Saturday, April 26, 2014

Storage Wars 2

We had to go to our storage unit on Third Avenue to empty it out. We are building a storage unit in the basement. It is pretty elaborate and I will describe in a different post.

Of course this was the storage unit filled with the stuff from the back room of the store that the people on the show took to storage. We haven't had occasion to go there since we filled it and it was time to close it out and save the money. Of course I couldn't find the key so I had to have my friend Linus who runs the joint cut the lock for me.

He couldn't break it with the clippers so he had bring up the saw to cut it off. It took a good ten minutes because it was a really good lock.

The unit was filled with a lot of clothes that we have no way to sell since it is out of date and not trendy anymore. So we donated it all to a battered woman's charity so it will go to a good cause. They came to help us clean out the locker and close it down.

It was a lot of work and I was exhausted after it was done.

1 comment:

ndspinelli said...

Great choice for your donation!