Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Baseball has a big problem.

The game played in an empty staduim by the Orioles and the White Sox is going to be just the first among many. The fact that many stadiums are in the inner city and most of the fans are white is an explosive situation. Why should a suburban Dad bring his wife and kids to a venue where savages will attack him in the street. Break into his car and try to harm his family. They are not going to do it.

Why would a business pay top dollar to send clients to a venue where they will get beat up and robbed? Or even have to deal with protesters screaming and throwing stuff at them. They can just as easily take them to play golf or something.

MLB needs to lay down the law and either provide private security or the National Guard to protec the fans. Or it is all over. 

I expect the Orioles attendance to drop by about 50% for the rest of the year. 


Michael Haz said...

The Milwaukee Brewers are currently standing at an impossible-to-believe .227, up from an absurd .156 a few days ago.

Local rumor is that the team is trying to hire organizers to incite a riot so the team can simply skip a few games rather than lose any more. Hey, with that kind of average, the stadium will empty itself.

As for the Baltimore's going to be a long hot summer.

rcocean said...

Maybe the Orioles could purchase several Armed Personnel Carriers and use them to transport the fans in safety.

It worked for Patton.

rcocean said...

The obvious solution if for teams like the Orioles to leave their inner city locations for greener, and safer, pastures.

It'd make more sense to be where the fans are as opposed to being where the fans aren't.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I love urban parks. While I am not as pessimistic as Troop is over MLB as a whole, the Orioles are screwed for the foreseeable future.

ndspinelli said...

Baseball is not screwed. It has survived bigger challenges than this. That said, the Braves are building, well the taxpayers are building, a new stadium out in the suburbs. They did surveys, found where there fans lived, and learned they didn't like coming into funky downtown Atlanta.

ndspinelli said...

I watched highlights of this fear game. it was very weird. The players did not like it.