Wednesday, April 2, 2014

You know what would make a good book.....

I am currently reading "The Searchers: The Making of An American Legend" by Glenn Frankel. It is the story of the making of the John Ford movie. As you might or might not know the story of "The Searcher's" is a meditation on the story of Cynthia Ann Park who was kidnapped by the Comanche. She was the mother of the famous Comanche's last chief Quanah Parker. Now I think the story has been told from Cynthia Ann's perspective. I bet there were novels written from her point of view. But I would like to take a crack at it.


rcocean said...

So many great stories from American History, some are so incredible you couldn't film them, people would consider them unbelievable

To be honest, I never got the hype for the Searchers. A very good western -yes, the best? No. I like Fort Apache, My Darling Clementine, Stagecoach, Rio Grande, and Yellow Ribbon better.

The Dude said...

Stagecoach was awesome. John Carradine as Hatfield was a real man. John Wayne could have taken lessons.

Did Yakima Canutt ever do bad work?

Stacy Thomas said...

Read the book a few months ago -- very good. The discussion of the author of the novel on which the movie is based was especially interesting. A couple of filming errors that remain in the finished movie were also unknown to me.

blake said...

No Amazon link?