Friday, November 1, 2013

Life is too short......

And we all have a lot of baggage.

Friday is Doctor Day and we spent most of the morning getting test done in the office on Atlantic Avenue. I have been poorly the last few days and it turns out it is the same old bugaboo. Low Blood Pressure.

The doctor said it was dangerously low and any lower and I would have to go to the hospital. Now I told you I liked this new Doctor right? He changed my meds and told me that I can eat more. I mean I have been very careful and lost 41 pounds. But he is telling me that I am overdoing it a little. I am not taking in enough water while taking the water pills and I am getting dehydrated. And I am really eating less and better which he wants me to continue. But he says mix in a potato or a dish of macaroni here or there. No salt of course but I don't have to stay on the Bridge on the River Kwai diet. Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence! I am out of jail. For a little while!

This brings me to another point. I want to drop things that tend to aggravate me. Why add more stress to my life. One thing that has been aggravating me lately is Crack. The fact that Leisure Suit Larry is over there as his number one fan in various guises can really get you started. It is just too toxic for me. Since he really has stopped coming to Lem's joint I have no real contact with him or his dimwitted twat or that other dimwitted twat Inga. When they show up at Lem's it is easy to ignore them. But it was too easy for me to go over on the link to Cracks joint to get pissed off. I regularly look at most of your sites but don't comment that often anymore. They make me smile. Or in Evi's case moo while I am chewing the cud. But I need to remove toxic shit like Crack and his insane mutterings from my life. So as windbag noticed I dropped him from my blogroll. As so many of you had advised when you ignore these morons they lose their shit. So I have set phasers on ignore and want to concentrate on trying to get better.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I do not know what is going on with Crack. This slavery rant he is on is getting old because last time I checked even Sixty gave up his slaves a while ago.

Italians know how to eat. Antipasta, followed by a little plate of pasta, followed by maybe a salad and a main course, and then a small desert. And they have a few glasses of wine, espresso, and maybe an aperitif. Everything in balance. Everything delicious. And people who follow that are not fat, live a long time and seem happy.

The Dude said...

Crack'n'fetchit has gone full on racist batshit crazy black nationalist - seems a bit strange, as he lives in Utah, but whatever.

Does he still have permission to read here? If so, hey Crack, hope your Yoga classes are helping your back. I hear there are some great homeopathic cures available, too, if you would just open your mind a bit.

One more thing - how does it feel to pick Meade's cotton, since he and Asshole Annie and Glenn Reynolds are besties? Does that add to the frisson of your relationship? Do they let you enter through the front door?

Cody Jarrett said...

Good choice, Troop, and thank you. I was pretty good about not going to Crackerses by myself, but sometimes looking at that link there was just too tempting. So I appreciate your contribution toward my own lowered blood pressure, since I'm too weak to be trusted on my own.

Watch that low blood pressure. My father had issues with that periodically and he'd just take a header wherever he was.

I'm sure they know best (actually I'm not) but I wonder if adding a little bit of good salt, like a gourmet sea salt or something might help with that.

But don't disobey the docs or the wife!

I was given a pleasant come to Jesus talk the other night by a guy who's been studying healing (of all kinds) for the past 35 years. Has a PhD. Was a USMC platoon leader in Viet Nam--those platoons that went out and lived in the villages for weeks at a time waiting for their chance to kill people. Did three consecutive combat tours. At his age he can rope climb 30 feet up like a monkey and do cross country mountain runs like a goat. In other words--a guy you wanna listen to.
But it took him all of about 15 minutes of chatting to zero in on the toxic crap I live with and hold on to.

Baby steps. It's all about baby steps. Although Sun Tzu said (essentially) when you're taking fire don't stop and look around to see who's doing it and what they're doing it with--get the hell out of the way first.

Trooper York said...

I totally dropped Crack. He can't come here anymore. I am tired of all his bullshit.

He is like those Black Israelite guys in Times Square. Enough of that shit.

Trooper York said...

Thanks Cody. The link made it way too easy to get sucked into bullshit.

I am sure we will mix it up with him at Lem's when he is looking for attention.

But I plan to ignore him like I do Inga and Leisure Suit Larry.

The Dude said...

So I don't have to hold back any more?

Well, what's the fun in that?

When I was faced with a diet that consisted of not much more than rice and water I found a type of rice that I really liked and to this day I buy sparkling water.

I buy gourmet salt - I really like salt from the inland sea in Japan, but it's not offered for sale very often. Himalayan Pink Salt is very good, too. I never hold back on salt consumption - I just pay attention to how food tastes - if it tastes salty, I know I have added enough salt and cut back.

CJ - that guy sounds like quite the character. The guy who taught me how to be a lumberjack served two tours as a Marine. He is still fit and still does tree work.

Funniest Marine/tree guy I ran into was a few years ago in my old neighborhood - guy was still somewhat bellicose and said he could kick my ass. I replied "How about that - you can whoop an old duffer who just had open heart surgery". That quieted him down for a while.

Cody Jarrett said...

I know that I've been told over and over not to add salt (my bp is a little high...but it's stress related so screw em)...but if I don't add salt I wind up feeling really kind of weak and icky after 2-4 days, depending on the time of the year and how much I'm sweating.

So I have a good quality salt and add it to taste.

Palladian said...

I do not know what is going on with Crack.

What?? The first time I ever read his commentary I knew what was going on with Crack. He's a walking narcissistic personality disorder, just like he's always been.

His whole anti-"New Age" routine is just a manifestation of his narcissism, spurred by getting dumped by a woman, not because of some insights he has into anything.

He's the same annoying asshole he's always been, and his hideously unreadable blog is as hideously unreadable as it's always been.

You can't befriend someone like that. Even if it works for a while, they will devalue you until they ultimately turn you into another enemy. They can't let you get close because they are deathly afraid that you'll see that there's nothing inside that huge, self-constructed facade.

Narcissists are like that; you'll never "figure them out", you'll never "understand" them, you'll never have their towering "insight". If they think you've pinned them down to a position on an issue, or figured out what they mean, or what they believe, or stand for, they'll quickly change their mind about it, or claim that you're wrong, or that you're stupid.

Hmm, that also fits another blogger I know, one whom I unfortunately didn't ignore, even when I saw the warning signs.

Anyway, good riddance.

Palladian said...

Pass the salt cellar!

Palladian said...

I love grey salt from France.

Palladian said...

There's a weird salt from India that smells like a bad catalytic converter.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Paladian, you should have become a therapist!

I liked Crack's blog (and Crack), but there is some truth in what you are saying. I find Meade's minstrel show over there rather bizarre and worth constant and repeated mocking. What a friggin tool Meade is.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I like salt too. I never bought that salt was bad. I salt to taste.

Cody Jarrett said...

Palladian, slow clap.

That is, applause, not what's running down Inger's leg.

The Dude said...

Thanks for the link to the CDC article, Palladian - that's the ticket.

Gray salt is good, too. Pink is just a bit more festive.

Yeah, I know, shut up.

Where is the Big Chicken to explain how salt can get a hydrogen sulfide smell?

I know why some single malts taste like iodine.

chickelit said...

I didn't know this but I quickly found the answer:

Indian black salt consists primarily of sodium chloride, which is the main component of table salt, and trace impurities that include sulfates, sulfides, iron and magnesium. The sodium chloride provides the salty taste, the iron sulfide provides its pinkish-grey color and the hydrogen sulfide provides its distinctive smell. Hydrogen sulfide is also one of the causes of rotten egg odor, although Indian black salt is often said to resemble the smell of boiled egg yolks.

It must be an acquired taste

Sixty, how does iodine get in single malt? There's so little of it around outside of the ocean.

Cody Jarrett said...

I was just about to post basically what the chicken said.

And it's related to the amount of seaweed in the peat. You almost answered it yourself.

Cody Jarrett said...

of course you find it mostly in the islay scotches. which, you know, makes sense. Although some people are either hypersensitive or crazy and claim they can taste it strongly even with boring blends like Johnnie Walker Black and Red. Those people should drink bourbon.

The Dude said...

Speyside single malts are made using a type of peat which is composed of seaweed. The seaweed collects the iodine and imparts aromas and flavors into the whiskey. I have had it, don't like it. It's one thing to have the occasional shot for medicinal purposes, quite another for that shot to taste medicinal.

Cody Jarrett said...


Most of the Speysides aren't peated at all.

Most of the Islay distilleries are on the coast.

I believe.

ricpic said...

The health nuts are all wrong about salt, well, sea salt anyway. We NEED salt. Plus, there's no flavoring agent remotely as, uh...flavorful.

Troop, please tell me this photo was taken before your weight loss!

I had a dream in which I killed Obama, the Wookie, Schumer and Reid. Then I woke up. Problem still unsolved. But if there are any army ranger types out there...

Cody Jarrett said...

IIRC that picture was taken as they loaded up to head out on the cruise.

The Dude said...

What can I say - I was drunk when I wrote that.

Trooper York said...

That photo was just before we went on the last cruise out of Manhattan when Lisa could bring everything we own on the ship.

rcocean said...

I don't know what happened to the guy. Crack always had some ah..strong opinions, but he's really cracked up.

Maybe he'll get better, or just dissolve into madness. I hope the former, but I fear the latter is more probable.

BTW, I'm found the perfect snack for work: "Dried Seaweed". Its high sodium, but you can scarf bags of the stuff and not take in many calories. Plus, its supposed to healthy in some vague way. But I just like the taste.

rcocean said...

So given Troop, given your health, thought about another relaxing cruise?

Or do still closer medical attention?

The Dude said...

If so it better be on the Paleo Cruise line.

chickelit said...

RE crack: Hate to say it, but I was prescient: link

Icepick said...

Next time Crackers brings up reparations, someone should agree with him. Then start the calculations.

"Okay, so let's calculate lost wages. If your people had been left in Ghana, their GDP per cap has been ... Oh dear. This is unfortunate. You are making much more in the USA than your Ghanaian relatives. Let's see, going back in time, factoring in how much more you have made every year in the States than Ghanaians, factoring in interest, and all the additional wages plus interest, plus the longer life span, etc, every black person in America owes every white person approximately two million dollars.

"And as it seems you don't have the money to pay them back, I'm afraid the only altetnative is ....."

It should be good for a laugh.

Cody Jarrett said...

Chicken: you had it right before that I think, with your description in a comment here regarding how it was going to end.

Icepick: I like it. Sheer brilliance.

Michael Haz said...

What? Himalayan Pink is supposed to go on food? Crap. No wonder the grains have been getting stuck in my nose. But the way the guy sold it......

Anyhow. Crack is an act. An internet fiction. He's probably an office worker drone who acts out like a bad ass on the internet. It's an act.

Like being a law prof and putting up topics about dogs, gays, feminism, dogs, transgendered, feminism, dogs, gay marriage, feminism, dogs.....

The internet is a stage for the insecure.

Cody Jarrett said...

You can actually search his name (both real and stage) and find long standing info about him.

Michael Haz said...

You can find information that may be true, or may not be true. Anyone can create an internet life.

blake said...

After one of his rants, I said to him, "It must be hard being the only right person in the world." I wasn't snarking, either: It was just so clear that he felt that way that I had this insight on to how hard it must be for him to be live day-to-day.

He said something like, "It is! Thanks for noticing."

He was really appreciative that someone had finally recognized it.

And I didn't have the heart to follow up with anything.

MamaM said...

Having the heart to follow up is the order of the day. Glad to hear that Doctor Day contained more listening and concern for the low BP with the doc, more changes in meds and a bit more freedom with food. Yes! Here's to finding your way through this day by day to realize more health and return to life.

Cody Jarrett said...

You can find information that may be true, or may not be true. Anyone can create an internet life.

Less so when it's in newspaper archives. Yes it's possible, but it's Crack--you think he's going to put in that much work?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I still consider Crack a friend, even if he has gone off the rails on a few issues. But boy is that Meade a disgusting creep. He tries to groom people like a pedophile.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Meade is going to get a hard on over this...

rcocean said...

"You can find information that may be true, or may not be true. Anyone can create an internet life."

Thanks for final clue. I can now announce that MH = Crack.

I feel like Hank on Breaking Bad.

The Dude said...

@rc - tread lightly...

rcocean said...

Sixty - I have no idea what your talking about.

The Dude said...

I was quoting Walt speaking to Hank in the garage scene.

Never mind...

Icepick said...

Sixty, I got it, FWIW.

The Dude said...

It's a good catch phrase for BB geeks.