Saturday, November 24, 2012

Old series that got left behind.....

Like gratuitous bathtub scences.

I don't know why I left them behind.

So to speak.


Chip S. said...

And that same dew, which sometime on the buds
Was wont to swell like round and orient pearls,
Stood now within the pretty flowerets' eyes
Like tears that did their own disgrace bewail.

This is a classy series. Good work, Troop.

chickelit said...

Did she blow all those bubbles?

blake said...

Mamie and Tuesday were co-stars on the classic (I use the term loosely) Sex Kittens Go To College.

Also, it had a robot.

The original title was "Sex Pot Goes To College" but I guess that was too edgy, so they changed it. The title song still features the catchy rerfain "sex pot goes to college" however.

Director Zugsmith did mostly nudie cuties in the '60s, but in the '50s, he was 99.44% pure MST3K-bait with such films as "Invasion USA" and "Captive Women".

The oddities on his resume are as producer on the metaphysical sci-fi "Incredible Shrinking Man" and Orson Welles' "Touch of Evil".

ricpic said...

I demur to blake but I coulda swore that's Elke Sommer's tush. It's a wonderful thing that there are Elkeworthy tushes on other broa...I mean ladies.

ricpic said...

Maybe that should be I defer to blake. Although demur could be right.