Sunday, November 3, 2013

Congratulations to Michael Haz

Congratulations to Michael Haz for becoming a new contributor to Lem's place at TOOP. I am looking forward to his hard headed wisdom and good Midwestern values which always give me something to think about. It will be a great addition to that blog.

Special kudo's to Lem for getting rid of some deadwood and bringing in people who are actually interested in keeping his blog alive. Good move amigo. You are on roll buddy!


Palladian said...

Cool. I'm sad to see Paddy O go, but not sad at all to see Freeman Hunt replaced by Haz.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Freeman who?

Glad to see Haz at Lem's.

ndspinelli said...

Freeman is snuggling w/ the beautician/LPN. She was also a licensed beautician.

ndspinelli said...

Congrats to Haz and hopefully he brings some good "cheese" w/ him. For non baseball fans, "cheese" is a fastball.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

What happened with Paddy O?

Icepick said...

From what paddy had written, he was getting crushed by work.

Icepick said...

And I didn't know that hard-headed Midwestern values meant giving your co-workers exploding bowels, but it does clear up a couple of things from my past.

Icepick said...

Beware Greeks bearing gifts, and Midwesterners bearing Bears (Gummi).

After reading Haz's post, I think I'll avoid any food by Midwesterners.....

Paddy O said...

Some of us deadwood were just being honest about our time. I got overwhelmed with teaching (which now gives me benefits, which allows me not to be quite as connected to the Obamacare fiasco), and haven't posted on my own blog since August.

For more details about why the sudden shift in my work load, which I don't post anywhere else, there's this news report. I was asked to step in and take over classes this semester and next. That makes 5 classes this semester. With 125 upper division undergrads and 25 graduate school students, and prep for the classes, I just lost all my creative time and post ideas. I have writing intensive courses, so that makes for a lot of grading.

Emailed Lem a few week ago to suggest he include someone who has more time. Don't know why blogger has a set limit on contributors, but that's how things are. At first he left the door open to stay but finally saw there was usefulness to getting someone else involved.

And thanks, Palladian. I loved the chance to post, and value help being a part of its early beginnings. It's still a great forum so I'll still be around for comments.

Trooper York said...

That's great news Paddy. Being busy is always better than being underemployed.

It might be a good thing to rotate contributors so as to give a fresh look to the blog.

I think it is a good thing all around.

Paddy O said...

Thanks, Trooper, and I entirely agree about the rotation idea. It's a great way to both feature commenters without putting a long term pressure and to keep things constantly fresh.

bagoh20 said...

Congrats Haz, and all the rest of the contributors. It's a damned good blog for one that just started.

Trooper York said...

The best thing about it is there are no dog photos. Just sayn'

The Dude said...

Dog pictures would improve that site.

ndspinelli said...

Speaking of dog photos, I comment on the Jonathan Turley blog. Just today, a person named "Annie" started stalking me calling me a wife beater. I think it's LSL, not Inga? But using "Annie" is taunting because that's what I call his dominatrix. He's in free fall!

ndspinelli said...

PaddyO, I'm happy for you. You've always been one of my favorites anywhere you are.

ndspinelli said...

Annie just made another comment. It's LSL and if there was any doubt, he stalks here too.

ndspinelli said...

Any support would be appreciated, but not expected. It's a target rich environment over there and I get gang banged all the time. Keeps me sharp. There's a Lou Reed thread for you Trooper.

ndspinelli said...

And allow me to point out, IT IS SUNDAY!! Hung over and bad sex the night before.

The Dude said...

Dude, you must have too much free time! Find better places to hang out. Flame wars are so 1990s.

ndspinelli said...

Sixty, Just trying to keep off he crack pipe.

ricpic said...

The solution is...wait for it...BEANO!

Paddy O said...

"one of my favorites"

Thanks! This really does mean a lot. I love the community of commenters hereabouts the various landing places. I really wanted to keep up, but had to choose something to let go. I had work, family, and blogging. Good blogging takes a good bit of time!

Darcy said...

Nick, do you have a link to that?

ndspinelli said...

Darcy, It may be Inga, who the fuck knows.

Darcy said...

I don't give Inga enough credit to be able to track you down over there, Nick. Pretty despicable, whoever it is though.

ndspinelli said...

Darcy, It has to be Inga or LSL? The use of Annie is bizarre.

Darcy said...

Oh, definitely one of the two, Nick. It's very personal now. I'm sorry.

Darcy said...

Glad to hear you're doing well, Paddy O.

I've enjoyed all of the contributors at Lem's and Michael Haz will be a great addition.

ndspinelli said...

Thanks, Darcy.

Paddy O said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paddy O said...

Nick, I added my "report abuse" to Amazon as well.

While it certainly is Inga, it's curious that she picked the name of Althouse's archnemesis.

Only that one review.

And thanks, Darcy!

ndspinelli said...

Paddy, Thanks a lot.

Michael Haz said...

Thanks for your encouraging words!

And as much as I'd like to read much more of Paddy's wonderful writing, I'm very happy that he HS a full-time position coming up. It actually sounds like an overload.

Trooper, isn't it time for a new series? Something like "Where's Larry?" Or maybe "Stalking Mr. Spinelli".

When you're dead, you don't really know it but everyone around you does. It's the same thing with being stupid.

Michael Haz said...

...has, not HS.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Paddy O, Sorry u r not blogging as much, but congrats on having more work going on.

Michael Haz said...

Or maybe not. He's not worth the effort.

The Dude said...

"The only time he tells the truth is when you didn’t hear from him.”

Who said that, and to whom was he referring?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I think that bad review is gone. I went and looked and there were only positive ones. Now I have to buy the book so I can add my review too.

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darcy said...

Seriously. Where is everyone?

Except us. Hi ya, Sixty. =)

Michael Haz said...

Whoa. It's a cave in here. Hiya D and Siddy.

The Dude said...

When Trooper doesn't pipe up at least once a day I do grow a bit restive. Time to turn on the Troop Signal!

Icepick said...

So over at Lem's I saw on the side that Althouse thinks it is time to end Halloween. Christ Almighty, people have lost their fucking minds. I clicked over and read the post and it really was one clueless piece of crap. Example:

Come on, time to quit altogether. Why are we handing out candy? Why are we answering the door at night to strangers? Why are we sending kids around to the houses of strangers? Why are we publicizing children's costumes mistakes? It no longer makes any sense as anything other than a party time for adults. End Halloween.

We hand out candy because the kids like candy. (Duh.) In the old days (by which I mean the 1970s and early 1980s), we weren't opening the door to strangers, but to our neighbors. And we weren't sending out children to strangers doors because they too were out neighbors, and the children were supervised either by an adult or a child that was old enough to handle the responsibility.

As for costume mistakes, that's on the parents. Well, assuming little Johnny Rotten has two of them, as opposed to a mom and a splooge stooge, or a grandparent in place of both parents.

But then, times were simpler then, when we knew what the Hell was what and how adults were supposed to behave towards each other and their children. Grrr.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Lem put up Troop bait with this... Is Troop okay?

MamaM said...

Who said that, and to whom was he referring?

Someone who is telling the truth about someone who doesn't.

I'm tired of the lies. Not one or two every now and then, but blatant, outright lies daily presented as truth. This lack of responsibility, integrity and honor at high levels of power angers and appalls me. I didn't realize how deep my feelings about this went, until I watched the video of The fallen soldier on my Delta flight and experienced a wash of sadness and gratitude flow over me in response to the loss, honor and integrity revealed.

When I saw the water from the water cannon salute running down the plane's windows "like tears", my own tears joined the salute. Through the dignity, honor and respect shown to one Fallen Soldier, I felt as if I'd been allowed to witness something vital, alive and good that extends beyond life, lies and death.

The Dude said...

That was Jackie Mason speaking of that liar in the WH. Don't want to get bogged down in politics, but as a lifelong fan of Jackie Mason I was pleased to see him speak out.

I have been so angry for so long that it is just background noise at this point. What, at this point in time, difference does it make?

Not one damned bit.

Now where the hell is Trooper - he sure doesn't want me lookin' for him, that's for sure.

Icepick said...

Now where the hell is Trooper - he sure doesn't want me lookin' for him, that's for sure.

Not when the two of you are the same person. That would get confusing, especially if you bumped into Cody.

But this idea of you looking for him now makes me suspect that you're all Spinelli.

This site is getting to be like any long running SF/fantasy show: more and more complicated.

Michael Haz said...

I thought we all were Trooper. Except Darcy.

The Dude said...

I was concerned for a while that Trooper was an Incognito Dolphins fan.

MamaM said...

I thought we all were Trooper. Except Darcy.

And what would be the factors supporting such inclusion and exclusion?

Michael Haz said...

What are these factors of which you speak?

Methadras said...

ndspinelli said...

Freeman is snuggling w/ the beautician/LPN. She was also a licensed beautician.

Man, talk about the ugly truth of the irony of that one.