Thursday, April 30, 2015

Life imitates Art.....all the time

Some people love to knock episodic TV. Of course some people are just idiots. The world of the "Wire" which was set in Baltimore is now all over our TV screens. The show illustrates the corruption of the power structure in Baltimore. Where the city councilmen and poverty pimps mouth the words but steal with both hands. Where the cops are shoveling shit against the tide and the journalists are lying and making shit up. Where the schools fail and the thug life and the corner boys claim whole generations. Where there is no hope left. We have seen it all on the Wire so what is happening now in Baltimore is really just a repeat.

They just finished a big three part story arc on Chicago Fire, Chicago PD and Law and Order SVU. Now normally I don't follow Law and Order because it is so politically correct. But I followed this storyline and it was interesting.

There was the serial killer. Well there is always a serial killer these days. He was white. Of course. A doctor. He rapes and kills women and burns them up to get rid of the evidence. Normally I don't watch this stuff but we always watch Chicago Fire since Lisa's Dad was a fireman and we like to see the stories and marvel about what her father did without any of that fancy equipment. You see back in the day the only equipment they had was beer. They used to say give me five drunken fireman and I could put out any fire you got! So we followed the story all the way across the shows.

Now Chicago PD is a strange show. The star or Hero I guess is Sergeant Voight who we met on Chicago Fire when he was attacking one of the fireman who testified against his son who was a drunk driver. Voight got him out of a lot of jams but the Fire Lieutenant wouldn't let up and even got Voight arrested and stuff. Somehow he got out of the scrape and was put in charge of the Intelligence Unit.

With all of the publicity about police brutality it is pretty funny how this show works. These guys tune up every suspect each week and have a secret location to torture them to get information. Sound familiar? There is a big scandal in Chicago about just the same thing. But it is an accepted part of every episode. Are they going to have an episode where they all get suspended or fired for beating on a suspect? Will they snap some perp's spine or choke out a fat fuck?

That would be life imitating art. Hee.


rcocean said...

I always like watching Old Cop shows like "M squad" where Lee Marvin beats up the crooks and never heard of Miranda rights.

BTW, Looks like the Freddie Gray "outrage" might turn out to be another Mike Brown situation. Maybe some negligence but no Police brutality. But too late for all the shops that got looted.

chickelit said...

As usual, Legal Insurrection has the better legal coverage vs. TOP.

Today, Althouse came out with a line about justifying the riots. Freeman Hunt chimed in as an expert on physics and police brutality and conspiracies.

Trooper York said...


Glad I don't get that channel anymore.