Wednesday, November 20, 2013

When bad things happen to good characters.

So two major characters in my favorite TV shows were killed off last night. We call it the Cartwright effect or the Red shirt syndrome in one case. And it's about fuckin' time in the second.

Detective Carter was killed in "Person of Interest." She was one of the main characters in the show as the straight NYPD cop who started out hunting Reese the man in the suit who then became his accomplice. She finally crossed the line. You see she kissed Reese and she had to die. It is the "Cartwright" effect which is when a woman would get involved with one of the boys on the Ponderosa they would immediately get run over by a horse or something. Plus she is black so that falls under the "Red Shirt" on Star Trek rule where the black security guy who beamed down with Spock, Kirk and McCoy gets turned into a pillar of salt. Being a black woman who was going to be involved with the lead meant that she had to die.

Then Clay Morrow on "Sons of Anarchy" was shot last night. Finally. He had to go. The dude had been shot, stabbed and beaten half to death for the past two season. Jax Teller has been saying he was going to kill him for two seasons and he finally did it. Now he was the third featured character in the show so it was a bit of a surprise. Especially when it was not the final episode of the season. The last couple of seasons all revolved around the conflict between Clay and Jax for control of the club. Now they will have to move to something else.

A bunch of people are citing "Game of Thrones" as the impetus behind these developments. You see on "Thrones" one of the main characters Ned Stark was killed in the first season. Plus last season another bunch of big characters were killed just like in the book. It shouldn't be such a big deal. If you are talented you can just right new characters. That's what George Martin did in this series of books. It gets old when the same characters get out of jams every week without a scratch. That is not the way it happens in real life. So it is kind of refreshing when regular episodic TV takes that route.


windbag said...

I just finished the first season of Game of Thrones with my son. We're watching it and Sopranos together. Breaking Bad is complete and Walking Dead jumped the shark, so this is our current entertainment. My son said that the producer said in an interview that whenever someone asks him about the future of the show, he kills another Stark. Funny. Peter Dinklage is suberb as Tyrion, and whoever's writing his part is gifted.

Great stories don't shy away from killing off main characters because great stories resonate with people, touching them in the areas common to us all. Losing "indispensable" people is part of life, and great storytellers lead us through that.

Trooper York said...

I highly recommend that you have your son read the books. They are extremely well written and very entertaining. I won't spoil the surprises but he kills off lots of people that you don't expect while people you think are goners hang around forever.

windbag said...

He read the third one, and intends to read the others when he gets time. He said that there are several videos of people who filmed their friends watching the shocker episode that killed off some big characters. The people had read the books and anticipated what was coming and wanted to capture the reactions. Quite amusing from what he told me.

ndspinelli said...

We're currently watching Breaking Bad. We're on Season 2. It's a great series but to date, I put The Sopranos and The Wire ahead. And, I put Breaking tied w/ Deadwood. We virtually have given up on commercial TV w/ Netflix and HBO Go. There are so many great docs although many are leftwing.

ricpic said...

Isn't there a show called Scandal where the black female lead not only doesn't die after making it with the white president, but we're all supposed to be annoyed with the president's white wife for being down in the dumps about the exemplary inter-racial boinking?

Okay, I have no idea whether that's so since I haven't seen the show, so I'll watch it on Hulu and get back to you.

But if it is true it breaks the inter-racial must die rule!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I think you meant "write" new character.

rcocean said...

I think "Combat" would've been a better show if Murrow had been killed off after say the 3rd Season.

The Dude said...

Just don't lose your head over it.

windbag said...

I didn't make it through 15 minutes of the first episode of The Wire. Don't know why, but it just didn't click with me. Lots of people disagree with that, but lots of people like beets, too.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I am surprised Clay did not ever burst into flame due to his O2 tank.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

That his career did not die after this acting gig just shows what they say about them is correct...

ndspinelli said...

windbag, The same w/ me on Breaking Bad. But, I tried it again. The Wire was tough in understanding the jive. The director cut back on jive the second season.

ndspinelli said...

I love beets!

The Dude said...

I turned on the subtitles when watching The Wire. Kept a window open to the urban dictionary. Those steps helped.

Biggest problem with that show was the fact that only two people in the whole series actually spoke Baltimore. The Irish guy tried, but couldn't even come close.