapsed Catholics. It was they who shared with us rubes their innate revulsion for corn.

The parents did bring a bottle of what was supposed to be very fine French champagne which they presented to my parents. They never did drink it though (my dad preferred Cold Duck) and so it sat in the basement fridge for years and years until they threw it out.

ndspinelli said...

We have taken corn to all new levels. Now all we need are some cornhole stories. Trooper!!

MamaM said...

I find his brick by brick building of a story, no histrionics, to have great cumulative power.

To be able to purchase the great cumulative power of brick by brick building for $.01 in this day and age is a deal of epic proportions. Appreciating the mention, ricpic.

ndspinelli said...

"The truth shall make you free." There is a very good piece on the Daily Beast about Trooper's friend, Mr. Mondella, the cherry man. It is informative and kind to Trooper's friend, IMO. I'm sorry I don't do links, because of a horrible mistake made years back. Someone might want to link it for others.

MamaM said...

It is a good piece, ND. I put the link at the bottom of the other thread, with no comment, as the article tells a story that offers insight and invites awareness. The writer respects all involved and presents the information about the situation in a way that allowed me to feel the loss and sadness that is part of the story and the way it unfolded.

ndspinelli said...

That was my take as well, Mama. Thanks for putting up the link.

Aridog said...

The photo with the topical piece of this post is on the money...sometimes you just have to laugh, or you might just cry instead.

Is anyone but me bemused by the bumbling screw ups in this administration when the Sec of Def Ash Carter basically goes before Congress, and the press, and says "We knew nothing" about the facts of the Iraqi advance on Tikrit, Iraq? Even our military folks were surprised, especially those 3000 on the ground in Iraq as we speak. Basically, we were NOT invited to the party and the advance is being lead by the head of the Iranian Quds Force...e.g., Revolutionary Guards version of Special Forces. The press even has photos of him on the ground in the advance.

Apparently we have been replaced, at least among the fighting forces of the Iraq Shiite Militas...organized under Muqtadā al-Ṣadr...the alleged "Imam", with his own army, we once considered wiping out but decided not to do so. Whoops.

All the while we fed pap with Sec of State Kerry (Doofus mit funny hair in Arabic or Persian) running around like a headless chicken trying get any deal what-so-ever signed with the Iranians. They are our allies now? Good luck with that...ask Leonidas.

I have no basis to think this, but I suspect Obama is trying to make soup out of stones alone. In short, he has no idea how out maneuvered he is today.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Has anyone reminded Inga that she is an old Candy Stripper?

Aridog said...

Evi L ...was that before or after her mysterious MS degree? On her POF website, as "Ignemouse" (for meeting people for relationships) she says "some college."

Funny how she says she's on Medicare, I gather from age 60 or so, but not yet age 65. I'd bet my right nut she's on SSI with a egregious disability asserted.

Retired? You big shiney heiny.

Michael Haz said...

I can't stand spending time at JT's blog, simply because most of the comment sections devolve into dealing with Inga.

She puts the same corn in the cans......never mind.

ndspinelli said...

She's on Medicare because when you've been on SS Disability for 2 or 3 years, no matter the age, you get Medicare. It was hilarious. She never mentioned she was on the dole, but a source told me she was, but didn't know what. From my source, from the bitch herself, and from deduction, here is the scenario. Inga had a dustup w/ her employer, a nursing home. She fashioned herself a whistleblower of sorts. As is often the case, when troublemakers get fired, they file work comp. claims. She almost certainly made a claim of "occupational back" which means no traumatic event, just wear and tear. It appears she lost here work comp claim. But, SS Disability is now wide open w/ Obama. She applied, got it, and has now been on the dole long enough to qualify for Medicare. I don't remember the thread. But there was a commenter who is an expert in SS. I think he worked for them. He surmised she was on Medicare for being on Disability and she had to admit that was the case. You could almost hear her stuttering. That's why I go on about SS Disability fraud. There's a chat room from back when she was filing claims. She is literally asking malingerers and frauds what to say to her doc. "Do I ask for pain meds?"

According to the bitch's Facebook page[Nani Inga], she went to Sacred Heart which I think is in the Seattle area. That's where she got her LPN. She never got a BS or MS @ Marquette or anywhere. She regrets that lie because even people who are kind to her know she lied about that. The asshole PaulS hits here on that whenever the chance arises.

My goal is to get her booted. It seems quixotic, I know. But she stalked me there and I aim to get rid of her. I never say her name or respond directly. I hate her more than all of you combined. She went after my wife and daughter. I am relentless. Too many people take her bait over there. She gets too much negative attention.

Methadras said...

She's a fucking demented lunatic. I stopped reading Turley because of her. She taints everything she touches. It's like she's ebola, the plague (which might be ebola), some std's thrown in for texture, and and dengue fever all in a two-legged sack of walking shit.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I did a few posts to taunt her. Nothing too crazy, but they were deleted. I don't fault Turley for deleting mine, but if he wants to run a place catering to Inga, well that is a place I would just as well avoid.

ndspinelli said...

I might have to take back my hate quotient. Methadras really hates her!

ndspinelli said...

Evi, JT is completely overmatched. He comes from a world of intelligent, sane, reasonable people. But, I'll say again. He's an Eyetalian mommas boy. He has banned @ least 4-5 people I know. All men. If she were a man she'd be gone. Bitches like her eat nice guys like JT for breakfast.

chickelit said...

ndspinelli said...
I might have to take back my hate quotient. Methadras really hates her!

IIRC, he has even more reason to despise her than you do.

Michael Haz said...

Nick - you need a hobby.

Aridog said...

Haz...hey, I have a hobby...most mornings I check the Turley blog for posts and comments, and if I see Inga/Annie/Allie Oop/Ingemouse all over the place on a thread, I just skip it and move on. Lately that has meant I skip or barely notice most threads...and I suspect I am not alone in this opinion. No surprise in Turley's list of most frequent commenters today that Inga/ et al ad infinitum is number one. I doubt I'm the only one who has no time for her lunacy and intentional pot stirring.

ndspinelli said...

Haz, LOL!

ndspinelli said...

I am not familiar w/ the Inga/Methadras problem? Inga said in a Amazon review for my wives book that I molested my daughter, that's why she's obese, and my wife covered it up!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ Spinelli

I took a screen shot on Amazon of one of her abusive reviews on your wife's book. I was there to give a review and saw hers. It was obvious that it is/was Inga or whatever the demented broad's name is. At that time I reported the review as being abusive and it appears to have been removed.

I can usually ignore her but it is very discouraging to see her and some of the other mentally disturbed ruining what could be good conversations about interesting topics.

MamaM said...

There are some good thoughts and reading material being presented at Turleys. DBQ's method of taking a corrective shot and clarifiying boundaries is helpful in that it identifies the problem without adding to the drama

The way out of Drama Triangle behavior, which is the yuck Inga perpetuates by switching between being a Victim to being a Perpetrator, and then going to Rescuer, involves three different approaches:

Creator (instead of victim behavior)
Challenger (in place of perpetrator)
Coach, (rather than rescuer)

By writing creatively (presenting original thoughts/stories/personal opinion), challenging appropriately, and using coaching to support and encourage others, the drama she flourishes in will have less opportunity to grow and influence direction.

Me, I still find it easy too easy to let the drama dictate my response, but I'm seeing positive results of the other three behaviors present in some of the comments made by those who remain interested in good conversation and interesting topics.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Thank you MammaM. I highly value your opinion.

You like my knitting pattern theory of trying to get people back on track? I have some good crochet patterns too.


MamaM said...

You like my knitting pattern theory of trying to get people back on track?

I did, DBQ! I could almost hear those needles clicking in a creative way!

I just read this from a $.25 cent deal picked up from the library sale rack as I was paying my overdue fine:

Good stories have the power to save us. Reality is full of cautionary tales, heroes and difficult obstacles overcome through persistence. The best resource against the world's stupidity, meanness and despair is simply telling the truth with all its ambiguity and complexity. We all can made a difference by simply sharing our own stories with real people in real times and places.

Blogs, as corny, unreal and infected as they may seem, are one of those places. I know, because people I've met through them have made a difference and brought good, along with new thoughts and ideas, to my life.

Aridog said...

MamaM....thanks for your on the mark remarks. Personally, I now avoid any thread that Inga is on more than once, plus a couple of others. There is no point is conversing with an idiot. Even if you are an idiot yourself :-)

chickelit said...

@Nick: Inga posted Methadras' name, address, and I believe contacted his employer, hoping to get him fired or something.

The problems you mentioned with Inga remind me of what Titus tried with me. That's why I hate the little fucker and cut him no slack. But these days, I mostly try to avoid him.

ndspinelli said...

Wow! I had no idea about Methadras plight. And I have told you, if Titus goes over the line, just give me the word and I will dig up dirt. He is sane, and can be controlled. She is crazy and needs special treatment.

Aridog said...

It occurs to me that those of us who still frequent Turley's that we could do him a favor by ignoring Inga & her many "nicks." The loon recently admitted she will post less except when there is someone to argue with ... her sole purpose for visiting. If no one argues or responds what-so-ever, she might vanish...or flip out right there.

PS: Troop says "Titus" is real, and fairly bright, IIRC. No matter, I still think he is a "little fucker" with phony credentials and try to avoid any where he shows up more than once.

ndspinelli said...

Ari, She has said the same previously. I think JT has her on a leash. He is fed up, I know that based on what he has said in emails recently. He has deleted her a few times of late rather quickly. He is really deleting this asshole "Wally" like lawnboy was deleting us back in the revolution @ TOP. JT has gotten smarter w/ deletions. He used to be judicial and announce and explain deletions. Now he just dumps them.

Methadras said...

ndspinelli said...

I might have to take back my hate quotient. Methadras really hates her!

Not to compete, but I'd like to see her 6 feet under in the most heinous way possible. She did her stalking bullshit to me too and was going to after me, start harassing my employer, my family and god knows what else this evil creature was plotting. I was seriously willing to take a trip to hunt this sack of whale shit down and put her down. Then I thought the better of it and told her to leave me alone and I'd leave her alone, so far so good, but yeah it went that far.

MamaM said...

The loon recently admitted she will post less except when there is someone to argue with ... her sole purpose for visiting..

She didn't "admit" anything. She presented another story that isn't true and isn't supported by her past and present behavior. Her sole purposes appear to include thread domination, controlling the narrative, and garnering attention, all of which have little to do with clean argument.

chickelit said...

I was just digging through in my chirbit archives and ran across this one regarding Inga and the good ol' days of the Althouse blog.

chickelit said...

I found that I had to laugh at her to cope with her.

Aridog said...

Chickelit...I refuse to laugh at her any more, now I ignore her and if I had the power to delete, she'd vanish, just like you think of "Titus"....both are "little fuckers." "Titus" stacatto appearance on a post of yours on your blog recently stopped me from commenting further on that thread, which I'd complimented earlier, before tiny "Titus" showed up. Also, I'd guess Inga et al might have tried to dig in to me and found no there there and found she was outmatched anyway. She remarked once about "my ways" of finding things...good for her, she's all over the place and easier to track and reveal than dandelions in spring time. I found and proved her Corpsman daughter's identify and genuine existence by following her own clumsy path across the web. She said "thanks" way back then, but has shown resentment about it anyway later on. She is a Piece of Work if there ever was one.

Ignoring her totally is the only way I know to cut off her water, so to speak.

MamaM said...

I found that I had to laugh at her to cope with her

When chickelit steps outside the drama to let loose with creativity, I can't help but laugh. This one is too good, all the way through, and deserves to be written out as a poem in addition to existing as a chirbit, although the dingaling twilight zone sounds at the end with the train horn blaring make me laugh as well.

A Colonel,
A Priest,
A Nurse,
A Queen
And a Bag of Water.

Today's cast of players
On the odd stage
Of the IngaZone.

Add the pecking and chirping of an insightful and persistently creative bird.

Aridog, engaging with her type of darkness pulls me down because it's too close to what I lived with growing up. I've seen and felt first hand the damage a person with a personality disorder can do to people and animals, and it goes beyond the physical. Detachment, cutting off her water, is one healthy way to cope. Laughter can be another, if someone else provides the fodder, but it's not my first response to that form of soul-sucking evil.

chickelit said...

@MamaM: Here's the thread where I originally put that chirbit: link. I wondered whom I meant by "Colonel." It was Colonel Angus.

MamaM said...

Those were the days, chickelit, just prior to the dirty hippo pool and subsequent meltdown, with some pugnacity already in evidence on the subject of white men in shorts looking like overgrown boys.

With Baron Zemo on that odd stage as well, along with the relentless Mr Ed. I'd forgotten about the She Devil of the SS tag. I think Colonel Angus showed up after the Big Moo-off.

ndspinelli said...

Methadras, I'm glad you found some resolution. She has had the sense to cease on my wife and daughter.

chickelit said...

Laughter can be another, if someone else provides the fodder, but it's not my first response to that form of soul-sucking evil.

Nor was it mine. I pushed back too at first; the humor/satire was maybe my second or third response. But there was always the problem of sock puppet conspiracy with both her and Titus. For example, the time that she tagged teamed with Titus about local Madison and Middleton (my old hometown) politics against me.

Michael Haz said...

The problem with open blogs is that any jackass can comment.

ndspinelli said...

Yes, here only approved jackasses are able to comment.

MamaM said...

But there was always the problem of sock puppet conspiracy with both her and Titus.

Yes. Creating the illusion of an army of Goliaths instead of one oversized numbskull, standing alone bragging, bellowing and flinging insults.

What David had going for him in that story was authenticity, skills learned in daily living, and his belief and trust in something larger than himself or Goliath.

Aridog said...

Just listened to Hillary's talk about her emails....never have I heard a more consummate liar anywhere. She must think everyone is a dope, all the while proving she is one. Every single thing she said is a lie. WTF is up with that?

I spent a far amount of my career in DOD and know what the protocols for emails,".mil" and ".gov", classified and unclassified (they are distinguished in the "subject" line and usually require additional identity verification to read if classified)....the whole bit about two phones to read email as is the purest BS, first rate, I will credit her that.

MamaM said...

...And the nemesis Mary G shows up to capture the heart of the matter when it comes to the new "subscription" gambit.

Mary E. Glynn said...
I'm guessing that the Scott Walker fans are contributing more to this blog's "subscriptions" now than Hillary is paying in for your work here.

(or are we not supposed to notice the interesting timing of your more recent solicitations, Prof.?)

Neutral writing, my ass.

3/10/15, 2:05 PM

Cruel Neutrality has left the building, along with the good faith/bad faith designator, leaving behind those who feel good about subscribing to the notion of paying to have their generosity and fealty noted.

chickelit said...

Aridog said...
Just listened to Hillary's talk about her emails....never have I heard a more consummate liar anywhere.

You might enjoy this: link

MamaM said...

LOL, making one thing perfectly clear. That was a feat of endurance, chickelit!!

MamaM said...

In another feat, EBL rounded up a substantial pile of commentary on dumb-cow Hillary offalness over at his barn.

That Lem's and EBL, both blog children from the Alt Mother House, are not listed on the "meaningless" (according to Meade) Blog Roll at the Old Place is a notion I'm unwilling to subscribe to as seemly.

Methadras said...

Aridog said...

I found and proved her Corpsman daughter's identify and genuine existence by following her own clumsy path across the web. She said "thanks" way back then, but has shown resentment about it anyway later on. She is a Piece of Work if there ever was one.

Ignoring her totally is the only way I know to cut off her water, so to speak.

the thing is, is that she implicated me in that discovery and because she's a twisted fuckhead and I told her I didn't, she took no to mean yes. Only a deranged lunatic like her would continue to belabor her utter hatred as means to try and terrorize people. I swear I wish nothing but the most foul upon her and her soul.