Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Taking a CIvic Dooty!

So we went to vote today and what a fuckin' fiasco it was.

Our normal polling place was closed because of the storm so we had a list of three alternatives to go to. We chose the closest one as we figured that would be the place to go. It was pretty cold and the wind was blowing so we hustled to get there. Now we should have went earlier in the day when there was no line but we were too busy working on the internet to drum up sales and cleaning the house. So naturally we had to get there when everybody got home from work and shit.

So when we get there is a huge line going in circles. It turns out it was the line for my district but I told Lisa we had to go check before we stood on the line. So there is this chinese girl sitting with the big book of addresses and you have to give your address so she can figure out where you have to go. I give my address "328" and she goes "228" and I go no "328" and she goes "228." I finally get her to realize that it is 328 and she verifies that we had to go to the long long line.

Now this it the line that had 100 people in it. All the yuppies and hipsters who are renting apartments in the neighborhood. Lisa said it was so different from when she used to vote where she grew up. Then she knew everyone in the line and the people behind the counter and it was a community thing. I said I know a couple of people in the line. There was the guy from my block who always owned fancy cars. He had a new corvette once that had a vanity license plate that spelled out "Phongul." So he was on line with his wife. I told the wife that "it is a transient neighborhood now and people move in and move out. There is no old timers around."The girl in front of us turned around and said "Hey I am fourth generation." I said "I know you live across the street and your Dad is an accountant." You see I laugh at the wife because she doesn't talk to anybody like I do. I am always saying hello and get to know a bunch of people. But the wife dosen't so I have to laugh when she complains that she doesn't know anybody.

Now all the white people where in this long, long line. This one big mama came around and took every black person out of the line and told them they were in the wrong place. They had to go in the place for the Red Hook projects and the Gowanus Houses where there were about three people on line. Fuck you chalk faced whores.

There was this dude who was running around trying to direct stuff. He worked for the Board of Elections and it was pretty fuckin funny because he sounded exactly like Tracy Morgan from "30 Rock." So I go to him "Hey I bet you love Obama so much that you want to take him behind the middle school and get him pregnant."

Anyway we get up to the desk and get signed in and get our paper ballots. You have to go up to this little desk and fill it out and bring it to the scanner. Lisa got mad because she felt that people could tell who you voted for and maybe fuck around with your ballot. But I just said that fuck that be proud and give in your ballot. Which is what we did.

We voted the straight Conservative party line. Our cousin by marriage is the daughter of Mike Long who is the head of the Conservative Party in New York and that helps him get  a ballot line.


john said...

You didn't really say that to him.

Did you?

windbag said...

Michael Haz just showed up on Legal Insurrection's twitter feed. Congrats, Michael.

Chip S. said...

What we've learned tonight: AllieOop is the representative voter.

Game over.

Trooper York said...

Yes I did say that and he laughed his ass off.

Trooper York said...

I said "Dude you sound just like Tracey Morgan...that's right Liz Lemon."

The Dude said...

Well, it's good to have a sense of humor, at least they haven't taken that yet.

Trooper York said...

They will.

Just wait.

blake said...

Gone galtin'.

Michael Haz said...

Michael Haz just showed up on Legal Insurrection's twitter feed. Congrats, Michael

I did? Thanks!

Uh...we're all commies now, I guess.

windbag said...

I've never held humans in very high regard. I know we were made in the image of God, and by His command, I try to love my neighbors and alleviate as much suffering as I can with the resources He has given me. But, I do recall a moment in my senior year of high school when I realized that some people are simply unteachable and without class.

Our senior class had thousands of dollars in the coffers from various fund raisers, so for our Senior Skip Day picnic, we had our choice of either hamburgers or steak. We voted and my classmates overwhelmingly chose hamburgers.

ndspinelli said...

Trooper, Your bride is so vivacious on camera. Your description of her introvertness is surprising. Being an introvert, I can turn on the charm and energy when needed, but not like Lisa.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Well that sucked. Oh we'll, we have a Venezuelan future to look forward to...

Mitt gave a good loser speech. Lombardi used to comment on that.

The Dude said...

It did suck, but the sun came up anyway, and I, for one, will devote my energy to thinking of how to earn more cash. Clearly half the population is dense as hell, so why not take advantage of that fact, eh?

windbag said...

...we have a Venezuelan future to look forward to...

A delivery guy I had for a year or so was from Venezuela. Oddly, he lived in France for awhile in the same little town my sister lives in. Anyhow, I remember that Venezuela had 1300% inflation back in the day. 1300%.

I've lived through too many Armageddon/Nirvana elections to get too worked up about this. Yes, it sucks, but there are opportunities out there to be found. Hopefully, I can find at least one.

On the local level, the total asshole who was the Chairman of the County Commissioners got his ass handed to him, which delights me to no end.

We will survive.

john said...

Venezuelans both won and lost this years World Series.

john said...

At least they seem to get things done rather quickly.

Chip S. said...

It did suck, but the sun came up anyway...

60, you're a levelheaded guy and I know what you're tryin' to say, but whenever I hear this it just irritates me. I mean, shit, the sun came up every day in the fuckin' Soviet Union, too.

Don't get me wrong--I'm all for seeing the sun still burning. Things would really suck o/w. But I'd like to set my hope threshold just a wee bit higher.

Sorry, but I'm totally pissed about this election and will probably snap at any attempts to whistle past the graveyard.

The Dude said...

I hear ya, Chipper, I too am very angry. But being angry only hurts me, so I am trying to keep moving on with my life.

The good news is that Choomy did not win NC, so that means that less than half our population is retarded. That's a cold comfort, to be sure, but at this point I'll take what I can get.

For now I'll keep my powder dry and set about figuring out a plan for my money. It's good to have something else besides politics to think about.

Michael Haz said...

It's good to have something else besides politics to think about.

Ditto. I've been involved nearly non-stop in five campaigns now, four of them state-wide and the presidential campaign. I'm worn out by the politicing and the time commitment in addition to work and time it takes away from family.

I'm taking a time out from it. My non-work time will now focus on family, friends, reading, prayer, cooking, laughing leading as anorma a life as my genetic predispositions allow.

(I wanted to add an comment here about how a gridlocked Congress is a good thing, but that contradicts what I said above).

Peace out, you hippies.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Well said Sixty. Never underestimate how stupid some people are. I agree, focus on your own, get your self prepared for the worse.

There is some post election class griping going on at TOP. The Other EBL is a bit thin skinned.

ndspinelli said...

At least the folks here don't use that stale liberal line, "I'm moving to Canada."

The stock market spoke loud and clear today.

The Dude said...
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The Dude said...

Yeah, I have been to Canada - it's beautiful, but cold. I hear Costa Rica is nice, stable and has a large ex-pat population.

EBL.1 has no idea - go plant a garden! Or have your boy do it. Whatever. Maybe I'll start taking summers off - yeah, that's the ticket. What a clueless bad word.

windbag said...

I'm tired...too tired to sit down and give up.

Chip S. said...

The stock market spoke loud and clear today.

Hey nick, the all-knowing Associated Press thinks the stock market's sending a clear msg, too:

Breaking News (@BreakingNews)
11/7/12 9:39 AM

Dow Jones industrial average falls 200 points after Europe slashes economic growth forecast - @AP

What media bias?

ndspinelli said...

ChipS, "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"

MamaM said...

I'm on my way to a carving class in Townsend, TN. Arrived in Cincinnati last night to stay while MrM attends to business before heading south, and awoke to bright sunshine this morning. At noon, sirens that sounded like civil defense horns/tornado alerts went off, making me wonder if they were a noon signal or a late season test.

Whatever the case, the sound affirmed the blessing of a clear day while serving as a reminder that uncontrollable shit happens and can result in unexpected and damaging events as real as the rising sun. While blowing air horns might save lives, they don't lessen the impact of swirling winds or avert the course of an impending storm.

I sent much of the day feeling old, tired and frustrated. I was surprised by the outcome of the election, and found it hard to believe the style and content of the Obama presidency and campaign was approved by so many voters.

I don't know what "forward" looks like for me, but I know I'm not alone in the hope I held for something different. 57 million people expressed a similar hope.

This week I pinned together the final pieces of the quilt I started 10 years ago but stopped working on during a season of my life when a swirling storm of loss brought me close to the brink of despair. Recovery has been a tenuous process, with the desire to engage in creative activity slowly but surely returning. Today the thought came that the pieces I've put together and things I've carved comprise a small but tangible legacy of sorts. They also serve as a way to keep body and hands engaged as I enter into this next season of life.

Whatever the outcome, I continue to believe in the value of integrity and a faithful journey, however that plays out.

CIvic Dooty is a whole 'nother matter.

Michael Haz said...

I was a poll worker one election a few years back. My assignment was to stand just inside the door and greet the voters, then direct them to the table for their ward. I said "howdy" to each voter as they walked in.

I had howdy duty.

The Dude said...

Whachu carvin' MamaM, a nativity scene?

windbag said...

Townsend is delightful. If you can slip over to Cades Cove, you'll not be disappointed.

The Dude said...

When I bought a German car I paid an Audi duty.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I have been to Canada - it's beautiful, but cold. I hear Costa Rica is nice, stable and has a large ex-pat population.

Parents used to have a nice place in Costa Rica, in Nosara. They sold it last year since my dad was getting up in years and it was too much work to go every year. Pretty little town with a lot of American, Canadian and Europeans. Lots of nice bars, restaurants, a golf course, even a hardware store. Plus a small airport for private planes. Be sure to call ahead so they will get the cows off of the runway :-)

Dumbplumber is talking about instituting a cash discount and an Obama surcharge for those who vote Democrat.

Me....I'm sick of politics and can't stand the corruption. So, I'm working on my cookbook and playing Minecraft instead. I refuse to listen to the news anymore, since it doesn't make one bit of difference other than to just make me even more pissed off.

Plus fore armed is forewarned. Stocking up some more.

Titus said...

I didn't vote.

I think Cambridge went straight democrat something like 110,000 and straight republican 4,000-how's that for commie? And Somerville right next door to us was like 90,000 democrat, 5,000 republican votes-so kind of more like a swing state around here is Somerville. Boston was something like 400,000 libtard and 10,000 winger.

Romney even lost his fucking home town Belmont which was something like 10,000 libtard and 3000 mitty-that has to hurt even a little.

Titus said...

I don't believe Romney won one entire county in the entire state of Mass-but that's because we are commie-but rich commies.

He also can claim fame to running for president and losing his home state by more than any other candidate ever-even worse than manwhorepig gore.

chickelit said...

San Diego county went for Obama which disappointed me. We did reject the tax increase (Prop 30), but got overwhelmed by the rest of the state.

The best thing we did was to return Obama's nemesis, Darrell Issa, to Washington for another term.

ricpic said...

I think the lopsided Democrat voting in Boston's tonier nabes boils down to "Our kind of people simply don't pull the Republican lever!" Same as Upper West Side New Yorkers, just as brain dead.

ricpic said...

I haven't voted for decades, Titus. Don't worry, not going to make a speech justifying. A very personal matter probably based on temperament more than anything else.

If I had been born in the time of the Greek polis I probably would have voted...after which I would then have relieved my thirst with the wine jug offered up by my slave...or I would have been the slave. In either case I would have known my place! And a good thing, too, ho ho ho.

rcocean said...
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rcocean said...

The Republicans are stuck on stupid. Will they learn and win in 2016? I wouldn't bet on it.

BTW, Costa Rica is very nice. So is PR but it might become a state.

MamaM said...

Whachu carvin' MamaM, a nativity scene?

Yuppers! We arrived this evening with the mountains glowing orange in the setting sun and the smell of wood smoke in the air.

My experience in carving up to this point has mostly involved trial and error while attempting to follow directions in a book by Helen Gibson. She's the one who'll be leading the class. So far I've two sets of the Holy Family close to completion, each with a pair of resting sheep, but haven't branched out to tackle legs, shepherds, camels or wise men reaching out with gifts. How to finish the figures is also something I'm looking for direction on as my tendency is to keep fussing and sanding. As a result the first set has a Modigliani look, the second a fuller, more realistic appearance.

If you can slip over to Cades Cove, you'll not be disappointed

It sounds like something we'd like, and the weather is supposed to be nice, but I discovered tonight that controlled burns are being planned for that area tomorrow and into the weekend as part of 570 acres scheduled for burning this week.

Fire Management personnel at Great Smoky Mountains National Park successfully burned 70 acres of the Cades Cove meadows earlier this week, but had to suspend operations due to rain. They plan to reconvene burning operations tomorrow, Friday, Nov. 9, near the Maples Branch area in the Cove.

Will have to wait and see what happens. The mountain layers and blue "smoke" haze in the valleys seemed exceptionally lovely as we were driving in. Maybe the smoke from the fires added something extra!

windbag said...

Bummer on the controlled burns. You're just over the hill from me. Chilly morning this a.m. The television series "Christy" was filmed in Townsend.

The Dude said...

Teh Googles is powerful.

I used to carve a lot and finishing is an issue - I have sanded some smooth - yeah, that's work, but the results can be good. Have painted others, left others in an as-carved state.

Now, when shaping wooden products my primary design consideration is how I can sand the finished surface using power tools. To some degree that limits the variety of shapes I can make but it makes the process more efficient.

Also, I don't make small things. Small = fussy and fiddly, at least to me. Giacometti had a different approach, just sayin'.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Here in Calif we have California Department of Forestry [CDF] and they were always causing uncontrolled burns that would get out of control and burn down thousands and hundreds of thousands of acres of forests. Locally they were known as CDF = Can't Deal with Fire.

The local volunteer fire depts would get called out to try to save structures but were told to 'stand by' and just watch the fires roar up the hills. People who owned the houses were told to get out and stop using their D6 Cats or other equipment that they owned to make fire breaks. Our guys and the residents just said...Screw you and went ahead and saved the houses and structures that they could anyway. While CDF just sat around in the 'staging areas' in their equipment or sent out the Con(vict) crews to actually fight the fire.

Finally CDF gave up and acknowledged the situation and they are now know as Cal-Fire, the department that starts and watches fires.

MamaM said...

Didn't know how dull the knives I'd been using were until I bought a new one today and discovered it cut wood like butter resulting in a whole new carving experience and the hope of less sanding. I started working on St Francis and a shepherd with legs, and am having a good time. The instructor works one side of the figure while I watch what she does and how she uses the knife, and then I attempt to create a match.

To some extent, the small work involving fussy/fiddly stuff seems to calm my mind (or maybe satisfies some OCD component) yet contains enough potential risk of ruin to keep me present and attentive.

The mention of Giacometti brought back an experience I had in college where I carved a plaster form down to a nub. Now, with the new knife it's easy to keep cutting, which introduces the possibility of flat Modigliani faces on rail thin bodies. I liked this quote about AG, especially the ending: Obsessed with creating his sculptures exactly as he envisaged through his unique view of reality, he often carved until they were as thin as nails and reduced to the size of a pack of cigarettes, much to his consternation.

windbag, I didn't know the movie was filmed here and appreciated your mention of this. I've read the book several times and recalled it yesterday as we were driving through the dark areas of mountain shadow(while the sun was still bright) remembering the part where Fairlight felt the heaviness of the shadder/shadow falling on her as late afternoon and the end of her life approached.

windbag said...

MamaM, if you want to push some buttons, ask a local about the road to nowhere and watch to see if they explode.