Sunday, November 4, 2012

Fall Back?

So I forgot it was time to turn the clock back this morning. I got up bleary eyed as usual and threw some water on my face and started to walk to church. As I was staggering down Court St I noticed this long line of cars. I thought to myself that is a lot of traffic I thought the Marathon was cancelled.  Then  I thought it might be a funeral but that couldn't be....there were cabs and trucks in the line. Then I noticed that there was an actual line and cars were passing and driving by in the other lane. You see it was gas line! All the way from Hamilton Avenue to Union Street. About twenty five blocks.

We haven't seen anything like that in a long time. It is the 1970's back again!

When I got to church it was locked up tight. There were a couple of other people there just as confused as I was. An old lady with a  walker. A harried mom with two kids. We were all mooks. We didn't change our clocks so we were there an hour early. So I went home and had some coffee and came back in time to get there before Mass started which is unusual for me. Most often Father Chris has started by the time I get there. So that was good.

At least I didn't have to stand in line for church like those people did for gas. Which is fine with me.

You see I don't believe in cars.


ndspinelli said...

Do you believe in Santa?

dbp said...

"You see I don't believe in cars"

They most assuredly exist. I saw one once.