Thursday, November 14, 2013

Well Doctor how is my blood pressure

"Pretty good for a former fat fuck. You can't do much blogging on Friday though. You will have to rest. One thing though?"
"Yes what's that Doc?"
"Did anyone ever tell you that you look like the Man?"
"Si, Chico."


The Dude said...

Listening to some Domenico Scarlatti here - which reminds me, where has our court musician TT Burnett been?

The Dude said...

Seek and ye shall find.

Scroll down to the Gloria and enjoy.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

You rest up!

ndspinelli said...

You may scoff @ this but I don't care. Back in 1996 I almost got my head blown off working a case. I had a shotgun pointed @ my head by a very angry man. I never dealt w/ it. Well, I sorta did, I drank a lot and was real angry. Eventually I was able to bury it. Then, in 2007, another trauma and PTSD hit me like a ton of fucking bricks. I went to a shrink and the 2 traumas had formed one big one. If I had dealt w/ the 1996 shit the 2007 accident would have been a piece o' cake.

You had a trauma my friend. Maybe you are seeing someone, none of my business. But, I only ask that you consider it. Talk w/ your bride. We are body, mind and spirit. I know you're very strong on the spirit. Your body and mind took a big hit. It's all about finding that balance.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

ndspineli is giving good advice. You need not see a head shrinker. You can talk to your wife, your priest, your friends too (blogging if that works, but I question doing that with real personal stuff). But it is good to talk about it.

Palladian said...

I'm with Spinelli & Evi. A lot of my life has been affected and defined by deferred trauma.

Getting evicted and being homeless and broke was of course traumatic and difficult, but I only realized late in the summer how much the experience actually wounded me. You survive while shit is going down, because you have no other choice. Your brain and your body shield you as best they can, pump you full of adrenaline or something, and push you until you're out of immediate danger. But then, at some later point, it all sinks in, and sometimes it can really throw you off balance. I'm still really struggling and suffering the belated effects of that trauma. I have terrible nightmares nearly every night related to losing my home or my belongings, my depression has worsened, I'm angrier and unfocused and anxious nearly all the time. It all catches up sooner or later.

You were extremely lucky, to have the resources and faith and family to help you deal with your trauma while it happened. Don't underestimate what you've just gone through, or how it will affect you spiritually and psychologically.

In other words, take it easy my friend.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I am no Scientologist when it comes to psychiatry. Professional help is good too (but only as good as the professional giving it). It is not for everyone, but if you have the bucks and the right therapist, knock yourself out. I am a bit skeptical of the psychotropic drugs for people dealing with normal life stuff (which is often very difficult and stressful), but for some disorders these drugs are obviously a great benefit.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Life changing events are traumatic. Even those that are good changes can really cause you to be in a weird state for a while. Divorce. Birth of your first child. Recovering from a close call or accident. Being diagnosed with a health condition that will change the way you live.

Spinelli gives good advice. Talking about it and working through the stages of acceptance is very important. That and resting and following your Doctor's advice :-)

Michael Haz said...

Any day when you have blood pressure is a good day.

If you have shit that needs to be dealt with, then do that. You're on earth for a reason, and that reason is why you're still here. Understand that reason and you'll be better.

Cody Jarrett said...

Well said, Mr. Haz.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Does Meade want to tell us something?

Chip S. said...

Speaking of blood pressure and LSL, I stopped by TOP for the first time in a while just to see if EBL had posted one of her adorable little "You Think Obama Fucked Up But He's Really Laying a Clever Trap for Republicans" posts.


Instead, there's a long 5-point screed taking the NYT to task for comparing the Obamacare disaster to Hurricane Katrina. Accompanying that post is one of her few triple-digit comment threads, populated almost entirely by angry conservatives (plus the usual nutty argument from Planet Cook).

If she's not careful, TOP's gonna win back its old reputation as a Konservative Klan Kave.

Michael Haz said...

But.....notice that she never expresses her opinion. She's still all-in for Dickwad.

Michael Haz said...

Brief topic change.

Spinelli, in your judgement, would a jury let a guy off for shooting the cell phone store salesman who taught the guy's 86 year-old mother how to text?

Asking for a friend. A friend who is getting many texts per hour.

ndspinelli said...

Haz, That's a Class A Felony w/ minimum 5 year sentence in Wi. I can research other states if needed! Was it a sibling? Grandchild?

ndspinelli said...

Never mind. It was a salesman! No a jury will convict and a judge will not give him just the minimum if the judge also has an elderly parent.

Michael Haz said...

Thanks. I feel reassured about.......plans.

Cody Jarrett said...

That's why I:

a. put my mother on my plan so that I could

b. ensure that texts couldn't be sent from her phone.

You need to plan for shit like this.

The Dude said...

My mother can't text me because her phone would melt where she is.

windbag said...

Wisconsin is so backwards. In North Carolina "he needed killing" is a valid defense.

blake said...


I don't think it'd be a Kave. Isn't it a Klave? Or is it a Klavern?

You'd think I'd know this after 5 years of being a racist.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Michael Haz, It shows a depraved heart to do such a thing. I am with Sixty, a "he needed killin" jury nulification defense is in order.

Cody Jarrett said...

That was windbag, I believe.

Michael Haz said...

I'm feelin' better thanks to your wise advice. Needed killin' that's the ticket.

chickelit said...

Troop, if you're up ...I have a special "whose that girl" blog post scheduled at 12 midnight at Lem's for you.

If you're not "up" you will be after it posts.

chickelit said...

12 midnight EST (that's 9 PM for me).

Trooper York said...

Thanks for the good words fellas but I am of sound mind. Or at least as sound as it ever was.

I told my mother-in-law that my medication had no side effects. She warned me that Xeralta could cause depression. I told her I only got depressed when I talk to her. But that gave me a quick headache.

After Lisa hit me with a frying pan.

Trooper York said...

I will look for that Whose That Girl but it will proably be tomorrow as I am going to sleep early tonight. I am bushed.

Michael Haz said...

Bushed? Get waxed. People do that these days.