Tuesday, April 8, 2014

I like to take a day off now and again

Yesterday was our day off so we tried to relax a little and not get bogged down in the bullshit. We held off making calls and emails and tried to hang out and veg.

We wanted to watch a movie and of course I opted for an old timey movie. With Six You Get Eggroll starring Doris Day and the great Brian Keith. I don't care much for today's movies other than the Marvel Superhero one's and I don't think it is fair to watch my favorites all the time. Lisa had never seen this one and I knew she would enjoy.

Doris was Doris. Beautiful, tasteful and kind. Brian Keith is the type of actor you don't see much anymore. A man. You know. Guys like Brian Keith, Robert Ryan, Charles Bronson and James Coburn are not around anymore. Brian Keith starred in one of the best TV Westerns of all time in 1960. Created and written by Sam Peckinpah it is one of my favorites. So it was fun to see him in a romantic comedy.

The bit parts were also a blast. These two guys played the leaders of  a flower  power hippie motorcycle gang:

That's right. Corporal Klinger and Father Mulcahy are the leaders of this hippie motorcycle gang talking about "peace and love man it's groovy." A very young George Carlin is the car hop at the drive in. It had two of the best character actresses of all time: Alice Ghostly and Pat Carroll.

But you know what was crazy. The young and luscious daughter of Brian Keith.

What's crazy is that now she is playing the old witch on "Once Upon a Time."

Holy crap I am fucking old.


blake said...

For +45 years, she looks pretty damn good.

blake said...

What was the 1960 series? "The Westerner"?

ndspinelli said...

Trooper needs a time machine and go back to 1965. I think maybe he needs to go see the new Sherman and Mr. Peabody flick.

ndspinelli said...

Tomorrow we leave paradise and will spend the night in one of Wyatt and Doc's old haunts, Prescott.

Trooper York said...

Yes the Westerner. If you get a chance you should check it out on Net Flicks.

Trooper York said...

I agree she looks great. I am just so old man.

blake said...

At least the hot chicks of your youth still look human.

The ones I grew up with all look like cat people. And we're not talking Simone Simon or Nastassja Kinski here, either.

MamaM said...

Holy crap I am fucking old.

You are. But that's not all bad.

My dad would have turned 100 this week. I think it's a good thing he checked out when he did at 80. He thought Communism was a threat and was constantly writing letters to his senators and representative. The stuff that goes on nowadays would have done him in. He wouldn't have had the heart for it. At least you've got the pace set for the rest of the journey. That's a good thing!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Trooper needs a time machine and go back to 1965

Last night, we watched "Peggy Sue Got Married". Speaking of time warping back to the 60's It was pretty good and held up well for an older movie. We have had some movies that we watched with fond anticipation only to discover..."God that was stupid! What were we thinking that it was good?".

There were a lot of young just starting out actors. Jim Carrey, Nicolas Cage, Kathleen Turner (who still looked good at that time) and some heavy hitters too. Lots of nostalgia, music and plenty of eye candy in the vintage cars, house decor, clothing. We enjoyed it immensely.

Trooper York said...

That was what I was saying about "Streets of Fire."

It is one of my favorites and I can watch it over and over and enjoy it. Along with "The Warriors" and "The Long Riders."

I am just a big Walter Hill fan.

blake said...

It's been observed that Walter Hill didn't think much of women...

rcocean said...
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rcocean said...

2 my of favorites. I always loved Brian Kieth, 'cause he kinda looked like my favorite uncle. He was sorta a cross between Brian Kieth and Van Heflin.

ndspinelli said...

DBQ, I saw Peggy Sue when it was in theatres and I liked it to. We're in Prescott, beautiful northern Arizona town. Got in to late to see any history. Grand Canyon tomorrow then driving through a huge, desolate Hopi Indian reservation.