Tuesday, November 26, 2013



blake said...

I cut my thumb reading about your fire travails.

Hope you're happy.

Cody Jarrett said...

Did you need stitches, staples, or that super duper flesh gluing glue?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Lisa needs to make a big version of footie pajamas for you. They could have little trooper york heads on them and be made out of flame retardant fabric.

I see a new line of clothing for Lee Lee's.

Win Win.

rcocean said...

No more songs? what about:

-Come on Baby light my fire
-Too darn hot.

Cody Jarrett said...

Great Balls of Fire
The Fire Down Below
We Didn't Start The Fire
Standing Outside The Fire

And I'm for Evi's idea about footie pajamas. I think they should have sea turtles on them though. I'd get a set.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...


MamaM said...

Evi! That actually looks pretty good! Close to Hot!

Cody Jarrett said...

Congratulations, Evi. You managed to make The Duke look embarrassed.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Meade said...
I try to make white people like Shrilling Thomas and Trooper Jim comfortable by singing lullabies to them.

Gone are the days when my heart was young and gay,
Gone are my friends from Lem's cotton fields away,
Gone from the earth to a better land I see,
I hear their gentle voices calling "Old Bad Meade".

I’m coming, I’m coming, for my head's bent like a weed:
I hear those gentle voices calling, "Old Bad Meade".

Why do I weep when my heart should feel no pain
Why do I sigh that my friends come not again,
Grieving for forms now departed long from me.
I hear their gentle voices calling “Old Bad Meade”.

Where are the hearts once so happy and so free?
Cry babes so dear that I held them on my knee,
Gone to the shore where my soul has longed to be.
I hear their gentle voices calling "Old Bad Meade".

November 27, 2013 at 9:29 AM

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

If he changed it to "Dog Fucker Meade" it would work better.

ricpic said...

Hey, I see that the NY City Council is on the verge of making the speed limit in New York 20 miles per hour. 20 MPH! I kid you not. Ya gotta love the way commies make total war on the rest of us.

Speaking of which, I see Pope Francis is down on capitalism. All those baubles made available to all of us keeps spirituality at bay...or something.

Chip S. said...

I totally respect all non-violent religions. And I'm sure the pope means well.

But I wish he'd direct some of his legendary humility toward his own understanding of the causes of poverty and the consequences of the policies he appears to advocate.

Just b/c you're called "the pontiff" doesn't mean you have to pontificate about stuff you know absolutely nothing about.

That's what blogs are for.

Cody Jarrett said...

Nice to know I'm still in Meade's pointy little head.

Trooper York said...

You have to laugh Evi.

Leisure Suit Larry will do anything to not have to spend time with the Evil Blogger Lady.
Borrow dogs. Pile up leaves. Butter up invalid crackpots.

You gotta laugh man.

Darcy said...

Nice to know I'm still in Meade's pointy little head.

I just read all of that over there. Pretty creepy.

Cody Jarrett said...

What's the deal with Thomas? I know he's a jerk...a lot of us are...but he's just oozing it like drool from a mastiff these days. But I've emailed back and forth with him some about music and cameras and he's a totally different guy there.

Trooper York said...

I did give Crack the most comments ever on a post. So there's that.

You can't talk sense to morons.

That's why I didn't jump in at the end. It just encourages them.

The Dude said...

We all are. Best to minimize one's exposure to toxicity.

Chip S. said...

Is LSL acting up at Lem's again?

The Dude said...

The drinking lamp is lit in Madison, and so is the gardener.

Cody Jarrett said...

The other day he was back attacking Palladian, and a few days ago he even used his 'cody jarrett' tag again. And it's been a month since I've bothered with his stupid ass.

He's just hoping to provoke. Childish, like a petulant 4 year old.

Like SixtyJarrett York says--limit the toxicity.

Cody Jarrett said...

Did he show up at Limp Lem's Litter Box, btw? Or is he just at the one place he's welcome?

Trooper York said...

I think he is limiting himself to Cracks joint. He hasn't been to Lem's I a while.

Natural selection is at play and most of the Evil Blogger Lady sycophants are gone. Witness the fact that Freeman Hunt is in the wind. So he doesn't have the backup he once had so he is laying low.

That's what cowards do after all.

Trooper York said...

I saw Leisure Suit Larry was warning Palladian that we were just buttering him up and that we were going to attack him like we did Crack.

First of all who the hell would want to butter up Palladian. You know how much butter that would take? Plus he prefers Crisco. Just sayn'

People only went after Crack when he started spouting the racial crybaby shit. Which he has been doing none stop lately. It is not amusing in thee least.

The Dude said...

I wandered by AA's the other day and saw a thread that contained about 75% Mary comments. Has it really come to that?

I am not curious enough to check whether or not Ingeburg is still over there. They deserve each other.

Cody Jarrett said...

Is it the same Mary? I was reading them yesterday or day before--it was when she was kind of hinting that the Griftin' Gardner couldn't perform or satisfy with multiple posts about men's lack of sexual performance and so forth...anyway the Mary comment in one of those threads was quite normal.

Cody Jarrett said...

I don't know, Troop. After reading Palladian's posts about cookery, I have to think he'd prefer a high quality butter to Crisco. Although he might prefer lard, depending.

But really--talking about lubing up any part of Palladian was something I was shocked to see from LSL.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

ricpic, I was listening to Rush and he did note it is possible the Pope is being misquoted again by the media. So there is that. He thought "trickle down" did not seem like a term the Bishop of Rome would use.

BTW, happy Thanksgivukkah to you, since it won't come again for another 70,000 years. I did make sweet potato and yam latkes and they were surprisingly (at least to me) better than regular potatoes. I like them savory, with sour cream and lox but you could do them with apple sauce and cranberries too.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Lard is health food now.

It is like everything in Sleeper is becoming true.

Darcy said...

Chip: At Crack's. The link is under Meade's "poem" posted by Evi.

The Dude said...

Hey Darcy, that was really a nice post you put up over at Lem's. You write well, young lady. I look forward to reading more of your work.

Darcy said...

Thank you, Sixty. I enjoyed writing that.

Hope you all have a nice Thanksgiving. I'm looking forward to PIE. :)

The Dude said...

My mother used lard to make pie crusts. Flaky!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Darcy, I also liked your post at Lem's very much.

Cody Jarrett said...

I'm looking forward to spending the day alone (except for the dogs of course) in utter peace and quiet.

It's not that much different than a normal day except people tend to not even call--no business emergencies, no stupid questions...just quiet.

ricpic said...

Hey, over at Lem's joint spinelli made some comment about the Jews and the Schvartzes being in alliance due to their mutual fear of the Goyim (well, the white Goyim). I only partially agree with that but it inspired me to come up with:

Goyishe kops, goyishe kops:
Dumb as a box of rocks.
Goyishe kops, goyishe kops:
Fled Moses for Jesus: dumb schmucks.

Ah, the mystery of great art. Anyhow, I hope I've managed to offend everyone now. I mean isn't that the point: to offend everyone before you make your exeunt?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Yup. I just made a pumpkin pie with lard crust.

1 1/2 cups flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup lard

Whirl around in a food processor

4 to 5 tbsp COLD water. Add gradually through the feed tube until it comes together. Add less than more. Too much and your crust is soggy

Roll out on a floured board. Turning and keeping the underside floured to stop it from sticking. Roll from the center outward lightly, you don't need much pressure, and alternating around the circle to keep the crust even and circular. To pick up the crust, start at one side and loosely roll up over the rolling pin and then unroll into the pie pan. Gently center and pat down into the bowl of the pan. Trim excess over 1 to 1 1/2 inches hanging over the edge. Gently roll the excess, under itself all around the edges and then flute. Refrigerate the crust until you are ready to fill and bake.

Tah dah!!

Cody Jarrett said...


It was a nice post, Darcy. I'd have said something sooner but I was trying out a new policy--whereby I figger if I don't want to bother commenting at the Litter Box, I shouldn't bring the conversation here just cuz I'm happier here and not there.

Fortunately, I don't have those kind of memories to fret about. Growing up, holidays were more of an excuse for combat than celebration. By the end of the day the only people speaking to each other would ever be me and my grandfather.

But they're all either dead or moved away to become queer, so it really doesn't matter.

But I'm glad you have happy memories to remember. I imagine it's nice.

ricpic said...

I'm surprised Der Althouse hasn't banned Mary as a...wait for it...wait for it...HATER! I mean isn't that the blanket label for anyone who doesn't kiss her royal tuchas?

Cody Jarrett said...

Hey, over at Lem's joint spinelli made some comment about the Jews and the Schvartzes being in alliance due to their mutual fear of the Goyim (well, the white Goyim). I only partially agree with that

I thought it was because the schvartzes were lost cousins--the ones who couldn't read the maps or whatever, but still part of the family?
Isn't that why Amy Winehouse could sing like a black person?

Spinelli has a lot of weird ideas. He's spent too much time in Wisconsin.

ricpic said...

Darce combines sex appeal with NICE! Impossible. But there you are. Sometimes the stars align.

Cody Jarrett said...

Don't leave out smart, ric.

Smart makes the rest of it work.

The Dude said...

I was reminded this afternoon of what was good about holidays when I was young - music. Recorded symphonic music, band music I played, choral music I sang at school, chamber music we performed at home, church music which we worked for weeks to get right and caroling - from Thanksgiving to the end of the year the house was full of music, our lives were full of music.

There was plenty of ugliness and trauma, too (Uncle Sixty, tell us again how Christmas ended up in the snow drift in front of the house) but I prefer to remember the music. To this day it carries me away from day-to-day miseries.

Cody Jarrett said...

We never had music. It wasn't allowed.

Chip S. said...

Darcy, thanks. I had thought Evi wrote that poem herself.

I'm surprised that anyone still looks at that crazy-ass blog. (I say "look at" instead of "read" b/c I find it to be an unreadable assault on my visual sense as well as my common sense.)

Crack's blog is made even worse by LSL's presence. Crack is a seriously fucked up individual, while LSL is all that plus a fool and a bore.

He's even worse than his vain, self-deluding spouse.

The Dude said...

Ouch - smackdown!

Darcy said...

@Cody, Sixty and ricpic

I wanna hug youse all.

I love that you had and still have that musical escape, Sixty. Escape is probably the wrong word - seems negative somehow. I know it's not. It's beautiful, and I wish I had your ear for it.

Darcy said...

I do remember the cold water - and my mom would add it sort of drop by drop. This is the part that I think you do have to have a feel for - sort of a baking gene that I don't seem to have.

But thank you! I'll keep trying.

Headed home from work now and lots to do in the next 24, but by 5:00 tomorrow I plan on being in my PJs. My mom would be proud. lol

Cody Jarrett said...

I never had any luck with the food processor though. I always had to do it by hand to get the crust to work. If I had to make a few dozen (or few hundred) pies, I'd be so screwed.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Chip. S, I just cut and pasted Meade's rantings. Crack is messed up right now. Meade is a person of low morals and no character trying to take advantage of it. I am surprised he is doing so since that constant Instapundit attack mode Crack is in could spill over on Meade, but then again, Meade is not very bright. We have seen that before, this is just another example.

Chip S. said...

Evi, I thought it was a satire on LSL's longing for someone to hang out w/ on the internet. To find out that LSL wrote it himself is...what would a shrink say...interesting?

[strokes chin thoughtfully]

And now back to the far, far more appealing subject of Darcy's pie.

And Sixty's crust.

Michael Haz said...

DBQ and Darce - Substitute ice cold vodka for the water in your pie crusts. It's really, really good.

Recipe here.

Michael Haz said...

I went over to Crack's blog and found the thread you all were commenting about above.

Never mind that Crack is digging himself into a hole from which he seems unable to climb out.

LSL seems to be yelling "dig deeper!!" with every comment. Horrible and immoral. And of course, LSL is very comfortable in housing he hasn't had to purchase, and soon will be able to share his wife's retirement income. Not really down with Crack's struggle.

Were LSL a decent man, he would long ago have privately reached out to Crack with offers of help and advice. Looks like his real interest is just throwing fuel on one man's self-destructive fire.

It is so obvious that there are two personalities - the lovey, nice, dog photoing, read-to-his-wife-aloud Sweety LSL, and the angry, bitter, manipulative narcissist we seen at Crack's and previously at Lem's.

Cody Jarrett said...

Two personalities is one explanation...

Or it could be two different people.

To be fair though, Meade did send Crack $10 and hoped it helped. And you see how Crack responds to those crumbs of charity.

OTOH, I sent him a hundred bucks--and we've seen how he responded to that too.

Which is why I believe he's a piece of shit deserving of whatever bad juju befalls him.

Cody Jarrett said...

BTW, Mr. Haz: I've heard many good reviews of the vodka pie crust. Never tried making it or eating one made that way. What is it the vodka is supposed to add?

Michael Haz said...

Vodka adds a bit of flavor and some improved texture. Water has no flavor, vodka improves that. The alcohol also makes the dough a bit easier to work.

Cody Jarrett said...

Not a huge fan of vodka as a flavor.
Interesting about making the dough easier to work though.

BTW thanks for posting that story about the anti-child abuse MC.

Why aren't you scared, little boy?

"Because my friends are scarier than he is."

Great stuff.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

It is so obvious that there are two personalities - the lovey, nice, dog photoing, read-to-his-wife-aloud Sweety LSL, and the angry, bitter, manipulative narcissist we seen at Crack's and previously at Lem's.\

Typical sociopath behavior. Many people think that a sociopath is a serial killer or a Ted Bundy type. Not so. Many sociopaths are all around us with no violent tendencies. Most top CEOs and many (I hesitate to say) stock brokers and sales people are sociopaths. You recognize them in your own family as that manipulative asshole who generally leaves a wake of disillusioned people and destructive behavior with no real empathy or consideration of the consequences of their own narcissistic actions.

Meade is a classic sociopath, grifter type of personality. He has latched onto a lonely and delusional middle aged woman and is just toying with Crack for his own purposes.

Personally, I think that Crack needs to get some serious mental health help. He won't do it of course because it is a cult!!!!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

As Chick about this, but vodka's success in pie crust is chemistry. The alcohol in vodka evaporates faster so the crust is flakier than using straight water. The alcohol also inhibits gluten forming, which makes pie crusts tough.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

DBQ: Meade?

Cody Jarrett said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Dude said...

"Ah! mes amis, quel jour de fête!"

I would embed a video, but not everyone loves Donizetti. Pardonnez-moi.

rcocean said...

Lets face it, Vodka, like Butter, makes *everything* better.

Great Poem Darcy. I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

Too bad about Crack, but he was always an odd duck.

rcocean said...

I'm sure Titus would agree about butter.

Cody Jarrett said...

Embed the video, Sixy. Please.

Vodka doesn't make anything better. I've consumed a lot of it in my life...and enjoyed very little of it.

What poem did Darcy write?

The Dude said...

Mt. Everest starts at about 5:45.

Cody Jarrett said...

That fat boy could sing, huh?

The older I get the more I appreciate it.

Luciano, I mean, not Jimbo.

The Dude said...

Funny thing is, that is a very old recording from when he was young and thin. I just checked - that was from 1967 - the stills in the video are of Pavarotti in costume. Start at the beginning of the video and you can see him with his Elvis sideburns and his regimental uniform. Funny. He is almost unrecognizable.

Cody Jarrett said...

Holy hell, Sixty.

You're right. Unrecognizable. It never occurred to me that guy was him.

The Dude said...


I mean I still look the same as I did in '67, who does he think he is gainin' weight and goin' bald and all?

Cody Jarrett said...

You're right though--he looks more like Elvis than the classic image of himself.

ndspinelli said...

ricpic, WTF are you talking about?

ndspinelli said...

As I did say over @ Lem's, Leslyn's new book, Taken by Surprise, is available on Amazon. We appreciate all your support.

Cody Jarrett said...

when is the kindle edition coming out, Nico?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...


Cody Jarrett said...

Great voice, but jesus that's not a song for him to sing. IMO.

maybe it was the arrangement, idk.

The Dude said...

Did I mention my cousin lives in Tupelo?

ndspinelli said...

Cody, My bride is @ the annual ecumenical Thanksgiving service w/ those damn Catholics. This year it's @ the Catholic Church. They have a new priest and he likes to go on and on and on. The service started @ 8p Central and she's not home yet! I'll ask her when she gets home.

ndspinelli said...

It started @ 7pm, 80 minutes ago..that's High Mass territory.

Cody Jarrett said...

Did I mention my cousin lives in Tupelo?

I think I've had his honey.

ndspinelli said...

Taken by Surprise should be available on both kindle and nook on or about 12/6/13.

Cody Jarrett said...

Thankee, honeypie!

Why so much longer?

Darcy said...

I can't even bake a store bought crust! Oh, well. It's edible. The pumpkin part looks good.

I can cook, and I love to cook, but I think the oven just knows I'm intimidated by baking and fucks with me.

Back to cooking.

Wishing you all some joy today.

The Dude said...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Darcy.

And everyone else here in Trooperland, happy Thanksgiving to you all.

Cody Jarrett said...

Darcy, store crusts are pretty much made to fail.

They've been overpressed and beaten up so they're going to be tough and full of gluten.

Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate such foolishness!

And a Merry PreKwanzaa to all!

Cody Jarrett said...

BTW, Darcy, have you ever stuck a thermometer in your oven? Just for fun?

I knew a girl who had rotten luck with everything she tried to cook in the oven. Things would scorch, meat would dry out...I got her a little oven thermometer and her oven was about 15 degrees over.

Michael Haz said...

Cody...that sounded like a question that is a bit personal.

Michael Haz said...

I'm in the cabin. Snow is falling; small flakes coming in from Lake Superior. Enough snow has fallen that the ground is covered and deer tracks can be seen.

The lake is frozen over a week early this year and the thin ice is snow covered. I doubt there will be much hunting and ice fishing today since the Packers play at noon. We don't have a television, so I'll listen to the first half of the game on radio, and if the score is close at halftime I'll head to a local bar to watch second half.

There are pancakes on the grille now, and the fireplace is warm. Breakfast, then a long walk in the snow, up the lane and back.

I'll be listening to the snow crunch underfoot and thinking of family and friends this day, including all of you.

I'm thankful for having such good and interesting internet friends, even the wingers on both sides.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Darcy said...

Hehe, yeah. Just for fun. :)

But seriously, that's a great idea, Cody. I think my oven is off. Needs some monitoring. Er, checking.

Whatevs. lol Haz!

Darcy said...

Michael, that is very much like the post I remember you wrote years ago at Althouse where you talked about walking in the snow with (the badass) Mrs. Haz. I remember you saying something about her looking as beautiful as when you first met.

You're both lovely.

I treasure my internet friends too. Friends. No qualifier.

Michael Haz said...

That was very touching. Thank you!

Cody Jarrett said...

Mr. Haz ably demonstrates: there's no point in being an old man if you're not gonna be a dirty old man!


Cody Jarrett said...

And remember what I said about peace and quiet? Someday I'll learn not to tempt fate.

Annoying people shouldn't be allowed phone privileges.

Not even on holidays.

Darcy said...

@Sixty: Thank you for the warm wishes. Wishing them right back at ya.

The Dude said...

Hey Spinelli - you need to send an email to Insty and get him to plug your wife's book - that will be good for sales and frost a few pumpkins at the same time - win-win!

Cody Jarrett said...

they'd need to double the box wine shipments into southern wisconsin.

Cody Jarrett said...

of course something like that could trigger a psychotic reaction from ingerburger.

Chip S. said...

This is my favorite holiday b/c there's no pressure and great food.

Happy Thanksgiving to the whole troop.

Ron said...

Happy Thanksgiving To Trooper et al.!

The Dude said...

Because 100. And hey, Ron, how are you doing?

Cody Jarrett said...

100, bitchez.
Have the Packers lost to the Detroit PussyKitties yet?

Has Suh been ejected yet?

Michael Haz said...

One aught two.

The Packers have shrewdly changed their defensive strategy to "let them score and we'll beat them next year".

The GBP have problems that will not be solved by Aaron Rodgers returning next week. They will be partially resolved by the long-overdue firing of defensive coordinator Dom Capers.

The Dude said...

The Dom Capers, sounds like an action novel.

Darcy said...

Well, I'm always happy if the Lions win, but that game wasn't fun.

Cody Jarrett said...

Speaking of which, Darcy, your Red Wings bounced back pretty well and looked like their impressive selves last night. Of course, they were helped along by a Boston team having a collective brain fart, but still--those Wings are good.

Cody Jarrett said...

Dom Capers. From zero to hero to zero.

Poor bastard.

Darcy said...

Thanks, Cody. It's kind of an embarrassment of riches here. Tigers, Lions and Wings. I used to be a big Pistons fan, but honestly, I find the NBA hard to watch now, and it's not because the Pistons suck.

Michael Haz said...

Dear Trooper York: Yeah, well I hope your team loses even worser.

blake said...

Happy Thanksgiving, guys.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Happy Thanksgiving Trooper.

Watch the candles.

windbag said...

Happy Thanksgiving.

Cody Jarrett said...

Watch the candles.

you too, Lem. Especially when you're drinking.

Cody Jarrett said...

Darcy, the NBA in general is pretty crappy. Too much thug, too much immaturity...add in that there are only about 6 teams that might be able to play for a championship but 20 something that are playing for a lottery draft pick...it's just not much fun anymore.

And I'm not using thug as a synonym for black either.
That jack off with the gaudy tats who plays in Miami...or Krissy Humphries...I'd rather have a whole team of Kevin Garnetts than either of those guys.

It's why more and more I'm drawn deeper into hockey. It's still pretty much a sport made up of humble guys that just go do their jobs.

Except for Cindy Crosby.

Michael Haz said...

Happy Thanksgiving one and all. Blessings to you and those you love. And even the ones you merely like.

The peace and tranquility of Thanksgiving evening is a remarkable thing. It is the warmth and fullness and happiness of having spent a day being thankful and grateful.

Cody Jarrett said...

Or a day sipping bourbon. Whichever.

ricpic said...

spinelli said...

ricpic, WTF are you talking about?

Back on November 25th there was a thread at Lem's, Summing Up the Iran Agreement, and one of the entries read:

Jews glommed onto Blacks as political allies because blacks are the "enemy of our enemies" for Jews. That shared enemy is the goyim who are presumed to be only a step away from resurrecting the Third Reich in America.

Now here comes the bad part. I remembered that entry as having been posted by you, when in fact it was posted by Shouting Thomas. What can I say? I apologize.

rcocean said...

I miss the old NBA days with class acts like MJ, Stockton and Malone, Barkley, Magic, Bird and McHale, Joe Dumars and Scottie Pippen.

Don't miss Ewing though, that was one ugly MF'er.

Darcy said...

Cody, you articulated my problem with the NBA perfectly.

As rc just noted, it's changed so much.

Michael Haz said...

I'll go back a bit farther. I miss the days of Bill Russell, Jon McGlocklin and Lew Alcindor (before he became Kareem Abdul Jabbar).

Now it seems the NBA is mostly tattooed thugs.

Plus, I think the NBA should have a height cap of 6'-5". The game would be better.

Michael Haz said...

The NFL would be better if it had weight caps. Either a maximum weight per position, or an aggregate weight cap per team. There is no sportsmanship in a 325 pound lineman crushing a 225 pound running back.

Darcy said...

I think you are on to something there, Michael. And those 300+ pounders are virtually ensuring themselves an early death. They are expected to maintain that extra weight to keep their jobs.

I think that's sad and wrong.

Cody Jarrett said...

Shorter Mr. Haz:

get off my lawn

Cody Jarrett said...


You do know it's voluntary, right?

And they're pretty well compensated for the few years they spend as freaks. Given the choice, what percentage of men in America would choose to be able to suit up in the NFL versus living an extra five years?

Me, I'd rather see the playing surface enlarged. At least widened.

Darcy said...

Yes, I do know that it's voluntary and that they're paid well. And that the fans love it so the money is fabulous and seductive. And that many would make that deal right now not realizing how precious five more years with loved ones would be until it's too late.

Nobody is forcing anyone. That's the truth. It still seems sick and sad.

Cody Jarrett said...

You're just way too nice a person, Darcy, you care too much about your fellow peoples.

Part of what makes you such a special person.


Michael Haz said...

I'm aware of it for a few reasons. A colleague of my wife's, collegiate football lineman, died at age 42 of what the MDs called weightlifter's heart.

The Packers great Reggie White died of the same thing three years after retiring. And the average lifespan of an NFL is 54 years.

Yes, it's voluntary, but at some point I begin to be culpable for taking entertainment in men purposely shortening their lives for my amusement.

Michael Haz said...

.....NFL lineman....

Darcy said...

Aww, Cody. Thank you.

On that note, it will be lights out for me. All those carbs have done me in.

'Night, all.

Darcy said...

You said it better, Michael. I've only recently become aware of those statistics and the efforts to maintain those unnatural weights.

Now really going to sleepzzzzzzzzzzz.....

Cody Jarrett said...

I have what's referred to as weightlifter's heart.

But I got mine without playing football...but by lifting weights.

Anecdotal arguments. You bring up Reggie White, I bring up Jim Fixx.

And where do we get?

As long as they volunteer, as long as the risks are well known, and as long as they're well compensated, I don't see how you can possibly feel culpable at all (but I don't have to--it's your feeling after all).

BTW: you might want to double check some of your information.
For instance

And the average lifespan for a black man is still only about 70 years. It's slightly higher for whites but not a lot higher.

Googling 'average lifespan of nfl lineman' gives a fair amount of interesting reading.

MamaM said...

About the time Darcy heads off to sleepzzzzz, my stage two booster rockets ignite with reverse ZZZZ's to put me into position for late night orbit. I run on a different timer. Hopefully she'll return for a recap tomorrow because I wanted to let her know she was not only thought of today, her story prompted a change. I honored the memory she shared over at Lems at our festuvities today by taking a moment to change out of the comfort clothes I'd been wearing while cooking(which could have passed)to put on something slightly fancier for dinner, and I was glad I did. We ate at 7, after spending the afternoon together getting ready, which was as much about thanksgiving as the meal itself. We also had some good conversation around MHaz's question from Lem's earlier in the week about what we'd say to our 11 year old selves. So, thank you to the pair of you for adding to our experience.

As for Cody's phone privilege comment, I picked up the annual "checking in" holiday call yesterday, which landed like a cannonball of emotional energy into my pool of serenity. Even though I know the splash is coming I'm still surprised when it happens, but am no longer knocked off my feet. I also dry off quicker these days.

Last week, I heard someone apply the story of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane to their own experience of difficulty and survival and it resonated with my own. As the story goes, when those closest to Jesus, the ones he'd hoped he could count on to support and care for him, to be with him and stand alongside during difficult times, weren't able to do so due to their own needs and frailties, "an angel from heaven appeared to strengthen him". Regardless of how true one believes this story to be, I'm now able to look back at my life and find something similar to angels who appeared in the form of animals, teachers, writers, artists and people to provide much needed support and encouragement during the times when I felt most alone. The recent story about the motorcycle riders visiting and supporting abused children also reminded me of this.

I'm thankful for the touches of light, laughter, warmth, strength, encouragement and goodness I've received.

As for pie crusts: an anorexic mother with a love/hate relationship with food is a heaven/hell combination. Although I can't cook like my mom or attain her form of control and perfection when it comes to food, I did finally manage success with pie crust by using a recipe from a cook book called Best Recipes, From the backs of Boxes, Bottles, Cans and Jars! It works for me every time, and makes enough dough (supposedly for 4 crusts) so I don't need to patch or skimp to get it to fit.

"Never-fail Pie Crust"

4 to 4 and 1/2 cups Hecker's unbleached flour. (any will do)

1 Tbs sugar

3 teas. salt

1 egg

1 Tbs. vinegar

1/2 cup water

1 3/4 cups shortening (Crisco sticks)

Sift (stir in my world) flour, sugar and salt together in large bowl.

Fork beat the egg and combine with vinegar and water.

Cut shortening into flour, sprinkle with egg mixture and mix all together. Gather the dough into a ball, wrap in wax paper and chill for about 30 minutes before using.

This dough can be kept in the refridge up to 1 week. Or you can divide it into 4 parts, wrap each securely and freeze.

The book now falls open to the page

ndspinelli said...

ricpic, No biggy @ all. But, I should be allowed to confuse you w/ RITMO or LSL once.

ndspinelli said...

Sixty, Great idea, thanks. That mahogany apothecary hutch is from the late 1800's. The minimum value is 2-3k but if the correct buyer is found in excess of 10k. Anyone know any wealthy folks w/ a background in pharmacy. I told my daughter Walter White would have been a good buyer. She may put it up w/ an auction company in Iowa. It is a beautiful piece of furniture.

Darcy said...

@MamaM: Kind. Especially when many could take my remembrances of my mother as a dig. It wasn't meant to be and I'm glad you get that.

She was a beautiful mess. And I mean beautiful - my mom was movie star gorgeous in her youth and still stunning into her 70s. I miss her terribly.

I like the idea of wondering what you'd tell your 11 year old self. I may write a post about that at Lem's (it wasm't already done - was it?), if Haz wouldn't mind me doing that.

Michael Haz said...

Darcy, please write that post.

The Dude said...

I spent the afternoon sawing on my neighbor's giant willow oak, again. That's one way to deal with the cold weather, just sayin'.

Managed to get a couple of pieces with some interesting grain. Also managed to avoid injury - that's not insignificant with this tree - I climbed up onto some of the branches to cut branches that were further off the ground. I sawed a couple of limbs off and even with that the remaining trunk is still close to 12 feet in the air and it probably weighs a couple of tons. Time for the professionals to take over - it's gettin' real all up in there.

Also took down two small trees that were bound by some gnarly wisteria vines and that was unbelievably difficult - ended up using a come-along, some chain, towing straps and heavy duty loppers to get that mess on the ground. Not trivial.

But it feels good to be inside and warm now.

MamaM said...

Elder SonM came home from an early morning run to the farm store with a gigantic tow strap from a $7 Black Friday deal. It's resting on the table next to the crystal candlesticks and Thanksgiving bouquet, along with a new Dewalt crossover screwdriver bagged before breakfast with friends. The hardest and best part of being a mom to boys has been letting and watching them grow up to be their own brand of cowboy.

I can't imagine what kind of job would require such a tow strap, but am fairly certain it would probably involve a fair amount of risk, danger, male reckoning and shenanigans, along with an almost palpable sense of satisfaction upon completion. Similar to Sixty climbing out of the Whomping Willow to live to cut another day.

The Dude said...

I neglected to mention the use of a giant propane tank as an anchor for the come-along and the power lines I was trying to avoid, but they were there too.

MamaM, you did not heed the lyrics of the Willie Nelson song. You did good.

What the oak looks like now, with nothing to indicate scale.

MamaM said...

I neglected to mention the use of a giant propane tank as an anchor for the come-along and the power lines

Of course you did! The other well-known component of those kinds of situations is what's left out of the initial description of the incident and overheard at later mention.

Thanks for the good word and laugh.

That's a mighty and gnarly oak, without scale!

The Dude said...

I sawed off a piece of the tree and it turned out the right size to make a small sitting perch. The owner of the tree and I sat on it in the late afternoon sun and enjoyed the beauty of her back yard and played fetch with her dog.

On this afternoon's walk around the speedway we discussed the possibility of making some more seating out of what oak chunks remain on site. It's always fun to make something different, even with the foreknowledge that anything made out of red oak which is left outside will soon return to the earth.

Ephemeral folk seating. Works for me.