Thursday, November 21, 2013

Chris Christie is not our kind of guy

He is a traitor. He hangs out with bad people. With a smile.

Here is great post from written by Kurt Schlichter(link from Instapundit):

Whether we like it or not – and we don’t – there’s a significant chance that Chris Christie will be the 2016 Republican nominee. Perhaps he can use a few helpful hints from the GOP’s Tea Party/Constitutional Conservative/Actual Conservative wing.
Let’s start by establishing a baseline: We don’t like you and we don’t trust you.
Now, that’s not a deal breaker. You feel the same way about us. There is nothing that says we conservatives can’t grow to like and/or trust you. Maybe we just got off on the wrong foot. So, in that spirit, let’s share our feelings.
We feel you’re in it for yourself and that if you get elected your administration will be a festival of squishiness that would make George W. Bush look like Ted Cruz.
Getting up to talk about Mitt Romney and talking about yourself? Classless. Getting in a micturition contest with conservative warrior Rand Paul? Lame. And don’t delude yourself that we are mad because you hugged the President on the eve of the election. Our beef was your evident glee, as if you were publicly repudiating our imagined “irrational hatred.” We had beefs with Mitt Romney, but we respected him as a decent man and we saw your act as a cheap backstab designed to promote yourself when he needed you most.
Hey, you’re from Jersey. You can handle this real talk, right?
We think that you think we’re stupid. Call it a feeling or a vibe, but we are used to a certain class of Republican acting as if conservatives are drooling morons. Inevitably, these same GOP geniuses are the ones who prattled on and on about the electability of McCain and Romney. Note that they’re also giddy about you.
Whenever the fawning mainstream media – let’s see how fawning it is once you start endangering Hillary –interviews you, you always have a long list of things we conservatives have done wrong. You never offer us much credit for the little things we’ve done right, like –oh, I dunno – winning back the House.
We suspect your attitude demonstrates a willingness to disregard our concerns. After all, who cares what a bunch of dummies thinks, right? Just keep in mind that if these “dummies” stay home, you get to spend 2017 running out the clock in the Garden State while being the Curley of the Three Stooges of GOP presidential failure.
You have a real problem. Right now, a lot of conservatives – I need to emphasize, a lot – are threatening to stay home if you get nominated. Go ask Presidents McCain and Romney how that works out on election night.
Now, let’s talk about what you can do about it.

Read the rest of the article.


ndspinelli said...

I'm beginning to think you don't like Christy.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

If Kris Kristiekreme is the nominee, he will lose to Hillary. But I do not see him doing so great in the GOP primaries. That said, how about some viable alternatives to that fat fuck? Michael Haz has been promoting Scott Walker (at great choice) but there are more than just him.

We are not going to win with choices like Santorum or Gingrich.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

ndspinelli, you would not want to eat dinner with him. He would hog all the appetizers.

Trooper York said...

I think we have to look at some of the Republican women governors like Nicki Haley. She has a great resume and I think she would make a great President.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I like Nicki Haley, but we have to make sure the bastards don't Palinize her.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

ndspinelli, the dog whisperer showed up over at the Lem Knockout thread and quoted you.

The Dude said...

I thought Schlichter was still in the pen.

What's that? Kurt not Art? Well never mind...

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I should say the El Polo Knockout thread over at Lem's.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

As a Carolinian, I will say I like Nikki Haley, but she will not play well outside of S.C. That she even made Guv in that good ole' boy state is amazing. But she has many enemies there and she will bleed to death by a thousand paper cuts of gossipy, unsubstantiated lies.

She would make a much better HHS director, though, doncha think? She's actually, you know, balanced a budget, made a payroll, and held an executive position. She is good in small doses, but I think America would tire of her quickly.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Ruth, I suspect you are right. They have been relentless going after her in South Carolina.

Trooper York said...

I am very interested in this Ruth Anne. Why do you say this?

And do you think people will get tired of her before they get tired of Chris Christie.

I think they will start hating Christie half way through the campaign let alone if he God forbid became President.

Trooper York said...

I know there was lot of hate throw her way by opponents but is it any less than what they are going to throw at Walker?

Is she tough enough to stand up to it and fight back?

Trooper York said...

She might be inoculated if she ran against Hillary. I mean are they really going to say she is not qualified because she supposedly had an affair? They are too vulnerable to go there don't you think?

Trooper York said...

You know her much better than me so I am very interested in what you have to say about her.

Chip S. said...

I think it'd be pretty cool if the first woman prez had a pornstar name like that.

I think she might be effective in a debate vs. Hilary, b/c Hill would be distracted by her resemblance to Huma.

ndspinelli said...

Thanks, Evi. I don't get it, just weird and creepy.

ndspinelli said...

Scott Walker is a good guv, above that I believe he's over his head unless he does some crash course stuff on foreign policy. We will elect the opposite for prez as we almost always do. That makes Walker interesting since he doesn't have a college degree. The better bet would be to become a VP, get the foreign policy experience, and get groomed for prez.

rcocean said...

I hope Palin runs, if not Cruz looks good.

I will not support Christie in 2016, either in the primary or the General election. I will vote 3rd party or stay home.

As a conservative, the choice between Christie and Hillary! is no choice at all.

rcocean said...

Forget race and gender. Blacks are not going the vote for a black republicans. They never do. Women are not going to turn out and vote for someone just because they wear a skirt.

You need someone who has charisma and will get average Joe six-pack excited. You need someone who's likable. You don't want a nerd or a drone with executive hair. You don't want a Mccain/Dole/Ford/Romney type.

Michael Haz said...

RuthAnne - Haley should be on the A list of possible nominees. Excellent candidate, a tough as heck beneath her pleasant demeanor. She would no doubt receive the full-on liberal misogynist treatment.

I started reading Walker's book this afternoon. It's very compelling. The guy has a titanium spine under his Eagle Scout exterior.

Michael Haz said...

Whoever becomes the nominee would be well advised to add Megyn Kelly to the ticket as the VP nominee.

Imagine the VP debates.

rcocean said...

I can see Republicans getting in touch with their inner loser again. They always seem drawn to the losers. Dole, Ford, Romney, McCain, Bush I.

Remember all the Rino's pushing Colin Powell - who's endorsed Obama -twice!

Its always the same old shit. He's so knowledgeable, he's stood up to the unions (really? so what union is he going to stand up to as POTUS?) Oh, he'll attract the "independents/moderates. Oh, he's electable. Oh, she/he is right race/sex.

Like I said. I expect Christie to be nominated and lose. He's a loser. And Republicans love their losers.