Thursday, April 24, 2014

I mean who was surprised?

On the Reunion of the "Real Housewives of Atlanta" there was a weave snatching incident. All around psycho and bad actor Kenya Moore brought some props to the reunion. She was on a island since all the other bitches hate her guts. Three of them conspired to attack her. But she has balls. (No I think she really has balls).

Kenya brought a scepter to point at the other women like she was some kind of Queen. Not the Palladian kind of Queen. The bad tooth British type of Queen. So all around dimwit and video ho Porsha Stewart grabbed it out of her hand and through it across the room. Kenya told her she would stop using it if Porsha could spell "scepter." Hilarity ensued. I mean Porsha was named after a car and she couldn't even spell that right.

Porsha couldn't take the insults and the spelling questions so she stood up and got in the face of what she called "a washed up from the 1990's ratchet ho" and grabbed her by the weave and dragged her across the floor. Security and production jumped in and broke it up. Kenya walked off yelling "Your fired." Porsha was sent home by production. Reports are that she is fired.

There is a lot of talk about how all of the Housewives franchises are segregated. There are only latina's on Miami except for Lia Black, only white woman on NY, Beverly Hills and Orange County and only blacks on Atlanta. There was a white woman Kim Zolciak on Atlanta but she was kicked off in a midst a bunch of racial animosity. To mean this is the real measure of the racial state of America. Much more so than the ravings of a kept man in Madison and his pet Bubbles. People self segregate. They stick with their own kind. Interaction is limited at best. It is just the way it is.


rcocean said...

And most yet most white women I meet are the biggest anti-racists, ever, ever.

Of course, this always a kind of Lady Bountiful act. They have no desire to actually socialize with people different then themselves.

blake said...

There's a lot of space between "think all people are entitled to the same rights under the law and in God's eyes" and "want to associate with".

rcocean said...

"Entitled to the same rights"? Who opposes that?

'Anti-racism' in 2014 has nothing to do with equality of rights. Ask the Wise Latina sitting on the SCOTUS.

blake said...

Am I writing unclearly? This is the second time in the past week someone has run off on a tangent that I don't even see implicit in what I wrote!