Monday, April 13, 2015

Turley has done it....nothing more needs to be said


Michael Haz said...

It's not worth it (for me) to comment at Turley's blog any longer. Your mileage may vary.

A quick glance at the topics, and his blog looks more and more like the front page of the National Enquirer. It's mostly Murdered By Cops!! and Oh No, Christers!! with a few other bits of fluff thrown in.

Sorry, not my bag. And the continued presence of the nutcase commenters just makes it worse.

Plus, I am working hard at cultivating a life off of the internet.

TrooperYork said...

Good plan. I dropped by because I was curious since it seemed to go dead over the weekend. Then just as you said it was cop bashing. I guess tomorrow it will be religion bashing.

He jumped the shark.

TrooperYork said...

We had a meeting pitching another TV show today. So who knows. We want to take it on the road. We will be traveling and doing pop up stores. Maybe we can do one in Green Bay and have Michael Haz and Spinelli trying on some lacy underwear on the frozen tundra.

That will get us some ratings!

Michael Haz said...

Wasn't Nick's undercover name 'Lacy Underwear"? You know, for that one job he doesn't talk about much.

Trooper York said...

I thought it was Toodles Le Bang.

But I could be mistaken.

MamaM said...

And there are others say it was Long Thong.

Consider "Corn Porn" as a summer theme if those two are going to be featured, in the silk or tasseled.

MamaM said...

It's not worth it (for me) to comment at Turley's blog any longer.

Except when the corn is too good to resist?

Trooper York said...

Hah! I am going to have to rely on reports since I put it on the Evil Blogger Lady list.

Is there a cop bashing post or a religion bashing post today?

Michael Haz said...

Corn patrol, Mama M.

Trooper, I looked briefly. There is the obligatory anti-cop topic.

Trooper York said...

Figured that would be the case.

Trooper York said...

Turley is well on his way to becoming TOP.

Aridog said...

Just a guess, but I suspect Turley may end his blog before much longer...regardless of topics, he draws mostly the loons 50+% of the time, sometimes hogging 70% of the comment space. His choice of themes lately seems to be bait....or justification for what might come next.

Aridog said...

Just read a couple more of the cop topics on Turley's...the usual basher types are prominent repeatedly. In short, they rise to the bait. I really do think it is the denouement. I might be wrong, but I doubt it.

Beyond what Turley thinks or doesn't think...I'd love to see these cop bashers live in a world without cops. Defend themselves when they can, die when they can't. Live even briefly in place without law and law enforcement and prove your metal...or just shrivel up and hide.Good luck.

Michael Haz said...

Interesting observation, Aridog.

I've written Turley, and he responded politely to point out that his blog is a free speech zone, unless there is uncivil conduct, and that he wants it that way.

My sense is that eh blog is at the bottom of his priorities now, and gets very little of his attention. So maybe Ari is right - it will be closed before long.

MamaM said...

All blogs are on their way somewhere.

Do I enjoy reading the comments made by persons of good faith who show up at Turley's to weigh in, offer opinions, reveal humor, tell stories, shed light or stand up to ignorance and manipulation?


But then I still read at TOP when the mood strikes, bearing in mind the hostess there also has her own agenda and issues rolling, with random pearls mixed in with the silage.

Corn patrol, indeed. That was a fun pic and video. On the topic of Evi L Bloggerlady, the name "Theebl" makes me laugh. It's a good name for corn fed cow who also enjoys grazing.

KCFleming said...

Is Turley just Althouse in drag?

Aridog said... Turely does not usually join in and comment on commenters remarks, which the TOP lady does regularly, with snark as often as not. When he goes, there won't be a psychotic break expressed about all the bad people, etc...unlike TOP. And Turley has no resident toad to mock others either.

Trooper York said...

Unfortunately I went over there and Inga just took a very cheap shot at Michael Haz.

I am going to email the details.

I am sorry I went over there.

Michael Haz said...

Trooper, thanks for the heads-up.

To say any more would cause me to lose my temper, so I'll leave it at that.

Messages to Turley are appreciated.

Trooper York said...

Done and done.

ndspinelli said...

Turley will delete a comment almost all the time if it's personal. And, he'll do it quickly. He has been deleting Inga and Max @ a brisk pace. You have to follow closely. Max has been deleted @ least 8-10 times the last several days. Inga has ~dozen the same time span. I know she had 5 comments deleted just today. But, I sense you ol' ladies are more enjoying your gripe session, so I'll let you back to it.

ndspinelli said...

Joe Pyne had his "Beef Box."

Michael Haz said...

But, I sense you ol' ladies are more enjoying your gripe session, so I'll let you back to it.

What the fuck are you talking about, Nick? Ol' ladies enjoying a gripe session? Is that what you think this is?

MamaM said...

Is Turley just Althouse in drag?

No. He may have his own issues and obsessions, but he happily wears shorts. He also put together a coherent civility policy when needed, something Althouse has had difficulty forming and putting into words.

Trooper York said...

He might have a civility policy but his site has become unreadable. He is subtly encouraging them by the post that he makes. Thread after thread bashing the cops. Where is the thread with the cops who have been killed on duty by disadvantaged youtes?

Nowhere to be seen that's where.

Trooper York said...

He seems to live on a one way street.

MamaM said...

... but his site has become unreadable.

Not to me it hasn't. I'd have quit reading here long ago if I let some of the subtle visual encouragement to regard women a certain way get in the way of what I appreciate about the commenters and host.

Trooper York said...

Fair enough MamaM. It is all a matter of taste and perception.

I just thought a personal attack on Michael Haz's brother was worthy of a different response than a simple deletion. Call me crazy.

I emailed Turley to express my opinion and I am turning the page. the end. Period.

Maybe Nick is right. I know my wife is complaining that I get more like my mother every day.

ndspinelli said...

Haz, Regarding the reference to your brother. I take every chance I get to take a swipe @ the bitch. Her brother was a Milwk. cop as you know. I think the Milwk. Police Dept. is bad so I wrote a comment about it. She, in her demented way, mentioned you and how I was really taking a swipe @ you and your deceased brother who served on Milwaukee PD. It was a sad attempt @ manipulation that was quickly deleted. A former Guest Blogger compared my deceased sister to Hitler a couple years ago . That took a couple days before it was deleted.

I am sorry the bitch mentioned your brother. It was wrong. On a macro level, you tend to worship police. I don't share that mindset. I have dealt w/ thousands of cops, from saints to lying sacks of shit pig fucker racists. I have dear friends who are cops. And there are cops I would not piss on if they were on fire. I know cops better than most people walking this earth. I have commented about Turley's obsession. But, that does not put me in the same camp as him or you. I have written many times to Turley about how she has to go. He's a dago mama's boy. He has real problems disciplining women. He has suspended and banned many people, including mespo. He has not done so w/ any women. He gives Squeeky a lot of range as well.

ndspinelli said...

Mama don't whine or do windows.

Aridog said...

Trooper ... I've noticed the deletions. Lately Turley doesn't even provide a notification. I think he's growing tired of it all.

I agree, I'd surprised to read there of a cop, especially a black cop, being killed by "youtes" ... I even mentioned one instance on a thread a while cop killed by "youtes". Response: "crickets"

chickelit said...

ndspinelli said...
Turley will delete a comment almost all the time if it's personal. And, he'll do it quickly. He has been deleting Inga and Max @ a brisk pace. You have to follow closely. Max has been deleted @ least 8-10 times the last several days. Inga has ~dozen the same time span. I know she had 5 comments deleted just today. But, I sense you ol' ladies are more enjoying your gripe session, so I'll let you back to it.

Whenever I comment at TOP I always check the box to get subsequent comments emailed to me. This is probably the only way to read Mary Glynn's comments over there.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Well, in a way I appreciate the red meat baited topics since it tends to make the loons (Inga and Max in particular) cluster in that topic. The obsess about the subject and incessantly post comment after comment.

This means that there are oasis of sanity located on some of the other topics.

Segregate the idiots and leave the rest of us to have adult conversations.


Trooper York said...

Hey I am a big fan of segregation. It would solve most of problems. Just sayn'

ndspinelli said...

Trooper X.

Michael Haz said...


This is in response to your comment at 7:25 PM April 15th.

1. I don't know that Inga's brother is or was a Milwaukee cop. I have no interest in her personal and family life. None.

2. I don't have any evidence that the "Milwaukee PD is bad" like you seem to have. Individual officers may be, perhaps, but that isn't a reason to paint the entire PD with one brush.

3. The comments made about my brother were "quickly deleted" because I demanded that Turley delete them.

4. I don't "tend to worship police". I worship God, and I believe that police are brave people doing difficult jobs. A few are bad eggs, but I won't taint and entire department or profession by calling them "lying sacks of shit pig fucker racists".

Just wanted to clear that up.

Aridog said...'re right about the cluster bait for Inga and Max....however, have you also noticed fewer and fewer topics at all? Weekends especially?


Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ Ari

Yes. I get the sense that JT and Darren and anyone else in charge are just sick and tired of the whole dog and pony show.

It's too bad, because I enjoy having intelligent conversations and dealing with the really important legal issues that are affecting us or will be affecting us.

Instead we are getting National Enquirer types of posts and 24/7 repetitive ad hominum attacks. Mindless regurgitating of progressive talking points.

I hate to say it but really a total waste of time.

JT must be really sick of the whole thing. I know I almost am.


Aridog said...

So long as Professor Turley posts, I will read....and comment when the drive-by jerks don't inundate the thread(s). That said, it is becoming an almost impossible task. Others MMV....

Aridog said...

Another morning with no new post on Turley. Purportedly he prepares his posts in the early AM and then goes to work.

Aridog said...

Guess he got up late...a couple new posts are up.

chickelit said...

I mentioned TOP above.

Is there a BOTTOM over there?

Sorry, wrong blog. But from the sounds of it, not really.

ndspinelli said...

Just to be clear, I call the lying sacks of shit pig fucker racists cops, lying sack of shit pig fucker racists. Just as I said some are saints, and I call them saints. Most cops are neither. That was quite clear if read clear headed.

Aridog said...

chickelit said...

Is there a BOTTOM over there?

Yeah. It's the house toad ole TOP girl keeps for her pleasures.

Michael Haz said...

Did a quick scroll-through at TOP. Surprised by the low number of comments on quite a few topics. Or is that how it's always been?

Trooper York said...

It is an interesting phenomena. You don't get a large number of comments unless you have people who write a bunch of comments and argue back and fort. Inga. Spinelli. Ritmo. Pogo. Me.

That is what is going on at Turley. But notice most of the comments are three or four people. They are fighting and driving the comment number over 200 in most of the contentious posts. You have to have two points of view and some different perspectives. TOP drove out most of those people. So I bet they struggle to get 35 comments a thread.

MamaM said...

Regardless of what one feels about Althouse as a person, writer or blogger, more than a quick scroll-through the last week at TOP reveals numbers that suggest she's been slowly rebuilding her blog. While they may not match what she had prior to the July meltdown, she's managed to maintain a viable blog, one to which Insty continues to link.

April 11, 568 comments
April 12, 199
April 13, 508
April 14, 369
April 15, 433
April 16, 530
April 17, 403
Today 163+

While I don't appreciate some of her attitudes and opinions, or her husband's behavior at Lem's, I don't consider these to be low numbers for someone who blew up her blog, brought in moderation and somehow managed to curtail or discourage the number drivers like Ritmo, Inga, and Crack who were dominating and filling the threads.

There are still several commenters at TOP whose opinions I appreciate reading and I do not regard them as fools, turncoats or villains for choosing to comment there, even though I've no desire to do the same.

Aridog said...

Trooper and MomaM ... I pay no attention to the screamers on any blog...I identify who they are, and note they take over threads to make it all about them, and subsequently I scroll over their comments without reading them. No credibility and no good faith...screw 'em. When I notice they've taken over a thread, I drop off and don't read further, and obviously don't comment further.

I agree that there are still some really good commenters at TOP, but I will never comment there again, and read only very occasionally. I doubt anyone cares what I do very much...e.g., we're even. :-) Where ever I see the TOP Toad show up anywhere I by-pass that thread.

Aridog said...

Off topic question: Trooper just what is this "Start Up New York" investment stuff that's advertised daily here where it is claimed no sales tax, no income tax, no property taxes, and no other taxes for 10 years?

Who the flip can qualify for such largess? What do they owe after the 10 years of tax freedom? How does a business avoid sales tax if they sell to consumers? Or is that only on their own purchases?

Sounds like an ultra con to me.

Michael Haz said...


Start-Up New York is something of a scam, not surprising since it involves politicians.

Article here.

Most New York start-ups are truck engines moving NY businesses to Texas.

Aridog said...

Haz ... just as I thought a political benefit teaser advertisement for the gullible that is otherwise mostly BS. It's on the air at least 4-5 times a day here in I had to ask. A lot of money spent to purvey BS I'd say.

Aridog said...

Haz ... that NY advertisement reminds me of the the "Ram Truck" ads where they claim to be "the fastest growing truck brand in America."

Heh...when you are at the bottom, there is no where to grow but up...and they're not even a slight threat to Ford and the various GMC brands (Chevy and GMC).