Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Poll Question: Who do you want to be the Republican Presidential Nominee

Chris Christie

The Crack Emcee

Nene Leakes



Michael Haz said...

Good morning my fellow carbon-based life forms. And a glorious morning it is. We've been given another day, another opportunity to be grateful, to celebrate the simple joy of being on this planet. Use it well.

Re the poll question: None of the above.

The next Republican presidential nominee should have characteristics that nullify Hillary's! status as an Ovarian-American. Take away that advantage, and Hillary! becomes just another lying Clinton, and who wants that?

A Condeleeza Rice/Allen West ticket would be awesome.

The Dude said...

Troop should run.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Crack, but only if it is duel presidency with Sixty. And they alternate decision making authority based on tarot card readings and astrology.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

We already have Chutulu in charge. Who do you think Valerie Jarrett really is?

ndspinelli said...

I'm not sure it's Christie's politics that Trooper hates as much as the fact that he's from Jersey. NYCers hate people from Jersey. They consider them inlaws.

ndspinelli said...

Haz, Thanks for the daily affirmation.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Seriously, Kris Kristiekreme does not have a shot. Neither does Elizabeth Warren. Both of them Northeast poser politicians and media darlings (exept if Christy ever did get the nomination he would quickly find out the media is less affectionate once you are facing a Democrat in the general election). A fake conservative and a fake Indian.

And Michael Haz, I doubt Condie wants it but I am a big fan of Allen West.

chickelit said...

Anybody who screams Boston-NYC-DC corridor will get slaughtered nationally unless they explicitly distance themselves from the disfunctional aspects of those metropolii. It's hard for an Easterner to see it from a non-Easterners POV but the rest of us see them as Detroit: all suck suck suck and no blow (unless you're that guy from Toronto or Marion Berry).

Now that New Yorkers have elected to drive the financial industry from Manhattan, what's going to be left?

chickelit said...

Since California sucks too, I think it's really time for someone from the south or the Midwest (and not faux-Midwest Chicago gangster).

Cody Jarrett said...

Condi doesn't want it, and while I'm a fan of hers, she's not really what you can call conservative.
There were a couple of incidents while she was SecState where W. had to have a talk with her. And if W. has to tell you that you're too moderate/liberal--forget it. And I like W. as a person.

West is a decent guy but much better as a commentator or in his previous job. I'd be hard pressed to want to support him for POTUS. The campaign would be amusing, but holding your breath waiting for the next big crash and burn would get tiresome.

Warren could actually get traction nationally. She's not originally from Mass, after all, and she's brilliant at saying whatever she needs to say and making it sound like the truth. And because she's a woman and about a half step from a full throated communist (and I mean that)--she gets a hell of a pass. She has the added bonus that she can speak without sounding like Hillary--shrill and annoying.

Right now...there's only one guy that's conservative enough and smart enough to handle the media and whichever husk the D's run up against him.

The Dude said...

Perhaps it is time to admit that the republic is lost and focus on trying to out-totalitarian the leftists - full on right wing death squads, blow up media outlets, assassinate judges, show them that the right will not go down without a fight.

Or stay home and wait for the next handout. Whatever works.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I do not see Fauxahontas getting any traction outside of Massachusetts. Yeah, she is from Oklahoma. How do you think her "Cherokee cheekbones" would play there, especially when it comes out her only connection to the "Trail of Tears" was a relative who helped round the Indians up to march on it.

Cody Jarrett said...

Check the polling. Right now, with no effort, she's right in the top mix if you take Hillary out of it--and Hillary's had 27 years of name recognition.

And Warren appeals like hell to the nutbag wing of the Democrat party, and she has the ability to say pretty much whatever it takes and sound believable.
Kinda know...the jackass that's been elected twice now.

I'm not saying she's going to be the next POTUS or even the nominee. I'm saying don't dismiss her simply because you don't like her and have spent time reading at Legal Insurrection.

She's a smart, manipulative, relatively attractive blue eyed blonde woman who appears non threatening and who speaks with a soft voice that doesn't sound like the screech of a thousand fingernails on a thousand blackboards. Plus she's so far left it's crazy. She'll get the full throated protection of the establishment media. And despite what we (we who think for ourselves) think--a large chunk of the unwashed voters in the middle still get their news from the legacy media (that includes Johnny Jew and Colbert).

And it wasn't that long ago people were dismissing Barry O'Bama as a lightweight nobody who'd never amount to anything.

Liz Warren is, in many ways, the Aryan Obama.

But what do I know. I still can't believe Scotty lost to her--because he was the perfect candidate for Mass. A liberal leaning sissy bitch with a pretty face and pretty hair and pretty daughters.

Cody Jarrett said...

I'm with Sixty, by the way.

I vote for roving conservative death squads. Can we shoot Ritmo the Nutless first?

The Dude said...

Talk about a waste of ammo!

Cody Jarrett said...

Warren is the most popular politician in Mass right now. She's more popular than Barack Obama--by double digits. And there are only about 14 people living in Mass right now that wouldn't give the jug eared baby jesus a blow job just because.

She's more popular now than when she barely beat Scotty-boy. Think how scary that is.

Yes, it's Mass and they're fucking nuts. But look at the rest of the country--all those people that voted for Jug Ears.
They're nuts too.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

The progressives love her...but no. I never see it happening nationwide.

And if I am wrong, then I am heading for my cabin for the end times.

Darcy said...

I think if you are not voting Republican next election you are too stupid to live.

So. Lots of places to go with that. =)

blake said...

I guess they might just stop breathing...

Palladian said...

I think people are tired of voting for the Republican party just because it's not quite as shitty as the Democrat party.

Palladian said...

It's over, whichever mediocrity slimes their way into office.

ricpic said...

If the Pubbies put up a mushy moderate in 2016 (90% chance that's what they'll do) and Sarah runs for prez as an independent she'll win.

Remember, you heard it here first.

Remember, you heard it here first doesn't mean anything one way or the other but I always wanted to say remember, you heard it here first and this thread gave me the opportunity. So I took it.

MamaM said...

I vote for Crack. He'll do his own press conferences (from his sickbed if necessary), be outspoken, drive the media nuts, give those who vote based on skin color rather than character someone to vote for, receive a personal opportunity to rectify all the wrong that has been done to people of one specific heritage, take on Hollywood, and cause those committed to cults and religions to clarify their values and speak up for their constitutional rights. By doing so he'll tick off millions, bring the ol' melting pot to a boil, and stop the decline with an eruption of such magnitude, the both parties will commit to reformation.

The Dude said...

Sadly, he is too weak to walk, much less run. Posting on his odd blog is all we can expect of him.

Hey, wait, wasn't Oddblog in a James Bond film?

The Dude said...

And for the record, Nene doesn't leak, she protrudes.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Palladian said...
I think people are tired of voting for the Republican party just because it's not quite as shitty as the Democrat party.

November 13, 2013 at 12:29 PM

If the shit hits the fan, I would recommend we all gather for a big dinner and cocktails meet up. Provided beef is not on the menu.

The Dude said...

Maybe oozes would have been a better word that protrudes. Woman needs to buy some clothes that fit her.

Trooper York said...

Please note that this would be a prefect poll to put on Lem's blog to get some hits.

I know little Debbie tried to conjure up Crack so this might get him out of his hole.

(Use the photo's too if you want. It would be a hoot)

Trooper York said...

Please note that this would be a prefect poll to put on Lem's blog to get some hits.

I know little Debbie tried to conjure up Crack so this might get him out of his hole.

(Use the photo's too if you want. It would be a hoot)

Methadras said...

Cthulu might be getting my vote. Unless Christie can grow tentacles.

dbp said...

I vote for Chutulu. Why settle for a lesser evil?