Monday, November 12, 2012

The Devil is out of the building.

Well we resolved our employee problem without having to fire anyone. The person I was sure stole the jewelry quit this weekend. I knew that she would. All we had to do was watch her and she would know that the jig is up.

You see everybody makes mistakes. I do. You do. But if you follow corporate policy you find enough big mistakes to fire anyone. But because you are normally so busy you don't call them on them they just slide by on the edge of barely tolerable behavior.

So what we decided to do was give people write-ups on the fuck-ups they do during the day. This was easy because this person made three big fuck ups the first day we started doing.

First she packed the wrong dress for a mail order. Something she had done several times before.

Then she charged the wrong price for a sale. We caught it because we were monitoring the point of sale in real time and we were able to catch it and change it before the sale was finalized. It was in our favor but that is not how we operate.

The third thing was minor. She didn't put the customer information into the point of sale so we had no way to contact the person after they left. No emails. No Facebook. It is as though it was 1950. We have a strong internet presence and we want to be able to get to our database.

Anyway we presented these write-ups and said the new procedure is that we would issue one every time something got screwed up. So this person decided that they weren't going to show up for work. They didn't come to work on Saturday or Sunday. No call. No text. She defriended us on Facebook and Instagram. That is as good as a "Dear John" letter these days.

She left us with a balance on her lay-away for clothes she purchased. But she was also owed two days pay. So net net I am only out a couple of hundred dollars. So I am going to let it slide. Even though I am pretty sure that she is the one who stole the Jewelry. But I have no proof.

The upside is that the energy in the store was great over the weekend. We had great sales. Of course both Lisa and I were there all day which is part of the reason. We have a much better atmosphere. It is like the devil has left the building. We sprinkled some holy water and said a prayer. So she can kill all the chickens she wants to curse us but we got it covered.


Titus said...

She nig right?

Titus said...

I chizzed on my keyboadfsrd and my a IS FUCKED UP.


Titus said...

How do you clean cum out of keybo9rd

ndspinelli said...

My bride recommended a stiff sentence for a gypsy con man in Federal Court. The judge concurred and followed the recommendation. After the hearing his mother put a gypsy curse on my bride.

Chip S. said...

Titus, just pour hot coffee over it.

Even if it's still fucked up, at least it'll smell better.

windbag said...

No show. No call. No job.

windbag said...

Well played, sir.

Trooper York said...

You know how it is windbag.

She showed that she was guilty by quitting like that.

Nobody gives up a job in this economy unless something else is going on.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Glad it all worked out. And since she quit, no unemployment? Bonus.

blake said...

Working is for chumps anyway.

Titus said...


Where is MaMAS

MamaM said...

Where is MaMAS

If you're inquiring as to MamaM's whereabouts, she was stuck in traffic and finally made it out!

If windbag is around, he deserves a big "thank you!" for a good recommendation leading to a beautiful and memorable adventure.

We drove to Cade's Cove last Saturday after class and arrived in time to see the mountains turn deep purple and orange in the last rays of the setting sun. Since the weather was warm enough to have the windows open, the sounds and scents in the evening air added to the experience. The animals were grazing and crossing the road, with only three other cars sharing the space with us. As we came up on the first turn-off/short cut to the exit (two miles in), we were having such a lovely and peaceful time, we decided to keep going in the belief we could drive the rest of loop (9 more miles) before nightfall. What we didn't know was that we'd be joining a seemingly endless line of stopped cars around the next bend and would spend the next hour inching along as dusk turned to complete and total darkness. Except for the tail lights ahead the darkness was so deep and enveloping, we were surprised, sensing what night in the Cove may have been like prior to the advent of electricity and motor vehicles. When the second short cut came up, we took it, with about half the crowd ahead doing the same while the rest drove on to complete the loop. What everyone was doing or looking in the darkness remains a mystery. Driving out of the park and back to Townsend on a narrow winding road with no shoulder was another experience and we were glad to return to town and finish the adventure with a dinner of southern "comfort food" at the Firefly Cafe.

All in all, it was a trip worth taking, fitting my idea of "fab".

Thanks again, windbag for the mention.

Next up: Brussel Sprouts!

windbag said...

MamaM, you are most definitely welcome. I love playing tour guide in these hills. We biked Cades Cove one Saturday years ago when the kids were little. It's closed to motor traffic certain times, so people can walk or bike it. Deer seemingly oblivious to the people pedaling past. I'm not greedy, I just want a quarter-acre there. I'll even share it with some others. The ones who chose to drive the entire loop may have been trying to spot other wildlife. Wild boar, wolves, bear, and other critters are all around there.

One night we were cutting through the Smoky Mountain Park coming back from a day at Dollywood and we saw a wolf standing in one of the parking areas. We stopped and, as we were admiring him, I told the kids how that was the first wolf I had ever seen in the wild, and what a special thing it was. We drove about two miles and saw another. I said, "Really, kids, it is special. Honest, it is."

I think tomorrow I'm going to go visit the elk either up on the Blue Ridge Parkway or up in Cataloochee. It's been a difficult couple of weeks and time for the solace of solitude to work its magic.