Friday, April 24, 2015

Remembrance of things Pabst

Today was my regularly scheduled doctors appointment and don't you know that he moved without telling me! I show up and the office is closed. I call and they tell me that he closed the Atlantic Avenue Office and has only the one on Flatbush Avenue all the way out by the shopping center at Caesar's Bay. They tell me that they called all the patients. I'm like "Hey I am the patient and nobody called me! What the fuck?" So I was shit out of luck.

We had blocked out a couple of hours so we decided to walk around Atlantic Avenue and check out some of the stores. But first we were going to our favorite coffee shop that our buddy had on Hoyt Street that we always visit when we go to the doctor.

I have mentioned the place before.  It is called the "The Little Sweet Cafe" and they have really good coffee and tea and sandwiches. His crepes are particularly nice. He makes one with apples and maple syrup and another with an spinach omelet that are off the hook.  We were pissed off that we missed the doctor so we walked down Atlantic and turned down Hoyt. And we became disoriented.

It seemed the cafe had moved two stores up the street. It was in the space that was a formerly a trendy clothing boutique. We always would stop in the boutique to chat with the manager. At one time we thought about poaching her for our store as she said she had been working there for about ten years. What we couldn't figure out was how they paid their rent with what they had to sell. I guess they didn't because they are gone and the cafe was in their spot.  We open the door and walk in and the whole experience was different. It was oriented from left to right instead of from right to left if that makes sense. He had fewer tables but more cooking space. Three of the four tables were occupied and they were from cheek to jowl at that. One table had the guys wife and her kid and reciepts spread all over it. There wasn't any room for us.

I just ordered some tea for take out while we chatted. It seems his landlord wanted him to move because the store on the other side wanted to expand. They got rid of the boutique which was behind in its rent as I suspected. He wasn't happy about moving since he had the old joint the way he wanted. Truth to tell I liked that a lot better.

We won't be going back. My doctor has moved so I no reason to go back there. I might not be back for ten years. That happens all the time. A joint you like changes and it just doesn't work for you. So you move on. No hard feelings. You have to find what works for you. There are a million coffee shops in Brooklyn. You can't hit a dead cat and not hit a coffee house.

I sent Omar and all his buddies there because they had halal food. So he still has that trade. Things have their time but generally they decline and are not as enjoyable. I think it is called entropy or some shit like that there.


1 comment:

rcocean said...

Great story. Having your Dr. move without telling you seems par for the course - Healthcare industry wise.