Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Dog photos Meade does not want you to see.

Meade likes dress up. When he dresses up. When his friends dress up.

That is why the Evil  Blogger Lady has been so angry lately. She isn't getting any so she has to sublimate by eating five breakfasts each morning and rubbing bacon on her twat. But even the puppies are turning up their noses.

It has been a grim winter in Wisconsin. Just sayn'


ndspinelli said...

Lol! The Meade chinup thread is piss your pants funny.

KCFleming said...

Now that made me laugh.

And Althouse has really lost her mind.

Went after me for some reason a few days ago. She called me a 'depressing old man' and suggested I try celibacy to find 'spiritual peace', whatever the fuck that is.

It was partly because Meade doesn't know how to look up word definitions on the internets.

As for the chinup thread, I mean WTF?

The Dude said...

You comment there? Why?

It's best to avoid dumps like that. Places where people like phx comment. No good will come of it.

KCFleming said...

I enjoy mocking her liberal fascist tendencies.

But 'no good will come of it' is pretty much the truth.

chickelit said...

Is this canine satyr?

blake said...


Methadras said...

Also, Crack took down comments on his blog. By the way, has TOP gotten any 100+ posts on any topics yet?

chickelit said...

Also, Crack took down comments on his blog. By the way, has TOP gotten any 100+ posts on any topics yet?

Althouse only breaks 100 when Crack hijacks a thread. Hence the collusion.

ndspinelli said...

Sixty is not a libertarian.

The Dude said...

I dislike others defining who and what I am - I was merely questioning why anyone, especially someone as level-headed as the resurrected possum would comment at that shit hole that Althouse runs.

Wasn't saying he shouldn't, just asking why.

Many who comment here also comment there. It's a free country, at least for now, and I don't have any problem with that. I just want to understand, that's all.

Make my Molon Labe t-shirt an XL, Spinner, and it will fit fine.

Darcy said...

I still read Althouse pretty much every day. I didn't see where she went after you, Pogo. Huh!

I liked the chin up thread mainly because of the guy who sent his vid to them. I thought his video was adorbs.

Darcy said...

I do get your point btw, Sixty. But honestly, I would have commented over there by now if I knew for sure I wouldn't get deleted. I'm too chicken! =)

There are still times when I feel like commenting, though. Probably for the best that I am chicken because all of my comments would be cranky, anyway.

Darcy said...

As to why I still read, Sixty? I have always enjoyed her writing and photography and probably equally found her fascinating. Somehow, the changes in writing and moods that she/they have gone through since the tantrum haven't made her/them less fascinating to me. Wish I knew why, but there it is.

The Dude said...

Reading is no biggie - I will even admit to reading once in a while. Then I check myself and ask if maybe there isn't something more productive I could be doing with my remaining hours on this planet.

Of course I ask myself that when I comment here too - makes me all too aware of my own mortality.

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ndspinelli said...

Darcy, You would never get deleted over there. She's begging for comments. I hear she's giving out blow jobs...by Meade, that is.

ndspinelli said...

Sixty, You got a little control freak in you. That's OK, you're wnl.

Darcy said...

I meant that I have a fear that I'm on "the list". It's silly, I know, but if so, I don't want to be called out.


ndspinelli said...

Darcy, If I'm not "on the list" how could you be. It's an irrational fear but having a daughter consumed by anxiety, I do empathize, my friend.

Darcy said...

LOL. Did you just call me irrational?

Maybe. There's more history than meets the eye, is all.

Anyway, the risk is greater than the reward in this case, I think.

blake said...

Considering the "reward" is vanishingly close to zero at best, and awful like a punishment at worst, I'd agree.

KCFleming said...

I'm glad Sixty pointed out the worthlessness involved in Althousian commenting.

Yeah, she lost it again a week ago, after going back and forth with Shouting Thomas (and even Mary , yes that Mary ...AA responded to her instead of deleting. Weird).

In this post and we had this conversation:

AA: "So, then, for you too, I recommend celibacy."

Pogo: "I'm sure you do.
But that's not how it works.
Not marrying ≠ celibacy. (Were they ever equivalent?)

AA: Of course, I realize that, but I am recommending celibacy for you because you are presenting yourself as a very grim, unpleasant person and I don't think you should inflict this on a woman or on many women or whatever sexual hijinks you're imagining for yourself.

You are a depressing old man. With celibacy, you have a chance at finding spiritual peace and depth.

I am not kidding.

What a lunatic.

blake said...

And patently untrue.

Some women enjoy having a grim, unpleasant man around.

Darcy said...

Wow. That IS weird, Pogo! It's absurd as well.

Also, Grims are good to have around, I'm told. ;)

KCFleming said...

I'm more grimy than grim,
and I am pleasant to my wife and kids and siblings and friends and patients and staff and bosses and the janitor and um who else oh the waitstaff in restaurants.

She doesn't know me and we have never met.

I'll admit to being unpleasant to Althouse, but then again I think she's somewhat of a loon, having voted for a commie democrat liberal fascist and then writing post after post saying Damn, look at how the commies I voted for are governing!!

Now that's depressing.

Darcy said...

Teasing aside, I very sure you are not unpleasant and grim, Pogo.

Althouse is reaping the effects of her own unpleasantness.

KCFleming said...

Darcy, you've always been the greatest.

I think I have kept reading there, partly to see if one time -just one time- Lucy won't yank that ball away from Charlie Brown.

Hope springs eternal.
And dopes hope eternally.

The Dude said...

Spiny - you callin' me a control freak for telling you the correct size shirt for you to purchase for me after you made the offer? I gotcher control right here - control dis!

Don't you love it when I speak Joisey?

You can give it to me when you visit later this year. Yeah, now that's controlling.

KCFleming said...

And WTH are 'sexual hijinks'?


Wasn't that a word in Highlights in the dentis's office, in the Goofus and Gallant cartoon?

Does sexual hijinks refer to dogs wearing hose??

Man, I sure missed a lot growing up.

Darcy said...

Aww. Thanks, Pogo.

As for the hijinks - too funny. Beats me. But we'll have none of those hijinks here! Haha.

Btw, I miss the "Highlights" years of life. I remember being excited to read a new issue and get to searching for the hidden pictures!

KCFleming said...

Oh yeah, hah, I forgot about those.

I wanted to be Gallant, but Goofus always seemed to have more fun.

The Dude said...

Yeah, what was up with that - present young boys with two role models - one is clean cut, does as he's told, the other sneaks smokes, builds fires, plays with guns, has bad manners, generally raises hell, and we are supposed to aspire to being that buttoned down dweeb?

I always read those more as a how-to manual on how to annoy grown ups.

Hmm, that could explain a lot!

And the hidden pictures were way cool.

Darcy said...

Gallant was a scold! lol

ndspinelli said...

Darcy, The fear is irrational, not you.

The Dude said...

Kind of a pre-op Freeman Hunt. Oops, did I write that?

You see, that right there is why I shouldn't comment - starts out as fun and games then pow - snark!

Back to work...

ndspinelli said...

Just talkin' trash Sixty. And I love it when you talk Yankee. Do you have a Vermont or Maine accent?

The Dude said...

Bahston, you wicked stupid fuck!

Aridog said...

ndspinelli said...

... "on the list" ...

At TOP there is no unique list. Everyone is on the list. You are praised and blessed beautifully from time to time. But you are always subject to the emotionally unstable petulance of TOP's hostess, and the spittle flinging wrath of her pet hobbit.

Just so those who go there and read or comment or both know the rules of TOP. You are there for TOP's amusement, nothing more.

I was among the biggest "suckers" of all, what with my defense of TOP's positions. I have apologized to all I insulted by defending TOP when it was mocked. The mockery was me.

But no more.

Aridog said...

Darcy...BTW, it nice to see you commenting. Here's an old tune I think you posted yourself a while back...Earl Scruggs, may he RIP.Anyone who likes Scruggs is a good soul and should have nothing to fear :)

MamaM said...

Ok. The Goofus and Gallent link was pretty good. Because we got to read the out of date Highlights my dad took home from the office reception area, the hidden pictures were already found and circled before I got to them, so I had to look else where to search for hidden pictures.

What's not hidden are the values and commitments revealed in the comment record over at Althouse.

She doesn't know me and we have never met.

She's had access to numerous comments made over the years by Pogo in which he's acknowledged the personal importance of faith, family, marriage, and commitment to profession and patient care. His deep regard for those relationships has come through with a consistency and clarity that can't be ignored, discounted or dismissed. I clearly remember the depth of love expressed when stroke was a concern and his beloved's life hung in the balance.

I'm guessing she does too, and wonder if caring about others and allowing them and their lives to matter to such a degree is painful territory. I can think of no other reason for the flip behavior and the seemingly deliberate putting aside of people who at one time appeared to matter in some way to her, like Palladian, Pogo, and others. Whatever the reason, it's unpleasant to witness the resulting attitude and behavior. Especially so in the face of so much evidence to the contrary.

Chip S. said...

All discussion of TOP reminds me of the old saying,

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.

The only possible surprise at TOP would be a sudden manifestation of self-awareness and respect for commenters on the part of the bloggress. But it's more likely that the scorpion will express gratitude toward the frog.

Her ego requires traffic. Her commenters boost her traffic.

Why help her out?

KCFleming said...

MamaM, thanks for your kind words.

And Chip S, hard to argue with that!

The Dude said...

MamaM - wine is a hell of a drug.

KCFleming said...

And Chip, I am a slow learner, and tend to hope against hope.

The Dude said...

I like the concept of redemption - the idea that a person can find a way, if not to right the wrongs he has committed in his life, at least to acknowledge them and make amends, and perhaps, some day, through grace or some other means, find redemption.

Some of us work towards that goal, some fight it tooth and nail.

But I'll be Goddamned if I think that rotten over-inflated bag of ego will ever see the light. I think some degree of sobriety is required and she will never be sober. She has no motivation to even consider sobriety. Her pension and lawn boy will see to it that she is insulated from ever having any kind of experience that would tune her up and challenge her point of view.

And I am not pleased with myself for even commenting, again, about that harpy.

Darcy said...

Sixty, I often wonder whether you really believe she is a drunk. Most of the time I take you as exaggerating, but your last comment makes me think otherwise.

She often comments about religion and the teachings of Jesus. I have to say this gives me hope that she will see the light.

Completely changing the subject, I wonder how your liberal colleagues have reacted to the actual implementation of Obamacare.

I had a friend who is an oncologist. She was just moving from working at the NIH into private practice just before the 2008 elections. Big supporter of him and Obamacare. Sadly, I think politics caused a rift and I have no idea what she thinks of it all now. Would be interesting to know.

KCFleming said...

Mostly they're thinking Oh shit... as it gets implemented.

In Marshfield WI at the famed Marshfield Clinic, the doctors just recently took a 10% paycut because of O-care.

Layoffs are continuing apace across the nation.

But supporters will never lose their faith, because it is a religion, and to see one's god exposed as a false idol is more than some can bear.

KCFleming said...

A little while ago, we had a doc bitching about how we had to work harder in a certain area, so my boss said 'Elections have consequences', and there was a long dead pause where no one spoke.

Then the boss moved to the next topic.

Darcy said...

Very interesting, Pogo and much as I suspected.

Your boss rocks! lol That was great.

The Dude said...

I have no reason to believe she has drawn a sober breath as an adult.


Let us speak no more of Cthulhu.

KCFleming said...

"Let us speak no more of Cthulhu."

I seriously have not actually laughed out loud while reading in 6 months.

Until now.

The Dude said...

Pogo, you are the greatest, and I am glad I brightened your day, if only for a moment.

Now carry on, brave lad.

chickelit said...

I don't think Althouse is a drunk.

When I met her and Meade at the Wisconsin student union a couple years ago, I was waiting there with my kids and a friend, Bill, and his wife (Bill and I have a drinking history that goes back 30 years now). Anyways, we had quaffed a couple pitchers of something local, waiting, catching up on things, when I spotted Althouse and Meade across the the terrace. I got up and tracked them down, steering them to the table I had saved. Bill and I continued to drink, while Althouse and Meade joined us. We weren't drunk as I define it -- which is memory impaired -- but they refused to join in. They sipped soft drinks.

Trooper met Althouse too -- maybe he can weigh in as to whether Althouse even drinks in public.

chickelit said...

Pogo, you are the greatest, and I am glad I brightened your day, if only for a moment.

Yes, Pogo is great. A "national treasure" as I believe Darcy once remarked.

chickelit said...

MamaM wrote: I'm guessing she does too, and wonder if caring about others and allowing them and their lives to matter to such a degree is painful territory.

This seems very astute, IMO.

KCFleming said...

That was good, wasn't it, chickenlittle?

chickelit said...




Darcy said...

Oh my gosh, that was the cutest video, Pogo.

All in!

And if Bruce says I said that, then I said it. I have no doubt and still agree!


I didn't miss your comment to me - thank you!

The Dude said...

Your story proves nothing, CL, with all due respect.

We had a saying at church - Southern Baptists never drink.

In public.

I am sticking with my besotted bint theory until a better one replaces it.

Darcy said...


(I laughed at that.)

ndspinelli said...

She is not only a drunk, she is a nasty drunk. Trooper has seen it, and I have a good source that corroborates it. This should not be a shock. I don't know about Meade. But, he has enabler written all over that puss.

The Dude said...

While I should swear off bint comments I am a back slider.

Massive alcohol consumption is like a unified field theory - it explains her meanness, her crazy mood swings, the erratic attitude towards comments and commentors, her love of perversity, her apparent lack of friends, and the incoherence of her politics. Could a sober person have voted for Obama?

I didn't think so.

As for not doing a keg stand with Chickie, well, beer has never been her choice of booze - it's wine wine wine foo dee oh. Winos eschew beer.

Okay, I made up that last bit, but this is my tissue of speculation and I am allowed.

Aridog said...

Sixty Grit ... Just for you :)

h/t: EBL's blog

ndspinelli said...

Sixty, And I also offer "I drink alone, w/ nobody else, you know when I drink alone...I prefer to be by myself." George Thorogood

ndspinelli said...

I have observed and done a lotta drinking in my time. I am blessed that I don't have the Irish curse and can stop. It is my belief all forms of alcohol attracts certain types. If you have imbibed in different types and are introspective, they all have slightly different effects. Nuanced, as it were. Women, wine and/or vodka are their primary poisons. Just like women prefer pills as opposed to snortables, smokeables, or intravenous.

Darcy said...

Huh. I drink whatever is available. And I'm thinking of taking up weed. =)

blake said...

I've been thinking about taking up smoking.

Not dope, although with my slipped disc, that's sounding more appealing these days, but tobacco.

Yeah, I'm a rebel.

ndspinelli said...

Darcy, I've been a Med patient in Ca. for 5 years. I have cervical disk pain and I use it to help sleep. It works well for me. My wife doesn't smoke and few friends do. 95% of my use is actually medicinal @ bed time. Great dreams. I use almost exclusively edibles. I have an ecig type vaporizer. However, I'll also just use a pipe because I smoke so little the carcinogens are negligible. Med cannabis is very strong but no paranoia. You have to be careful w/ the edibles because they have a delayed effect and you can overeat if not careful.

ndspinelli said...

blake, Just try it. It isn't everyone's cup o' tea but you'll find out quickly if it helps.

Darcy said...

I'm interested in the fun part!

As with anything I do, I am really not aiming to be out of control or a danger to anyone. I talk a big game but I mostly like to experience things that make me relax and laugh. Life is short.


blake said...

lol, nah

I don't do drugs. Pretty much at all.

I'm reluctantly taking something on the level of codeine for the back pain but trying to stretch it out further and further as fast as possible.

It's a thing with me.

Aridog said...

blake said...

I've been thinking about taking up smoking. Not dope ...

What? I need to post the CT Scan images of my lung cancer? Or maybe the PET/CT with contrast report?

It has been successfully suppressed but has to be checked periodically. My last butt was 22 March 2012. I miss it but WTF, right?

Aridog said...

Darcy said ...

I talk a big game but I mostly like to experience things that make me relax and laugh.

May I suggest, in moderation, Camus Borderies XO or Kelt XO Cognacs, or Kelt VSOP for half the money. Kind of steep in price but they are meant to be sipped congenially. This year, for the first time, they are both available in Michigan now.

You are about to visit Chicago and another one available there, but not here, is Baron Otard VSOP.

All of the suggestions are good to start with, if you are new, because they are smooth and moderately flavored.

PS: If you bring me back a bottle of Baron Otard VSOP I will pay you handsomely...like double your cost.

The Dude said...

Hey, who wants to be that clean livin' person who ends up dying of nothing? Where's the fun in that?

ndspinelli said...

Sixty, We don't need to worry about that. Of course, I don't worry about much.

blake said...

I've heard rumors smoking tobacco may have some unwanted side effects.

But what's that compared to lookin' cool?

blake said...


It's not a fear of death, it's just a visceral dislike of the very concept of drugs. Medically, they treat symptoms—which ain't nothin', of course, but isn't a good long-term solution to my mind.

Recreationally, I figure any state of mind they can induce, I can induce without them.

The Dude said...

I like tobacco, gave up smoking cigarettes when I was 21 and could probably take them up again, if I wasn't so attached to breathing.

Most years I will have one or two Cohiba cigars, but even ones that nice are nasty.

I have some whiskey in the house but I have not opened the bottle - I am waiting for my brother to visit.

I really like sobriety, as it turns out.

ndspinelli said...

I like both, but more and more I prefer sobriety.

ndspinelli said...

I just feel better sober. It's the diabetes.

Aridog said...

My drinking today is limited to one or two shots of good Cognac with hot coffee per day.

That's it...I too like the sobriety. In the old days the alternative was an asshole Irish trouble maker.

Now you just get the asshole.

ndspinelli said...

asshole Irish is redundant.

The Dude said...

Spinnerman - that reminds me of the other day when ST, he of the cover band, was mentioning that the Devil Came Up to Boston video that CL posted was "unoriginal". Yep, same thing.

Aridog said...

Damn...I suppose Irish and trouble-maker is redundant too.

Darcy said...

Aridog, I would be more than happy to pick that up for you and I'd accept nothing more than cost. :) I'm traveling by train and will have lots of room for purchases.