Thursday, April 10, 2014

Problems of a shopkeeper.

I have the same UPS guy for seven years. I have him trained. I mean when I get packages when we are closed he calls me and I come open the store so he can deliver them and they don't go back in the system to get battered around and fucked up. I tip him very nicely. Not just on Christmas but whenever he does me a solid. Consequently I get pretty good service.

So we texted him Monday to check on some deliveries and get some pretty bad news. He texts "I got fired." It seems that both the day and night guys got fired along with about 200 other UPS drivers. Naturally we were very upset. Lisa because she felt bad for them and their families. Me because I have to train a new monkey. We speculated why they got fired. I thought it might be that the fired the guys with seniority and lots of vacation and they can replace them with newbies for less money and less vacation days. These idiots had like two months vacation for crying out loud. They seem to be off more than they work. But I had to wonder: What about the Union?

Well I befriended the new guy and he gave me the scoop. It seems the shop steward got his balls twisted and told his members to walk off the job in an unsanctioned strike. So the company fired them all because it was a violation of their contract. So the company fired them all. Hilarity ensued.

The President of the Teamsters flew in yesterday to broker a deal. It seems that they got their jobs back. With heavy fines and suspensions. I think they are a little cowed. These are not the times to fuck around. People are desperate. There is a lot of bad shit happening.

There is one good thing. I get my trained Monkeys back soon.


Lem the artificially intelligent said...

You got that right, about the tough times.

Shouting Thomas said...

Was there some racism in there?

This joint seems to be lacking in an Early Warning System.

I denounce you! You and your children, your pets, your neighbors and your dog!

Things are going just fine. Ask Ritmo. Everything was screwed up by W, but now everything is fixed.

Aridog said...

This incident is a small but classic example of one of the main things that destroyed Detroit. Unions serve well only so long as they enforce their side of a contract, not just demand management comply. Unions grown fat and old are well known for the arrogance to demand what they do not provide themselves...and it always hurts the workers the most, meaning the union has long ago lost its purpose.

This is how, due their own stupidity, they cause a loss of membership. This is why you see automotive related unions out there now trying to organized babysitters, home care workers, lawn mowing folk, etc. The ceased to serve their original purpose long ago but refuse to admit it.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

They deserved to get fired. They did an illegal walk off/work stoppage. UPS gets FINED big time when they are late in deliveries. So not only did these union bozos do something illegal, they did something that would seriously financially harm the company. The company has every right to protect itself and the stockholders.

There are 10 guys and gals, for each one of these dopes, that would love to have those jobs. Their vacancies would be filled immediately (with some training of course). It isn't rocket science what they do.

They should have been fired and not let back in. As a customer, I wouldn't trust any of them to do a good job with MY packages if I knew they were one of the union stooges. UNtrustworthy. As a customer, if given a choice, I would not use UPS and would go with FedEX, just because UPS caved and gave these jerks their job back.

Methadras said...

This is so Crack bait. Oh wait...

TrooperYork said...

Well the problem is that FEDEX is more expensive and much worse the UPS. I know it doesn't seem that way when you are getting a few packages but it is that way when you are shipping lots of packages.

TrooperYork said...

My new email for the store is a google email and I have to be signed on as jim from leeleesvalise.

TrooperYork said...

It is a pain in the ass to switch between the two google accounts so I guess I have to not comment elsewhere until I have figured it out.

The Dude said...

Tis a blessin', sure and begorrah!

blake said...

I got into this whole thing with Garage about how I didn't like the fact that I can be excluded from a trade if I don't want to join a union.

His reponse? "Find something else to do."

They just don't think much of freedom.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

It is a good thing this is a closed blog, but then again good tips talk and bullshit walks.