Wednesday, April 29, 2015

A good day!

Yesterday was a day off but as usual we had to run a bunch of errands. Principally we had to go to the doctors which we always seem to do on our days off. The only advantage is that we are down at Brooklyn Heights so we always make a day out of it.

We have a new tradition of going to brunch at Theresa's which is the great Polish diner at the end of Montague Street. Now Montague Street was hot shit back in the day. It was mentioned in a Bob Dylan song and was a bastion of "hip" culture in the 1960's. It had coffee houses and bars and stuff that wasn't your traditional Irish ginmill that dominated Brooklyn in those days. So when you went to Montague Street you were a "rebel." Hee. Now it is old money and everyone needs a walker. I fit right in.

We went with the omelets since I was not allowed to have any pirogies. Truth to tell I didn't fell like it anyway because it was too hot for them. So I had the cheddar and mushroom omelet and Lisa had the Brie omelet. With home fries and multi grain bread it was great.

When we were done we waked down Montague to the Promenade. This is the view you see in every movie about NYC. The weather was spectacular and I loved the smell of the water. I reminded me of when I would go fishing with my Uncle V and brought back some great memories. There were kids and parents and tourists and old folks just enjoying the sun,

The only thing was that the sun was really strong and I was afraid our pasty white winter skin would burn. On this weeks episode of "Call the Midwife" that was part of the plot. All of these white people went into the sun when they weren't used to it and got burned right up. Jeez. I know the feeling.

We kept walking all the way down to the bridges. Or to Dumbo which is "Down Under the Manhattan Brooklyn Bridges." Why the last letter is an "O" and not a "B" is pretty self evident. You have to maneuver around because the new proposed Brooklyn Bridge Park is not finished yet so you have go over hill and dale to get where you want to go.

One of the streets is a very steep incline where you are walking straight down hill. It is a slippery slope.

To continue with our boring Bob Dylan song motif we went all along the Watchtower.

At one time the Jehovah Witnesses owned most of the property down there. They sold out a few years ago for a shit pot full of money. No fools there. All those days waking me up by ringing the door bell sure paid off.

We finally get back to the water and don't you know it? The carousel was closed. So I didn't get to ride the horsey. Spring is here but not yet in full bloom. You have to wait around a little longer.

All in all it was a great day. Sunshine. A great brunch. Hanging out with my baby by the water and taking in the sea air.  Heaven.


Michael Haz said...

Great mini-travelogue, Trooper. I wish that I could have enjoyed it in person with you and Lisa. That sounds like a perfect day off.

Trooper York said...

If you ever get a chance to get to Brooklyn with the missus we can do exactly that.

I would take you to the waterfront for panales and then for ice cream

rcocean said...

Food looks great. Judging by your picture you've dropped a few lbs. Good for you.

ndspinelli said...

Love these happy, positive, posts. La vita e bella. You two deserve happiness.