Friday, April 10, 2015

What you will never see on Turley's site.....Michael H is always right

Michael Haz said...
I'm done with Turley. He has been trolling for anti-religion comments for the past week, maybe longer.

Maybe he's trying to spine the sitemeter, I don't know, but his topics seem to be purposely aimed at attracting maximum comments from people who seem to be genuinely disturbed.

There is no benefit for me to be had from engaging in conversation over there
I think that is just about right. The trolling is either for anti-cop or anti-religion posts that just bring out the same few people who destroy the conversation. I was hoping for an alternative for interesting conversation but it just doesn't seem to work. 
I appreciate what Nick is trying to do but I just don't feel it if you know what I mean. There are some topics I just have to jump in on but it always devolves into silly name calling with the usual suspects.


Michael Haz said...

It never fails to amaze me how a few small things can make the world feel right. Simple things, easy things, often things that have little or no cost.

Right now I'm sitting in my cabin, wood fire burning in the fireplace, a cold beer in my hand, Mrs. Haz laughing, some barbecue cooking, and Van Morrison singing a duet of Lord If I Ever Needed Someone with Mavis Staples.

All the other crap people do and say to get attention seems far away and irrelevant an unimportant.

Because it is.

When my old man died, the last words he said before losing consciousness were "don't worry; everything will be alright".

Damn right. Just can't let the nonsense and baloney and attention seekers get in the way of that.

Trooper York said...

Very true. We had a big scare this week so I want to count my blessings and chill.

rcocean said...

What were the anti-religious posts?

From what i can tell JT has always been obsessed with showing police brutality or questionable shootings. He also likes showing foreigners censoring or committing various acts that Americans would disapprove of.

Michael Haz said...

This bit of happy in the comments section at Insty caught my eye:

"367 Let's make this clear Althouse is a self absorbed WI professor that Glen Reynolds must have fucked at some time, because without his links from intsy she would have no traffic.

She married a biker that was a commentator. Pretty sad.

She posts a glamor shot on her web site of herself. Really really sad.

Every time I go over there from an Insty link, I think WTF is this dumb shit.

Not LGF level, but close."

Michael Haz said...

We had a big scare this week so I want to count my blessings and chill.

Whoa. Sounds scary. You okay, Trooper?

Michael Haz said...

And this comment:

57 I started tuning into Althouse daily during the Scott Walker recalls; her on the ground reporting and willingness to shoot video in the midst of that madness were great. Probably would not appreciate the hell that scott walker actually went through, or the moonbattiness of the courthouse squatting left at that time, without her posts. And she sometimes has interesting news links.

But yes, she is like Paglia in that half what she says is full of spot on brilliance, the other half stuffed to the rafters with WTF nonsensery. And voting for Obama? Twice? Gurl please. Which explains why I have not visited there in a looooong time.

Michael Haz said...

And this one for the win:

56 Isn't "Explore the Stupid" the name of Althouse's blog?

Michael Haz said...


54 So how is Althouse's resident imbecile commenter "Garage" taking the news?

Posted by: Chico at April 10, 2015 01:22 PM (a7Dd7)

I'm sure it's Scott Walker's fault, somehow.

Michael Haz said...

Editorial Error!

The comments aren't from Insty, they are from Ace of Spade HQ. Apoligies.

Michael Haz said...

And this...

29 Althouse is back to her "cruel neutrality" fiction, smearing Rand as
anti-gay while she searches for a reason to vote for Scankles. I'd
rather not give her any traffic.
Leftism is a hard drug to break.

KCFleming said...

Haz, that's hilarious.

Althouse reminds me of Megan McCardle and Peggy Noonan.
They made horrific mistakes and seem to never have apologized for fucking up in a major way, but still seem to think that people should listen to them.

Worse, I do think they realize they have bad judgement.

KCFleming said...

I don't think they realize...

KCFleming said...

As for Turley's, it really makes me wonder if that's just the best the left has to offer.
Maybe Inga, Max, fiver and Mespo at Turley's are really quite typical of the peak of leftist thought.

This is their best.

Trooper York said...

We had bit of a fright. Lisa slipped and fell and hit her head on the brownstone steps. It was very scary.

We went to the hospital and did a cat scan and thank God she is fine. Just very sore and bruised but thankful that she didn't break anything.

After a fright like that all the nonsense at places like Turley and Althouse are particularly galling and stupid.

I have to turn away to more important things. Those people are just not worth it.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I am sorry about the scare but glad Lisa is OK.

And ditto to what MH said.

rcocean said...

That does sound scary. Glad she's OK.

I think Inga and Titus probably fall down and hit their heads a lot.

KCFleming said...

Sorry to hear that, Trooper. Hope she's doing better.

Michael Haz said...

Oh gosh, a fall? Awful! Sorry that it happened, but glad that Lisa's injuries weren't any worse than they were.

ndspinelli said...

The cabeza is what we must always protect. Broken bones, bruises, etc. heal. The girl has had a rough month. Maybe an omen to get outta Dodge.

Trooper York said...

I think you are.right. Nick.

At least that's the way I am thinking.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I could see Lisa and you in Venice, Florida. She could run a shop and you could hang by the bait store near the harbor entrance with a lap top making comments.

Michael Haz said...

Venice is very nice! I think we will be there before next winter.

ndspinelli said...

I think Islamorada in the Keys. That's where Ted Williams lived.

Trooper York said...

I just saw Boodline on Netflicks.

No way am I going to live in the Keys with those low lifes.

By the way that is a very good limited series. Check it out.

Trooper York said...

We are looking at Lighthouse Point.

It seems pretty cool.

I can get a house with a boat and a dock for the price of a studio in Brooklyn.

rcocean said...

Nevin Karey Shapiro is from there.