Sunday, November 4, 2012

This is America not Dresden in WW2

This is a photo of what Breezy Point in Brooklyn looks like after the hurricane. It is just as bad as New Orleans after Katrina. Lisa has a cousin-in-law who has a lot of family in Breezy. It is a big Irish community and is full of cops and especially fireman. So it is especially ironic that most of it burned down because of the combination of salt water and electricity. Hundreds of houses burned.

Also Staten Island got hit very hard. A lot of the house that were built were sub-standard units made by fly by night rip off artists. You see when thousands upon thousands left Brooklyn over the Guinea Gangplank they wanted to buy any house they could get. Staten Island was affordable. But many of them were developed by crooks tied into the Mob. So when this big wind came a bunch of roofs just flew off or house collapsed like a cheap suitcase.

Most of the businesses in Carroll Gardens are doing something for the people who lost so much in the hurricane. It is direct relief. Collecting and giving it right to the people who need it without the middlemen. We are planning an event in the store on Saturday. We just have to figure out how to get it directly to the people who need it.

More as it develops.


blake said...


Trooper York said...

It's funny you should say that.

Breezy Point has a long and storied racist history. Against both blacks and Jews. So it is quite possible that they will be at the end of the line when it comes to the Federal government handing out money.

Staten Island is Jersey without the reality shows.

Well except for "Mob Wives."

Trooper York said...

You know five families are taking shelter in Big Ange's tits. Just sayn'

Michael Haz said...

Good heavens, that is just horrible. But not important, apparently, as the lapdog press is mostly ignoring it. Assholes.

Hey, at least Geraldo got a generator so his koi fish in his fish pond won't die.

Priorities, people! Save the glam people and their fish, but ingore the everyday mopes who were left with nothing.