Thursday, November 21, 2013

Eight million stories in the Naked City


Trooper York said...

You know. When those white kids were animals.

Just sayn'

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

They called it Hell's Kitchen for a reason. Before they raised the rents, brought in the Hipster suckers, and named it Clinton.

Davy Crockett used the term "Hell's Kitchen" that about the Irish in five points neighborhood (now One Police Plaza), but the name got transferred to the West Side.

rcocean said...

So when did Flip become black and funny?

rcocean said...

The previous teacher was stabbed in the back. Must be a "Business ethics" class.

rcocean said...

Is it wrong that I was attracted to cutie in the tight sweater, who stood by JF?

That scene needed more of her.

rcocean said...

She could act.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Is it wrong that I was attracted to cutie in the tight sweater, who stood by JF?

Nah, she is probably in her seventies now...if she is still alive.

rcocean said...

"Nah, she is probably in her seventies now...if she is still alive."

How literal minded you are. Do you see "Citizen Kane" and think 'wow, all those people are dead'?

rcocean said...

Did you realize everyone in that TV show was acting?

My God.

Its amazing. They were actually not like the people they were pretending to be.


rcocean said...

Did you realize that "War and Peace" is words printed on a page and doesn't deal with real people and all those fake made up people never existed and that Leo Tolstoy are dead?

Wow. Guess I should stop reading fiction.

Trooper York said...

I have to admit that when I watch some of these shows I keep track of who has croaked.

It is a nasty habit but what can I say.

rcocean said...

Just don't post yourself in Nun's habit and all is forgiven.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

rcocean, sorry to step on your narrative fantasy.

It is all good. She is back to her age in the film and she is HOT for you. And you are the same age as her, so it is not at all creepy.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Do you see "Citizen Kane" and think 'wow, all those people are dead'?

Not all the time, but yeah, I have done it.

rcocean said...

"rcocean, sorry to step on your narrative fantasy."

It ain't about fantasy. Its about being literal minded. Kinda reminds me of playing tennis. Some people take it way too seriously, like its life and death. Others, think its all a joke because its just a game.

Most understand its play. Its a game - you take it seriously - while you play and up to a point. Like caring who wins a NFL game.

rcocean said...

I'm sure you're sincere in your apology and I have no desire to be hostile. But since I'm feeling chatty..

I've just never understood literal minded or humorless people. In business, its usually easy to identify them. My approach -"just the facts ma'am". No sarcasm, irony, humor, jokes or kidding allowed. They wouldn't understand.

In my personal life, I ignore or avoid them. Even though there's nothing wrong or bad about being literal minded. Some of our greatest men have been like that. But life's too short.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I am not literal minded. It was a dry comment, but it was intended to be humorous.

But I really do watch old movies and sometimes think "damn they are all dead."