Sunday, November 24, 2013

Marilyn's Diary

My Grandpa had a very interesting life. You would too if you were 1457 years old. When he came over from the old country he had a lot of interesting jobs.
He was a bookseller in Philly with Ben Franklin.
He sold used Conestoga Wagons on the Oregon Trail.
He really loved it when he could work as a mens room attendant.
But I would have to say his favorite job was when he was a policeman in the 1950's in New York City.
He was on the vice squad. He never rousted the hookers because he felt they were just providing a service. But he loved to go undercover in the Park restrooms to catch perverts. He never seemed to arrest anyone but he made a lot of friends.
Finally they fired him because of his habit of sexual touching.
Of himself.


The Dude said...

He should have been elected governor - he was incapable of telling the truth about even the most mundane issues.

blake said...

Who, Al Lewis?

chickelit said...

He kinda looks like Ron.

ricpic said...

I had to tip a mens' room attendant once...and he didn't even help me aim my stream. There I was splattering all over the floor and he didn't step forward to even offer a hand. A shanda.