Saturday, November 16, 2013

Just one thing.....

"I am so glad I am here with you Robert."
"That's nice Pat. But you should know I am not into the fish taco."
"Well this is 1972 Robert. We can order what ever you want."
"This is San Fransisco Pat. What do you think I want?"
"Oh. Sausage?"
"Yes. And one more thing."
"Yes. What can I do for you?"
"Please stop touching my tits."


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I heard Kraut gave up chess too.

Trooper York said...

It is kinda embarrassing when he tries to play hacky sack on the set of Fox's Sunday Morning.

ndspinelli said...

We all know Raymond Burr was gay, right? NTTAWWT.

ricpic said...

The woman, and it's driving me nuts that I can't think of her name, is one of the all time beauties, IMO. It's strange, the things you remember out of all the entertainment world fluff you read or hear. Anyway, I still remember, and this must've been at least 25 years ago, a comment by George Kennedy about her (dang, still can't think of her name) being the woman that all men want. And it's true. Someone, fer gawd's sake help me out here. A little rachmones.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

So now Kraut diddles Chris Wallace's hacky sack under the counsel?

ricpic said...

It just came to me. Vera Miles.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Troop, I am surprised you have not posted on this yet...

The Dude said...

Well, WRT the willow oak that I was going to saw, some other neighbors arrived on the scene this morning and removed most of the branches that I was so concerned about removing. There is still plenty of wood that needs to be sawed up, but the bulk of the trunk is lying on the ground and I should be able to saw a few pieces for bowls without dying.

And for the record, even with a crew of 3, one guy did manage to cut his scalp severely enough to require a trip to the ER for stitches. For once, it wasn't me.

What dain bramage?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Willow oak is a red oak, right? How is the wood compared to other red oaks?

blake said...

Vera Miles vs. Jessical Biel (who played her in the movie Hitchcock last year), ricpic

MamaM said...

Well, I live and learn. Had no idea there was such a thing as an oak with willow style leaves and acorns. While I've no doubt Sixty could have eventually hatched up a way to take the giant down by himself, the fact that it required three and a head wound to get it done is testimony to something, if not the size of the task.

As for the "dain bramage" involved in dwarvishly imagining "pushing through" to be the best and only way to cope with adversity and challenge, the wisdom and insight of elves can also prove useful if one is open.

The most recent case of this involved the insistence of MrM that he was not too tired to push through for a 12 hour drive home when breaking the trip into one long and one short section was the answer needed. Though this resolution was accomplished with no lacerations to the head, I can't say I wasn't severely tempted.

The Dude said...

Willow oak is in the red oak family, and like many red oaks, the wood is good for flooring, furniture and firewood. I turn bowls out of it only because I can find it everywhere around here. The city forester of Durham hates them but also recognizes that they are the defacto official tree of Durham because they do so darned well.

The biggest red oak I have ever worked on was 6' in diameter. It was 140 years old. Them things grow mighty well 'roun' here.

As for it's working properties, it is okay, but prone to cracking. I turn bowls thin with freshly cut green wood and sand them while they are still wet. Then I use the microwave to dry them. That's the only method I have found that results in usable bowls.

But I still prefer white oak - the tyloses in the wood make for much better bowls. And whiskey barrels.

ricpic said...

blake - on the Vera Miles versus or compared to Jessica Biehl question...there really is no comparison. Biehl is coarse, I mean not pure peasant but coarse relative to Miles, who was a womanly woman who also had class, which they either got or they ain't.

I saw Hitchcock and I can honestly say it left no impression on me. I know that Anthony Hopkins is supposed to be the greatest but he was just phoning it in in this one. The whole thing was singularly uninspired.

blake said...

I think Hopkins has been phoning it in for the past 10 years, really.

Biel's best asset is her best asset, no doubt.